


𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐲 𝐨𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬

ps: if you're sensitive, get out of here

Taurus sun men have a really comforting aura; it's not like, a normal comforting, it's like, they feel like a fireplace and a warm blanket - you look at them and you just want them to hug you.

Taurus risings (men and women) also feel very comforting but may look very intimidating at first sight.

Gemini moons flirt with everyone - and they don't even notice they're flirting.

Cancerians are so awkward at flirting, but really funny when they don't try to be.

Virgo moons don't know HOW to feel - they feel, they know they feel, but they don't know what to do with their feelings.

People with a Leo mercury may appear as if they think they know it all when they talk, they can come across as rude or arrogant.

Cancer venus people fall hard for people - once they fall for someone there's no going back.

Mars in Virgo people seem really uptight.

People with Gemini moons panic when someone tries to get serious with them in a relationship.

Aries Venus likes the chasing game but gets bored as soon as it ends.

People with Venus in Capricorn pretend they 'don't like feelings are falling' but they are so romantic omg, it's almost sickening.

mars in sag, sag moons, and Scorpio risings are THE FUNNIEST people you'll ever meet.

Scorpio risings can be so mean tho, if they want to, they can be really bitchy sometimes.

Libra ascendants are really pretty and they have really symmetrical faces, but they tend to forget themselves just to please others - they forget their own personality, just to become a person others will like.

Aquarius moons tend to try to escape the rules and norms imposed by their environment (eg: a student may try to argue with teachers a lot/someone from a strict family may like to party hard).

People with Taurus mars are really graceful while moving their bodies.

Mars in sag people are flirty, even when they are dating someone - they don't do it to be unfaithful, it's just their nature (quite like Gemini moons).

Gemini suns are so petty omg - they can hold grudges for longer than Scorpio suns.

People with Gemini venus don't know what they want - one minute they want one thing and the next they want another.

Moon in Aries people 🥺 are adorable; they just feel with so much intensity and they aren't shallow about their feelings - when they feel something, they really feel it (it may not last long, but it is intense).

Mars in Leo people are showoffs. Periodt.

Mercury in Virgo people may be quite... judgy (??) They may come across as If they are judging you and will pay attention to your every mistake.

Sagittarius rising people have very striking big eyes, really beautiful.

Taurus and libra rising are so pretty omg - libra rising have really symmetrical faces and Taurus rising have really beautiful BODIES and VOICES.

Cancer sun people are the type to make you want to hug them but to annoy you at the same time.

Scorpio risings have really high cheekbones and are hot af.


neptune in 3rd culture

  • thinking in riddles
  • being naturally good at writing poetry / song writing
  • having a soft voice, leaning on to the feminine side ( no matter the gender )
  • i've noticed ppl with this placement have rly nice singing voices ?
  • being empathetic in the way you communicate
  • doing research about spirituality / divination / mythology instead of homework or studying
  • having a hazy memory
  • being a victim somehow in their early school years, or maybe just having a victim mentality
  • loving foggy weather
  • school ( especially the early school years ) being the reason you lost your psychic abilities
  • hidden enemies in school
  • soft, feminine hands ( could change in aspects to other planets )
  • not feeling like you're heard
  • confusing relationship with siblings
  • loses themselves in their relationships with their siblings
  • overly empathetic towards them too
  • this could change depending on if other planets are in the 3rd house too, but if you only have pisces / neptune in your 3rd house then this is most probably going to resonate w u
  • bad memory in general or short term memory
  • factual information bores them
  • really good at visualizing
  • extremely creative
  • can indicate psychic powers such as clairsentience and powerful intuition
  • bad at concentrating on topics they are not interested in
  • may have friends / siblings who have unusual nicknames, or may have a nickname themselves
  • indicator of a natural talent when it comes to astrology, and any other type of divination tbh. but this is bc of their fascination of everything mystical. and especially with astrology, they understand how and why the stars are moving like they do, all while looking at the bigger picture and understanding it with their whole being. i've seen myself how their mind processes it, its really beautiful
  • loves the unknown
do not plagiarize or reword my work. ask for permission before reposting and give credit.

blessed be, luna ♡


things i associate with the moon signs ... ! ˚

a/n: this is only my opinion/interpretation, may not resonate with everyone! the italics are meant to be lyrics (the songs are listed at the end! <3).

aries moon

hearty and light laughter, toothy smiles and driven ideas. going to the playground at three am. eyes sparkling with mischief and excitement. the funniest friendships with the best stories to tell. it drives you crazy getting old. honest and blunt confessions, bubbly phone calls and a grip on the forearm that drags you into the summer sunlight.

taurus moon

too many snacks for movie night. sitting in comfortable silence and still having fun. watching comfort movies and shows for the thousandth time. the best taste and the sweetest words. the friend who you haven't seen in months but spending time with them still feels the same. bickering and soft hugs in the same minute.

gemini moon

a room full of things and hobbies. the best storytellers. light and witty humor. filled journals and sketchbooks. making the atmosphere brighter by just entering the room. having a thousand ideas and being passionate about every single one. soft touches and whispered secrets. i'd spend the rest of my life standing here talking.

cancer moon

the best hugs and confidant. sweets and pastries with light icing. fuzzy blankets and big sweaters. sitting on the floor and painting. pastel nailpolish and soft hair. deep talks at ungodly hours. having the worst poker face. dorky humor and random jokes that somehow always land. wellin' up in tears as i lay upon your belly / telling you, "i'm fine i don't really need nobody" / but you say through a sigh / that i said that lie already.

leo moon

the friend that just enjoys being with you. who'd always check up on you regularly. big dreams and bigger eyes, passionate plans and the ability to pull through. the softest skin and most supportive energy. a natural entertainer that beams with every laugh they get. tight hugs and warm embraces. loud laughs and sunny smiles.

virgo moon

stacked books and potted plants. sassy comments and eye-rolling. words chosen to beautifully you do not even consider competing. knowing so much about so many topics. the best recommendations for anything. to-do lists and good small talks. soft cardigans and platform shoes. staying up past midnight and warm tea.

libra moon

pouty lips and glitter lip gloss. sweet compliments and shy smiles. blushy cheeks, color-coordinated clothes and scribbled drawings. somehow can keep the white jeans spotless throughout the day. caring what other people think. layered jewelry and birth stones. the one who knows everything about everyone.

scorpio moon

teasing to show their love. nudging things back into place. seeing right through fakeness. true crime and big novels. chipped nail polish. raised eyebrows and sarcastic remarks. keep your friends close but this pretty girl closer. knows you better than you know yourself. art follows them around like a shadow.

sagittarius moon

texts you within three seconds or within three weeks. strong ideas and opinions. quick jokes and good comebacks. honesty and genuine conversations. you can burn sage, and i'll cleanse the crystals / we can get high, but only if the wind blows (blows just right). laughing until your stomach hurts. high ponytails and tons of friends. pretty legs and bright colored clothes. big eyes and toothy smiles.

capricorn moon

having their own way of living. unintentionally funny jokes. knowing a topic randomly well and being great at explaining. practical and smart, always knowing the best way out. doing things no one else wants to do or has failed to notice. fixing one's hair for them. coffee and the prettiest shades of brown.

aquarius moon

walking through the biting winter air. three am drives and blasting music. good conversation starters. acting cool but their mind keeps going back to it again and again. shaky hands and lengthy phone calls. unique ideas and vintage clothing. strained hearts trying to find a home / looking for something real.

pisces moon

dorky jokes and crying easily. green tea with honey and tarot decks. i'll be damned if i ever let another hand wipe your tears before they dry. smooth skin and doe eyes. stroking hair and pearl jewelry. soft touches and stolen glances. ripped jeans and jaded sketchbooks.

songs quoted: ribs by lorde; malibu by miley cyrus; comfort crowd by conan gray; wipe your tears by halsey; mood ring by lorde; kill my time by 5 seconds of summer.

do not repost, copy or steal. | © aemoonie



If you want to repost this on your Instagram, please tag the creator: @sacerdotess4 on IG

🔹 I’ve noticed that people with Moon and rising signs as sister signs (example: Aries rising with Libra Moon) tend to be extremely difficult to understand, they’re not naturally good with expressing their feelings and intentions, people tend to misunderstand them. It’s not natural for strangers to trust them, they always seem like they’re hiding something or like they’re not truly authentic.

🔹 I admire Cancer Moon so much, their intuition is so accurate!

🔹 People with Scorpio Moon tend to feel intense negative emotions and to be stuck on them, they should be very careful with their mental health.

🔹 People with Leo Moon have a sensitive ego, I’ve noticed that they tend to hold grudges a lot, especially with Earth placements or other fixed signs in their chart.

🔹 I’ve noticed that Virgo, Leo and Scorpio placements tend to be vindictive.

🔹 People with Venus opposite Uranus, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto tend to have an unstable sense of self worth.

🔹 People with Venus in good aspect with Pluto tend to be lucky with money.

🔹 Gemini placements are not double faced, they’re just insecure, they care a lot about other people and want to impress them in a positive way imitating them.

🔹 People with Libra rising tend to be people pleasers and tend to attract many aggressive partners, they need to be careful and work on their boundaries.

🔹 We perceive ourselves as our Mercury sign, Mercury rules the mind (self talk as well) we tend to associate ourself to our self talk and with what’s on our mind.

🔹 Capricorn placements tend to over complicates simple situations.

🔹 Taurus placements tend to search for the simplest and easiest solution with everything in life.

🔹 This is so weird, I’ve never known an Aquarius Sun proud of being different. The Sun is related with the ego (self esteem as well), Aquarius is in detriment here, maybe that’s why Aquarius Suns tend to feel insecure and try to emulate others at all costs.

🔹 In general I’ve noticed that people with an Air Sun have the tendency of being insecure of themselves.

🔹 People with Sun or Venus in the 6th house tend to have a low self esteem, working on gaining confidence is always a priority for them.

🔹 Vegans tends to have planets in their 6th and 11th house.


Uranus in the Houses

Uranus represents the break from tradition, sudden changes and spiritual revelations. The placement of Uranus shows where a person's life may be most chaotic and ever-changing.

1st House: This placement indicates an individual with a unique self expression and sense of style that may be shocking. Their identity and sense of self may also be in constant change in an effort to always be progressing and enlightening oneself

2nd House: These individuals value freedom and they find material to hold them down. They have unique sense of values and possibly an unconventional career path. The way they find security and comfort is always changing and separating from the norm

3rd House: Extreme free-thinkers. Objective and independent, these individuals love to express themselves in their own way. They may have a quirky way of structuring sentences. Their childhood relationships were perhaps strange/ always changing

4th House: This placement indicates an individual who may not feel at home or a part of their family. Their home life was possibly chaotic, with constant change. They may no longer talk to their family/ not plan on having a one of their own.

5th House: Very creative and inspiring, they express themselves in a very unique and artistic way. Their hobbies and sexual relationships are unconventional, maybe bizarre. They find joy and pleasure in the strangest places/ people

6th House: Sudden changes and transformations in your health and habits. Their work and career path strays from the norm, they rather work independently than under someone else. These individuals feel restricted by schedules and routine

7th House: This placement shows a person who may have unconventional relationships. Personal freedom is important they can’t feel tired down or restrained. Partners may find them difficult to understand

8th House: Intense intuition and psychic abilities. Unconventional ideas regarding death, loss, and the afterlife. Consistent grief, destruction and regeneration. Occult fantasies and talents are possible

9th House: Lots of mental energy, perhaps exhaustion. A great desire to explore niche topics and foreign cultures. Independent spiritual/ religious beliefs that don’t align with tradition. Adventure and change leads to fulfillment

10th House: String imagination and creativity. These individuals are rebellious against the status who and social expectations. Their career and reputation may be unstable and subject to constant change. Routine work can make these individuals feel stuck

11th House: Constructive and a reformer. These individuals want to work for the greater good. Intuitive and imaginative. Their friend groups may be diverse and ever changing. They attract unusual/ unconventional people and relationships

12th House: Great feelings of fear and disconnectedness. Feelings of loneliness in the universe and constantly searching for spiritual fulfillment. Prone to psychic messages and insights, these individuals can have a lot of anxious energy


More Asteroids🧁✨

Hello love! -leaves the cupcake in the table-. I brought you multiple cupcakes, you can try the one that you want. Let me know which one is your favorite ;D and please enjoy🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁

🧁Hathor (2340): Feeling loved. Attracting the love and interest of others.

🧁 Kama (1387): Also related to sex, especially our sex style.

🧁 Klet (2199): It refers to the clitoris and is mainly connected with female sexuality.

🧁Sappho (80): Asteroid of lesbians or bisexual women.

🧁 Close (54902): A person who we are close to. Someone we trust completely.

🧁 Liebe (7696): Means love in German.

🧁 Devota (1328): Means devoted in Spanish.

🧁Alinda (887): Kissing, making out. Rough sex.

🧁Loving (432971): Pure and faithful love. Someone that gains love easily.

🧁Ganymed (1036): Asteroid of gay or bisexual men.

🧁Gaussia (1001): Magnetism.

🧁 Valentine (447): Cute, tender and pure love.

🧁Leal (19426): Means Loyal in Spanish.

🧁Adonis (2101): The type of men that we feel attracted to (could be just sexually)

🧁Aphrodite (1388): The type of woman that we feel attracted to (could be both sexual and amotional, but accoding to my tests, mainly physical attraction).

🧁Bless (9289): Where are we blessed? Where do we feel blessed?

🧁Bohemia (371): Bohemian style.

🧁Buddy (16155): Someone that we perceive as our company. A good friend of ours.

🧁Knight (29391): The type of man that we want in a relationship. Our ideal men.

🧁 Venusia (499): The type of woman that we want in a relationship. Our ideal woman.

🧁Pan (4450): It relates to sex. Having sex without mixing feelings.

🧁Lovejoy (61342): A mix of love and fun. Someone that we love to spend time with.

🧁Hera (103): Similar to Juno.

🧁 Link (3550): A special connection with someone.

🧁Having asteroid Isis (42) conjunct any of your partner’s big three would make you very caring and protective with them, however if it is conjunct their asteroid Osiris (1923) it could indicate that you both feel like you are each other’s soulmate.

🧁Same happens with asteroid Thisbe (88) and asteroid Pyramus (14871).

🧁 And also with asteroids Eurydike (75) and Orpheus (3361).

🧁Amor (1221): Means love in Spanish.

🧁Pallas (2): This is more related to be in love with the personality and intellect of your partners.

🧁Cupido (763): Refers to our flirting style. Not so serious romances.

🧁Lust (4386): Sexual instincts, also indicates sexual approach, turn ons and sex style.

🧁 Vesta (4): Pure love. Devotion and loyalty to your partner. The deepest and long-lasting passion.

🧁Innanen (3497) and Ishtar (7088) are both related to love/hate relationships.

🧁Ko (6498): Nice relationship with children, being a nice parent. Fertility. Childish or childlike. If bad aspected people may see the native as immature

🧁Le Gentil (12718): Being gentle, nice, polite and sweet. Being perceived as a softie.

🧁Masterman (21561): Being dominant or having authority of some type.

🧁Ogmios (189011): If it’s well aspected in the chart, it could make the native good with words, diplomatic, intellectual. When bad aspected, it can indicate someone manipulative. I found out that if it’s prominent it could indicate having a short stature.

🧁Ate (111): Impulsiveness, rushing to conclusions. Getting impatient.

🧁Angers (731220): Yep, is what you are thinking. Getting mad, what bothers us, what makes us feel angry.

🧁Aurora (94): Someone good at entertaining people, attracting a lot of attention.

🧁Babel (5808): Speaking multiple languages. Being a polyglot.

🧁Baucis (172): Awesome guests. Someone with a warm and big heart, generous and devoted.

🧁Caesar (18458): Someone organized, methodical yet creative. If it is good aspected, it can make us good, likeable and nice leaders. If it has bad aspects, then we could be really demanding and almost dictatorial.

🧁Cadmus (7092): A good teacher. Ability to make others understand. Teaching ability.

🧁Compassion (8990): Desire to help those in need, natural empathy. Sympathy for people.

🧁Candance (4899): Ability to persuade. Convincing others easily.

🧁Castalia (4769): Creativity. Artistic inspiration.

🧁Dainty (9758): Delicate and cute type of beauty. Being graceful and polite.

🧁Deborah (541): Someone powerful that defends their beliefs. Strong mind.

🧁Devine (3561): Being in constant contact with the divine. Being devine, por really attractive.

🧁Dix (6776): Interest in psychology and psychiatry, wanting to help people with mental health issues. Interest in dark or “taboo” themes.

🧁Otto (2962): Being independent. Individuality. If bad aspected could lead to selfishness.

🧁Patientia (451): Means patience in Latin. Having this asteroid as prominent in our chart could make us being perceived as patient by others.

🧁Porta Coeli (3276): Enlightenment, opportunities, luck and finding happiness.

🧁Protogenia (147): Being the first one either of our family of friends to do something. Initiative and ambition.

🧁Qwerty (6600): Our writing style, what do we usually write about? Do we like writing?

🧁Rosengard (21610): Someone beautiful on the inside and on the outside. Being nice and likeable.

🧁Aletheia (259): Someone blunt, honest, trustworthy.

🧁Alona (15230): Loneliness, either feeling or being alone.

🧁Amenemhet (2010): Impressing people, dazzling others. Shining. Standing out.

🧁Ask (4894): Investigation, questioning, curiosity.

🧁Ryugu (162173): Memories of the past, nostalgia. Things that we have trouble letting behind. Things that we valued a lot but now we can’t have back.

🧁Sanvito (7794): Growth, maturity, experience and long distance travels.

🧁Schadow (5265): Our shadow self. Shadows, feeling left behind or behind the scenes and feeling unnoticed.

🧁Ursula (375): Someone protective. In latin, Ursula means “she-bear”, so some astrologers agree that it may have a relation with these beautiful animals.

🧁Virginia (50): Purity and nobility. Related to history and traditions.

🧁Viv (2558): Someone energetic and restless. Active and driven person.

🧁Yarilo (2273): Bringing joy or light. Sex-appeal, being eyecatching, attractive and having a positive effect in others.

🧁Young (2165): Someone jovial, may seem younger that they really are. Gets along with kids and may have younger friends.

🧁Eva (164): Femenine beauty. Associated with Venus.

🧁Melany (688): Vulnerability, innocence, ingenuity.

🧁Ara (849): Wounds, where are we more susceptible? How do others hurt us easily and how do we hurt others. I associate it with Mars.

🧁Esther (622): Someone that helps other. Empathy. Rescuer.

🧁Nestor (659): An excellent communicator. Eloquence. Leadership abilities.

🧁Diana (78): Desire for independence, popularity and altruism. I associate it with Uranus.

🧁Freud (4342): Interest in psychology and psychiatry.

🧁Leonora (696): Social influence, love for writing, books or reading in general, courage, willpower. Associated with the Sun.

🧁Zenobia (840): Empowered woman. Feeling powerful. Proud of themselves.

🧁Ophelia (171): Fear of water. Dramatism. Self-worth issues. Associated with Neptune.

🧁Iris (7): Happiness. With whom do we feel more happy with. Doing what. Associated with Jupiter and Venus.

🧁Kafka (3412): Dark writings, Interest in horror and mysteries. Associated with Mercury and Pluto.

🧁Dallas (8084): Cool, wealth and popularity.

🧁 Mary (2779): Purity, childish and playful personality. Beauty.

🧁Cornelia (425): Virtousness, a desire for knowledge, being a role model.

🧁Gorky (2768): Being perceived as bitter.

🧁Aditi (4401): Nurturing, caring, protective and creative person. It could also indicate emotional intelligence and wisdom.

🧁L’ Encyclopedia (21000): Great, extensive and huge knowledge. Someone smart.

🧁Diotima (423): Intuitive talents. Being philosophical, searching for a deeper meaning of life. Wisdom.

🧁Hammurabi (7207): Someone revengeful, doing justice by our own hands. Harsh justice. Avenger.

🧁Sila-Nunam (79360): Someone relaxed, easy going, approachable, wise counselor and good listener.

🧁Genoveva (680): Someone faithful.

🧁Kozlovskij (4944): Someone untouchable, “do not get close to me” vibes.

🧁Hela (699): Being perceived as cold hearted, heartless por as someone that lacks tact.

🧁Sekhmet (5381): Strong and brave individual. Individuality and independence.

🧁Naema (845): Someone charismatic, charming, friendly and smiley.

🧁Prokne (194): Someone expressive, talkative and sweet.

🧁Lorenz (3861): Attracting, cute and nurturing person.

🧁Altjira (148780): Someone indifferent and cold. Also, it could represent someone creative, imaginative and a dreamer.

🧁Sassi (7500): Yeah, it’s exactly what you are thinking. It relates to a sassy or arrogant behaviour.

🧁Manawyden (452307): Someone wise, reasonable and calm.

🧁Sunshine (3742): Someone that shines, brings joy and happiness to others’ lives.

🧁Isis (42): Nurture, caring, sacrifying for others. Associated with Moon.

🧁Beatrix (83): Ability to make others happy. Our happy place. Sharing positive energy and light.

🧁Dolores (1277): Means “pains” in Spanish. Our hurts. Associated with Chiron and Neptune.

🧁Fidelio (524): Trustworthy, honest and loyal. Associated with Saturn.

🧁Amanda (725): Lovable, a desire for being loved, seeking approvement. Associated with Venus.

🧁Sophia (251): Compassion. Inner voice, intuition. Wisdom. Equilibrium of thought and feelings.

🧁Agrius (8241): Being perceived as a bitter person. Get mad easily.

🧁Amadora (44821): Someone that loves many things. Lots of love to share. Sweet and charismatic personality.

🧁Buffon (7420): A joker, someone that loves being playing around. Hilarious.

🧁Candy (3015): Someone sweet, lovely and cute.

🧁Deprez (9795): What makes us sad. Prominent in people that have or had depression at one point of their lives.

🧁Devota (1328): Means devoted in Spanish.

🧁Eos (221): Someone friendly, nice and polite. Idealistic and dreamer.

🧁Felicia (294): Happiness.

🧁Furia (194982): Our anger, what provokes it. What attitudes bother us.

🧁Galante (6241): Polite, courteous and attentive.

🧁Hermite (24998): Someone introspective that likes to be alone.

🧁House (4950): Home environment. What feels like home to us. Where do we feel comfortable.

🧁Industria (389): Someone professional. Work-oriented, someone with an admirable work ethic. Industry.

🧁Lucidor (1176): I relate this word to “show off” in Spanish. Also could be where do we stand out.

🧁Niobe (71): Karma.

🧁Plato (5451): Our philosophies. Vision of life.

🧁Quirk (18376): Something weird about us. Peculiar traits.

🧁Utopia (1282): Imagined societies, ilusion. I have seen this asteroid prominent in the charts of friends that write.

🧁Vanadis (240): Vanity, huge ego.

🧁Webb (3041): Our Internet persona. If prominent or in the angles could indicate someone popular on the internet.

Sun in the houses

*~^ and what you feel comfortable expressing☀︎︎

  • Now, this post is different from my other sun in the houses post (which i will be making soon pur cannot wait). We’re now focusing on where we find our confidence in our sun. Our expression and what we’re comfortable shining our lights on the places our suns illuminate the brightest in our lives. 🔆💕
Sun in 1st house

You like shining your light over your appearance, physical attributes and your presence. You make yourself known wherever you go.

Sun in 2nd house

By keeping and feeling through the world with the five senses. Doing what you like, pleasure and relaxation. Senses, art, and beauty is where you express yourself through.

Sun in 3rd house

By becoming knowledge, understanding and learning is your purpose. It’s where you shine yourself in this world. By sharing ideas and knowledge with others.

Sun in 4th house

Your roots and your family, where you belong and your home is your source of light and meaning. This is close to your heart others may not see it, but understand it.

Sun in 5th house

Expressing yourself and your abilities, your talents is your brightest stage in this life. Performance, expressing is your true expression!

Sun in 6th house

When you’re serving others, you can understand your true self. Helping and working fills you with bright hope and purpose.

Sun in 7th house

When you’re connecting with close loved ones. People. Connection. You love it all. You find yourself through others, demanding to know everyone personally.

Sun in 8th house

Whenever you can be intimate and vulnerable to someone. Transforming and rebirth. Possessing and diving deeper.

Sun in 9th house

Living life and experiences. You find yourself shifting whenever you’re exploring something new and taking risks. You never miss out on the biggest life experiences.

Sun in 10th house

Your career is your pride. You express yourself through your reputation. So much charisma and bravery. You shine so brightly in the stars. ✨

Sun in 11th house

When you’re connecting with your community, showing up to your community, you find who you are. When you feel a part of a whole system of humanity and the collective. Being surrounded with humanly love. This is who you’re supposed to be.

Sun in 12th house

By discovering the darkest, most hidden depths of yourself. When you’re creating art. By exploring the unknown. Psychically intuned with the universe and its gifts. You’re a special person indeed.


astro obs, pt ii

  • i've heard we attract the sign where our venus is found (like, the natural house ruler) and we're attracted to the sign that naturally rules the house where mars is found (I can't remember if this is right or not, my mars and venus are on the same sign and house lol sorry) but i think we attract people with big three/strong influence of the same sign of our venus/mars sign but we are attracted to the people whose big three/influence is the sign that naturally rules the house where our venus/mars is found
  • i also think that we attract people with their rising sign opposite as our sun sign (three of the people that have deep and long crushes on me were all scorpio risings and im a taurus sun)
  • people with venus in gemini/venus 12H don't have a type.
  • though i've also seen this observation as a 7h moon placement
  • people with venus in air and water signs listens to fucking everything
  • scorpios are not really scary, unless they're paired with fire signs. now, geminis on the other hand-
  • you have at least one aspect in your chart on the sign you "hate"
  • sagittarius natives are super stylish
  • leo moons are the most confident out of any big three in leo
  • mercury/venus gemini or 3h people; talk about your feelings out loud or write them down. then you'll understand.
  • mercury gemini people always want to make people laugh ??? and be sarcastic ??? and funny ???
  • mercury and mars on the 12h get the imposter syndrome so much
  • aquarius rising people are sweethearts
  • theory; if your sun and moon are on the same element, your parents get along (post on this soon!) (the exceptions i find have all taurus moons) i think this could also be if your siblings and you have the same element as sun sign
  • sagittarius have superiority complex. nobody can convince me otherwise.
  • also, most sagittarius suns i know have a weird/ uncommon family dynamic
  • and a lot of aquarius have weird relationships with their siblings (most of them have siblings that are way older than them)
  • aquarius love to play the victim
  • aquarius has a lot of fire energy just like sagittarius has a lot of air energy
  • aries are the ones who act the most childish out of all fire signs (and probably all zodiac lol)
  • the sister signs least alike are pisces and virgo
i've had this in my drafts since forever! i'm actually writing a pt iii already! i hope you enojy this.

Retrograde Planets (and how they're a blind spot)

So, my friends and I were talking about retrograde planets and how the energy of a retrograde planet turns inwards rather than outwards. I told them I've always seen retrograde planets like that and, more specifically, I see retrograde planets as a blind spot. So without further ado, here's how I think retrograde planets work as a blind spot in a person.

Keep in mind aspects, the houses, and degrees could change this. This is just for fun and shouldn't dictate your life.

Mercury Retrograde: One of the major blind spots I've noticed with natives who have Mercury retrograde in their natal chart is they can't see how much they contribute to projects, social gatherings, etc. Most of them have convinced themselves that they're idiots, have nothing worthy to offer and they often can't see how smart they are. Even if they think of themselves as smart, there's still this self-doubt that exists in them "because what if I'm just faking this"? One of the major lessons here is to stop doubting how much you contribute to things and how smart you are; speak up when you have something to say! People want to hear you, I promise. Oh, and remember to speak up when someone does something you don't like either! It's okay to communicate how you're feeling.

Venus Retrograde: One of the major blind spots I've noticed with natives who have Venus retrograde in their natal chart is their inability to see their worth in any relationship, whether that be romantic or platonic. Most of the individuals I know who have a retrograde Venus have issues with over-extending themselves with the people in their lives too; they want to be everything to everyone, especially the people they hold dear. Also, there can be a fear of being vulnerable with another person because they've been taken advantage of one too many times. One of the major lessons here is to put yourself first and to stop burning yourself out to make other people happy; learn how to express the love you give to others towards yourself.

Mars Retrograde: One of the major blind spots I've noticed with natives who have Mars retrograde in their natal chart is their inability to properly express when something or someone has upset them. This was likely learned in childhood too, where all of their emotional reaction was seen "as too much" or they were seen as something to write off. Due to all of these experiences, I've found the native often has a fear of their own anger and refuses to express it; perhaps they saw too many expressions of anger being portrayed in the wrong way growing up, thus causing the native to fear anger or any aggressive behaviour. One of the major lessons here is learning how to work with your anger rather than against it; it's okay to express how you feel about things, you don't need to keep it bottled away "for the sake of others".

Jupiter Retrograde: One of the major blind spots I've noticed with natives who have Jupiter retrograde in their natal chart is their inability to trust themselves when it comes to anything spiritual or educational; these are usually the types of people who heard that they were "stupid", "dumb", etc growing up when it came to anything they were interested in too, which can cause resentment towards people who are easily able to find their own spiritual path and for those who seem to breeze by in an educational setting. They often don't see how much they have to offer in these two areas either, often looking to others to tell them what to do before they feel comfortable going out and doing it by themselves. That's one of the major lessons here: stop looking towards other people for the answer, you already know it.

Saturn Retrograde: One of the major blind spots I've noticed with natives who have Saturn retrograde in their natal chart is the inability to see their self-worth. They have an inability to see how much they offer to other people, always misjudging themselves, their character, their morals, etc. There's an immense fear of rejection or appearing as "stupid", "dumb", "a loser", etc to others too; they have an inability to see how and why other people like them (whether romantically or platonically). They always see themselves as this big, bad, terrible and horrible person when that's the furthest thing from the truth. One of the major lessons here is learning how to accurately judge their self-worth and the qualities they possess; they need to stop painting themselves as the bad guy for not knowing the answer to a question, for not knowing how to help someone out, etc.

Uranus Retrograde: One of the major blind spots I've noticed with natives who have Uranus retrograde in their natal chart is the fear of being themselves without putting a mask on. Let me be clear, they don't put a mask on to "do evil things". They put on a mask because they think this is what the people around them want to see, how these people want them to be, etc. They likely had their individuality suppressed in some way when they were growing up, making them terrified to express any part of themselves that wasn't approved by the parental figures or the people around them. With that being said, that's one of the major lessons for the native: to be yourself without having to wear a mask. People are going to like you for you, it's okay to let people see the true you.

Neptune Retrograde: One of the major blind spots I've noticed with natives who have Neptune retrograde in their natal chart is the fear of being uncreative, of being boring, of having no substance to who you are as a person. There can be a major doubt or fear that you're misremembering the things that happened in your life, especially because it's likely that the person around you told you that you were being overdramatic with expressing how much you feel, how you felt about a situation, etc. There can be a tendency to avoid showing other people what you've created in fear of being judged, rejected, abandoned, etc by the people you love too, likely due to having your creative side suppressed during childhood. One of the major lessons here is learning how to stop doubting yourself, to stop doubting your memory, and to learn that it's okay to show your creative side to the world.

Pluto Retrograde: One of the major blind spots I've noticed with natives who have Pluto retrograde in their natal chart is the fear of being in the spotlight. There's a fear surrounding standing out in some way, a fear of having your talents, dreams, goals, etc recognized by the people around you. Also, I've noticed these natives have a fear of moving on or letting go of people or things that have/had a lot of sentimental value to the native. This can cause a block with transforming the person, the situation or the environment around them; there's a need to be in control of situations because the native likely had that taken away from them a lot when they were growing up. They were likely subjected to someone else's control, wishes, etc which can be a source of fear when the person grows up. That's one of the major lessons they need to learn: no one can take away your power unless you allow them to do so. You are in control.


Asteroids Observations Pt.2

💐Vanadis in 12th house makes the person hide their vain or self-centered side from other people, however, people can unconsciously perceive them this way.

💐Amadora in the 9th house or in Sagittarius may be in love with other cultures or the idea of travelling.

💐I have noticed that people with Quirk (18376) aspecting Venus may have an unusual trait but people find it cute. May also have more moles than usual or in strange places on our face.

💐Asteroid Born (13954) in the 12th house, 8th house or aspecting Pluto may indicate that the native's birth could have been dramatic or tense. The mother's pregnancy could have been somewhat dangerous.

💐The position of the Asteroid Micromegas (224617) in our birth chart can indicate in which sector of our life we ​​do the least actions, but we get a lot of credit or great results.

💐People with the asteroid House (4950) in the 1st house can come to think that they are their own home. I have noticed that beyond being "attached" to their family or their roots, these natives can feel very comfortable being on their own.

💐Ryugu (162173) in the 7th or 5th house may indicate that the native could have trouble letting their pasts relationships or their pain of lasts relationships behind. However, this native may also be kinda unforgettable for their exes.

💐Yarilo (2273) in the 1st, 3rd, 5th and 10th houses can be a great sign that the native is charismatic. In the 1st house because it is the house of personality and the way in which we interact with our environment. 3rd house because it is the house of how we communicate. The 5th house is related to charisma, brilliance and talent. And finally the 10th house, because it tells us about the first impression we leave on other people.

💐Prominent asteroid Esther (622) or Mars / Moon-Esther aspects may indicate that the native has a savior complex. Why? Well, Mars is the impulse, the wanting to do, while the Moon speaks of our needs, so the fact that one of the planets aspects this asteroid is related to saving or protecting makes a lot of sense.

💐Asteroid Adonis (2101) and Asteroid Knight (29391) are closely related to the type of man we like. But I have noticed that the asteroid Adonis can tell us more about a sexual attraction, while Knight talks about a romantic attraction.

💐Prominent Asteroid Isis (42) may indicate that the native has many healing abilities. If it is in houses or signs of Water the natives could heal others emotionally, they could also be very empathetic.

💐Another thing that I have noticed is that the placement of the asteroid Fama (408) usually indicates why we can become known (not necessarilly world famous). And I've noticed that it's the kind of way that people often describe us to other people, the kind of attitude that we're known for.

💐Laertes (11252) making hard aspects with Moon, the ruler of the 4th house or the 4th house cusp may indicate that the native felt that his family did not support him, and that as a last measure he had to learn to only count on himself.



Rising Signs ✨

i love how with libra risings its like “✨here to experience beauty of the world✨🤪❤️”


Astro notes 9✨

I'm backk, Take what resonates and leave what doesn't. A placement can manifest in different ways and the entire chart matters 🦋

I also wanted to try out this new layout 👀 (credits to whoever came up with this idea and credits to the owners of these pictures, they are not mine)

Gemini placements are amazing entertainers. They have a talent for spinning and weaving stories on a whim.

• This isn't talked about enough but the house where you have your sun can sometimes be an area of struggle, the sun always wants to shine brighter but there's only so much light it can consume itself to emit.

Where you have your sun, jupiter and neptune are areas where you always feel "thirsty", where you wanna do more constantly.

• The ruler of the 4th in the 10th or the ruler of the 10th in the 4th could indicate having a parent who fulfilled both the role of the mom and the dad

• So many astrologers have venus - pluto! The fascination with the occult is amazing

Earth moons have the "either my way or I do it myself" mindset more so than earth suns. They really have a problem with delegating because it irritates them when people do things the "wrong way" so they just be like "fine.. i'll do it myself" 💀 (in group projects earth moons can butt heads like crazyyy)

Air moons and our commitment issues 🚶‍♀️ so many of us prefer the idea to the reality of it and we're often known for being unpredictable

• plenty of scorpio risings have the ability to read auras and sense energy its insane! Even if they dont have any placements known for being psychic like pisces or water placements (i know a cap sun taurus moon scorpio rising w almost no water in her chart/taurus stellium who can see auras)

•random but pisces and aquarius sun males love growing out their hair?

• if sags dont have a goal to pursue that theyre passionate about, they get depressed since fire symbolizes passion and energy and sag is respresented by an archer (aiming for something and moving around to get it)

lilith in 4h is such a "breaking the cycle" placement, rebelling against one's roots and family to the point of being shamed by them. (Eg : both me and a friend of mine have this and we're nothing like our parents and families, our views on life, religion, etc.. are radically different from their traditional ones)

scorpio risings tend to have a "contrasted" look to them. They can have vampire fair skin and extremely dark features/hair or dark skin and dye their hair blonde for example. Idk just something i noticed in people i know with this placement

aquarius risings have thick long eyelashes/big eyes they're so pretty ! It's like there are stars in them 🥺

•° Some nerdy facts °•

• So i was in a lecture and the professor explained that it was SCIENTIFICALLY proven that some cycles related to human behavior and even stocks follow ASTRONOMICAL CYCLES. If this doesnt prove astrology is real idk what will 😩

March used to be the first month of the year back when there were only 10 months in ancient Rome. This explains why Aries is the first sign in the cycle!

In the same vein, August is the only month named after a human being, Augustus Ceasar, who named the month after himself 😳 no wonder it's associated with Leo! (The other months were named after numbers or gods/goddesses)


ascendant aspects and how do people perceive you

sextiles / trines

- ascendant/sun: this aspect means that you tend to demonstrate who you really are with some ease to others. there's not much difficulty being yourself with the people you have a first approach with.

- ascendant/moon: you seem emotional or emotionally open to the people around you. you demonstrate your emotions with harmony and a certain balance.

- ascendant/mercury: people see you as an innate interlocutor, a person who seems very intelligent and socially open.

- ascendant/venus: you are naturally charming, polite, gentle and harmonious. people see you as a balanced person who avoids conflict. you are very vain and attract people as well as wealth into your life.

- ascendant/mars: it is very natural for you to seek to strengthen your identity, and you may like to show your inner strength. this aspect creates a tendency to be someone who enjoys taking care of their own body, working out, going to the gym and sports.

- ascendant/jupiter: people see you as a very optimistic person who has the ability to bring joy and freedom wherever you go. this aspectcan bring you good luck with the people you meet.

- ascendant/saturn: a natural discipline is part of your personality. you are responsible, and convey an image of a person who is more focused on building your career and your goals. you might look more closed, but that might not be as strong. you are very practical.

- ascendant/uranus: for you, it is very important to have the freedom and space to be who you are. naturally, you look for these places in order to express your identity. you don't care about appearances, you care about the essence of ppl you know around the world.

- ascendant/neptune: you can appear to be an understanding, creative, intuitive person who is calm and patient when dealing with people. more than that, you care about the things around you and may have an ability to sense the emotions of others if you work on it.

- ascendant/pluto: your personality is very strong, and you have an ability to connect with the deeper things that are around you. in addition, your personality can go through several transformations in the course of your life.


- ascendant/sun: you have a personality that tends to draw attention, your ability to demonstrate your potentials and abilities is something that marks your way of being. you leave strong impressions on people, your personality seems stable and very strong.

- ascendant/moon: your sensitivity is a strong point and will appear to others through the image you pass. people will see you, therefore, as someone who is receptive and caring, who cares about the emotions of others.

“I’m going to do what I want to do. I’m going to be who I really am. And I’m going to figure out what that is.”

Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower


✨𝕽𝖊𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝕲𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖑𝖚𝖈𝖐✨
