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Below are the newswire stories which have most recently been commented upon, allowing you to keep track of the latest commentary at a glance. From here you can more easily participate in commenting on articles that are posted, and continuing discussions that have started.

Story Title Comment Author Comment Posted
Are Anarchists Giving in to War Fever? Amanahtoto 9:01pm F25
Elements of Anarchist Theory and Strategy micheal cowell 1:57am F25
Recovery Fund in salsa lombarda Nicholas Whitma 9:36pm F24
Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito From Rojava Ronald 10:23am F23
Support Sudanese anarchists in exile William Marlbro 2:36pm F22
Comunicado sobre el Paro Nacional y las Jornadas de Protesta en Colombia Dr. Neha Behl 5:17pm F21
Syria: Greek Nationalist Socialists fighting with Assad's regime far more dangerous than Golden Dawn Aerocity Escort 3:16pm F21
[Appello di solidarietà] I ‘4 di Boiketlong’ e la criminalizzazione della povertà e della protesta fesrgd 3:41am F21
Presidio NO TAV a Pesaro billyroberts 7:08pm F20
The IWW and Music: Creating a Working Class Counter-Culture diagobaloteli 9:21am F20
International anarchist call for solidarity: Earthquake in Turkey, Syria and Kurdistan Paul 8:21am F20
Internationalist Manifesto Against the War jean neana 12:59am F20
Reflexiones sobre la situación de Afganistán Girls Club 3:57pm F18
The Broken Promises of Vietnam Rex 1:24pm F6
Résister au génocide Kaye 12:46am F6
Anarchist Theory and History in Global Perspective Jacobs 9:00pm F5
Fuel Price Hikes Hammer South Africa’s Working Class Annarose 7:02pm F5
espero 7 – Die neue Sommerausgabe 2023 Annarose 6:56pm F5
TDoR, Mobilisons-nous Et Organisons Nous ! Joy 4:54pm F5
No War but the Class War suika 4:47pm F5
Death or Renewal: Is the Climate Crisis the Final Crisis? builder16 9:37am F5
El movimiento mp3juice 11:33pm F3
La ofensiva contra el chavismo fracasó. No pudieron y no pasaron James 1:38pm F2
The Queen is dead superedan 10:07am F2
Carta Opinión – fAu – Agosto 2018 slope 10:00am F2
Procesos de Organización de Lucha Carcelaria en Colombia Micro bead hair 1:21am F2
Turkey, Ankara: Report of Funeral of Anarcho-syndicalist Ali Kitapci Ami John Mario 9:50pm F1
Feminism and Organized Anarchism Richman 6:16pm F1
Global Health Crisis: They Are at War… Against Us! panda 2:43pm F1
Moving from Crisis in South Africa's Municipalities to Building Counter-Power Angel17 10:13am F1
The Rojava Revolution defended the world, now the world will defend the Rojava Revolution! Lucy Chow 4:19pm J31
La competencia entre Irán y Estados Unidos por Irak online games 2:34pm J31
An Anarchist View of Trotsky’s "Transitional Program" koyax 7:13am J31
USA cambió su política migratoria respecto a inmigrantes endureciendo leyes Ania Queen 4:35am J31
Les victoires de l'avenir naîtront des luttes du passé. Vive la Commune de Paris ! JOnes 6:58pm J30
Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction TomHiddleston 12:45pm J30
Para uma Teoria da Estratégia Snow Rider 3D 10:09am J30
A Guide to Anarcho-Syndicalism and Libertarian Socialism Snow Rider 3D 10:07am J30
US refusal to withdraw troops from Iraq is a breach of international law James 8:18am J30
Soutenir l’exil des anarchistes soudanais·es osvaldo 5:33am J30
Taller de Estudios Anarquistas: La experiencia de los paros nacionales en Colombia mira 5:31am J30
Sosteniamo le anarchiche e anarchici sudanesi in esilio jake 5:24am J30
The victories of the future will flourish from the struggles of the past! Long live the Paris Commune! Rallie Phingers 12:53am J30
International anarchist solidarity against Turkish state repression Joseph Remorey 4:17pm J19
Choosing between life and Capital in Latin America: Interview with Jeffery R. Webber Amor Scott 8:19am J19
War and Anarchists: Anti-Authoritarian Perspectives in Ukraine Ainz 7:00am J19
Mortar, no. 3: Editorial - here we go again Mike 7:42pm J18
In Support of “Turning the Tide” DavidAttenborou 4:11pm J18

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