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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Anonymous asked:

have you even tried educating your fellow sisters? maybe if you did a call out then they would understand. women rarely ever harm each other in physical or sexual ways so it can be hard for some people to understand. but for the most part, the radical feminism community does speak on these issues. we are for women but not those who go against women.

someoneintheshadow456 answered:

“fellow sisters”

Collectivist language. One of if not THE main reasons why I don’t agree with radical feminism. Women are individuals. We aren’t “sisters” unless it’s about your real sisters or cousins. 

“women rarely ever harm each other in physical or sexual ways”

Girls who went through early puberty would like to have a word with you. Elementary school girls can be creepy, nasty gremlins when it comes to their classmates development. Hell, even OJAMAJO DOREMI, a children’s cartoon, alluded to this with male AND female classmates making sexual remarks about a girl’s breasts. 

Girls who went to public/government schools would like to have a word with you as well. I have volunteered at government schools for social service, the girls, just like the boys, get into literal physical fights over midday meals. I have seen female children punching, biting, and kicking each other JUST LIKE BOYS. The tendency to get into physical fights is not related to gender, it is related to poverty. 

You keep assuring me that you speak on those issues, but I have yet to see a radfem actually back that up and instead give me meaningless platitudes. You even showed your real intentions in the way you write, you seem to believe that women hurting each other is something that hardly ever happens, when it very much does, especially in extremist circles.  


I love how this post that I made five years ago (holy shit has it been that long?) is suddenly blowing up because this is exhibit A of a Girls Girl:

Pinned Post girls girl (derogatory)

smartphone storage plateauing in favor of just storing everything in the cloud is such dogshit. i should be able to have like a fucking terabyte of data on my phone at this point. i hate the fucking cloud


this is gonna make me sound very Old Man Yells At Cloud but i just hate how many things in my life assume i will always have access to a quick, reliable internet connection and almost cease to function without it. Obviously certain things Have To Have An Internet Connection, but i want to be able to listen to music if my service is bad. i want to still watch movies if Netflix is down. i want to have a working map when i can’t get a cell signal. nearly every tech product these days bears the fingerprint of the extremely internet-rich places they are developed, high rent offices in Seattle, San Francisco, etc.. I think often the idea of the internet not being available is so remote to them it doesn’t even factor in to development. i remember when the Xbox One was debuted and Microsoft was almost mockingly like “if you don’t have reliable fast internet, then don’t bother buying this”, and there was such backlash they completely went back on so much of that. But now that attitude is just the tech norm.


No you're right and you should say it



School: Teaches you something for a week with historical background, context, effects, and outcomes.

One TikToker: Tells you it's fake while doing a bad contour.

Some of y'all: SCHOOL LIED?!


Some of y'all dunked on anti-vaxxers for "doing their own research", but you're perfectly happy to parrot some laughably ahistoric pap from a dubiously sourced book that you got filtered through three layers of social media influencers.


You know what is hilarious? That so many college students act like they are "of the masses" and represent the masses via their education, and voices when their education is designed by upper class of middle class of society at best and taught to only a certain section of society with certain cut off of money.

The only way any minority gets into the very exclusive circle of academia is when minority of poor and disenfranchised only get in via scant scholarships that they have to retain by mimicking the academic culture , or being the subject of research and surveys, which is filtered through the lens of the more empowered student and professional body. Since they don't have the academic languages and tools to do it for themselves.

College education only represents a certain section of the society, who delude themselves into thinking they are voices of all. THEY ARE NOT. They are at many times just as tone deaf and exclusionist as the rich they are jealous of but pretend not to be.

or they don’t even know how privileged they are

Anonymous asked:

I try not to be callous and unempathetic as an aroace but then I see some bs like "fantasizing about anyone other than your current partner (including celebrity crushes) is cheating" or "being friends with your ex is a red flag" (if you end your previous romance amicably and on good terms that feels like a massive green flag to me??? Why are screaming match breakups the norm) and I'm like. wow I am so glad I'm aroace cause being allo sounds exhausting lol.

olderthannetfic answered:

Well… insisting on living life like a bad article in Cosmo is indeed exhausting, but I hope most sensible adults will realize they shouldn’t do that.


Any post based on "jealousy is a normal and healthy part of a relationship and anything that sets it off is bad" is not an allo thing; it's a "love = possession" thing.

They are no more indicative of how relationships do or should work than the "DNI If You Ship Them" rants show how fandom does or should work.