


Fandom reblob blog. I post and reblob all kind of shit in here :). Mostly DBH. I write and draw SOMETIMES, very rarerly, almost never, once in 6 centuries. There is a lot of stuff so be warned

i don't think people in gaza will have a ramadan kareem this year, they will have one though. one day, a ramadan without bombs, without death, without starvation, without pain, without war, on a free (from the river to the sea) palestine. until then, keep them in your thoughts and prayers everyday. donate if/whenever you can, keep posting/reblogging about palestine however you can.

ramadan kareem everyone. i hope it brings patience, victory and salvation to gaza. amen


From the article:

NASA has released a free, original tabletop role-playing game, and it’s one part educational experience and another part sci-fi/fantasy epic with magic and dragons. The crux of The Lost Universe, the organization’s first TTRPG,involves a mystery: What would happen if the Hubble Space Telescope disappeared? It’s a simple premise and one that hides the complex backstory underscoring the events of the role-playing game. Without getting into the weeds, the game takes place on a planet called Exlaris, which was once thrown into chaos when a black hole moved too close and kicked it out of its orbit. The planet has since gone back to some degree of normalcy and is now almost completely dedicated to academia. In one city, a scholar named Eirik Hazn made a spell to connect with Earth to study the Hubble Space Telescope, which has famously collected data on black holes. However, the spell and telescope are stolen by a dragon, and researchers working on the project have been disappearing, so the players — Earthlings who worked on the telescope at NASA who were brought through a portal to Exlaris — have to save the day. The official 44-page gameplay book is available to download for free on NASA’s website. You can play it in a party with 4-7 players, but you may need to fudge a few things to graft this narrative onto your TTRPG system of choice. The book says it’ll take around 3-4 hours to get through the adventure.

How to spot signs and symptoms of Breast Cancer 

Reblog to literally save a life


whish they told us this in school, all they did was say “feel for lumps, you will know when you feel it”

This is important, even if it doesn’t work with your blog theme REBLOG IT!!!!

Women need to know this, not all of us have ever been told what we need to look out for!

yeah reblogging especially for my transmasc fellows who (like me) might be real uncomfortable with their chests and not know what to watch out for because we try to avoid this kind of thing (just me? okay)

Cis Men need to know it too.  They can get breast cancer even though the odds are lower.

Everyone needs to know Breast cancer symptoms


We’re all goin here right

Imagine if play was something encouraged in adults, places to run and jump and climb because it's fun

I never know what the machines do at the gym, but i will clamber to the top of the tower to slide into a ball pit


I am 100% certain I would be in better physical condition if adults were allowed to play in ways that focus on fun and aren't competitive.


why do we have butt cheeks i dont understand why did we evolve this way

what use do butt cheeks have 


fun fact: butt-cheeks are one of the things that make us superior to other animals okay note that other apes do not have butt-cheeks

okay don’t quote me on this because I only did sixthform-bio and I’m sure of forgotten loads of stuff but here’s the down-low

back when we were evolving from ape to human, one of the most important things that happened was when our spine started meeting our brains at a sort of 90 degree angle instead of like 45 degrees, which meant that we could straighten up and walk on two legs which was a pretty rad development

except alas oh no our muscles weren’t built to allow us to walk around on two legs because that requires a sort of twisty motion of your hips as opposed to whatever the fuck it is everything else does AND SO ape-people started evolving with longer, narrower waists so that our bodies could twist with every footstep and we could strut along the fashionable catwalk that is neanderthal evolution

but then once this had happened, people realised that we had an advantage over other animals and we would be better at chasing and killing them but we weren’t very good at running

so that’s when we developed the glutenus maximus which is a really badass-sounding name for the muscle in your derriere which helps us to support our spine in an upright position so we don’t get tired, and helps the legs to rotate nicely so that we can run, and has a nice big fat storage around it to help us get energy so that we can run

and that, basically, is the butt-cheek

tl;dr - butt-cheeks were the result of thousands of years of natural selection so that we could run fast and slaughter things

thank you so much for such a fabulous, informative and detailed explanation on the evolution of the butt

i feel enlightened and empowered to know my butt is for such a worthwhile purpose, so thank you 

i love this butt science post so much

Also for squeezing

fun fact: that fat on the cheeks? Incredibly useful source of energy to that muscle during endurance exertion, when glycogen is more or less depleted; carries the advantage of being right there and also serving to pad the important muscles in case of injury and provide a comfortable cushion on which to sit. Fat pads do things, and while we’re most used to thinking of individual fat pads in terms of their structural uses, often they function by providing easy sources of local power for sustained use.

Humans actually have quite a lot of intramuscular fat relative to some other species–I’m used to mice, which don’t bother, for example; neither do rabbits, which are so infamously lean that dining too heavily on them can be bad for human health. Of course, neither species relies much on endurance. Fast twitch muscles, which are good for sprinting and darting, tend to be powered by glycogen availability even within species; by contrast, slow twitch and highly oxidative muscles that are used over sustained exercise are generally powered by intramuscular fat.

(I am reading an interesting thesis tonight that also notes that relative to horses, dogs have more intramuscular fat in hindquarter muscles–exactly what you would expect to see in the context of intramuscular fat as a local fuel for endurance running, since dogs are–like humans–adapted for long distance persistence hunting.)

Next time you slap that jiggly ass, stop and reflect on how important and useful ALL its components are! In a very real sense, humanity’s ass defines us nearly as strongly as our heads.

So what I’m hearing is that having a dump truck ass is literally Evolutionarily Advantageous. Even great-great-great-grandma Ungalug back in the Pleistocene woulda been hunting for a slice of that Cake. Help I’m a Miocene megafauna trying to escape predation but these Hominid ass-cheeks are dummy thick and the resonant clapping of their fatty pads keep driving them onwards beyond the limits of my exhaustion

This is the ass of a killer, Bella.


You’ve always had difficulty falling asleep, though you’re sure anyone would if they saw a hunched figure watching them from the corner of their room every time they tried to sleep. Nothing ever happens to you when you do fall asleep, but by then you get very little sleep, and wake up anxious. 

One night you decide to pretend to fall asleep. After ten minutes of laying there, you wonder if anythings actually going to happen, when suddenly you feel deathly cold, clawed fingers, gently brush over your warm skin. Your blankets are tucked tighter around you, and a rasping voice speaks quietly in the room. “Sleep well little one.”

A love wholesome monster tales.

Wholesome monster stories are absolutely a guilty pleasure of mine too. Though I’m pretty sure that much is obvious from most of my longer prompts.


top 10 most divorced men to ever live right behind henry viii


context is so important/funnier cause omfg this man is so Divorced he's endlessly bitter at ex-wives that aren't even his own


I know it's a decently well-known fact nowadays that pretty much every foundational aspect of metal aesthetics was introduced by Rob Halford, whose outfits were explicitly inspired by the leather scene of the gay bars he used to frequent, but still. Sometimes I have to stop and think about how funny it is. Like. This one gay guy got entire generations of straight metalheads to start dressing up like gay sex perverts.