Welcome to my house! Enter freely. Go safely, and leave something of the happiness you bring.


❝I must be as I am.❞

Meera. They/them. Genderqueer. Biracial (South Asian). Bi-gray ace-Sapphic-Polyam. Neurodivergent. Writer of gothic historical fiction and a myriad of other things. Goth and gothic on main. 

❝l’art pour l’art.❞

About me. Navigation. DNI list. My website.My portfolio. My links. My Spotify. Also found on. Role-play writer behind the tag of xxmelpomenexx.





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attention tea party guests — it's time for tea!

today is dedicated to sharing the project you'll be working on for camp nano in april! make a wip intro, share your outline and your current progress, post some excerpts, announce your nano goals, and share what you've been doing throughout march to prep!

tag your posts using #writeblrgarden to be posted on our blog and join our discord server to ensure your posts get seen!




stealing this screenshot from a post that was made unrebloggable but whats incredibly funny is that almost none of that shit happened in 1789. slavery wasn't abolished until 1794 the height of the "reign of terror"


That made me groan very loudly.


Reblog if, rather than living in the current hellscape, you fancy trying the caring leadership of Maximilien Robespierre for a change.


I genuinely want to know when that Revolution: part one 1789 (good) and Revolution: part two 1792 (Robespierre killed everyone) thing started


It seems to be a moderate French and sometimes American narrative. The so-called liberal version of Frev that “started well but got too violent”.

The English usually paint Frev as completely bad.


@alqahera yes, what @usergreenpixel said.

It arises very early. The Directoire still tries to cling to 1792 for obvious reasons but the idea is already there that "they messed up". Early 19thc liberals will make it easier for them: 1789 was "good", 1793 (or 1792 even) is when "everything went too far". Of course that includes both the Terror and socio-economical rights aka the foundation of the Providential State. As Guillaume Mazeau wrote in Pour quoi la Révolution?, they became linked together.

This myth (1789 = good, 1793 = bad) helped shape French politics and ideologies. Until Furet had the "ingenuity"(*) to say "actually it was bad as early as 1789, when the nasty minorities became violent and demanded 'rights' they were never entitled to" so... as early as July-August 1789.

(*) It's not actually original. He mostly recycled the ideas of conservative Augustin Cochin and """liberal""" Alfred Cobban:


- Gwynne Lewis, introduction to Alfred Cobban's The Social Interpretation of the French Revolution, 1999 (second edition), p. xiv-xv.




Basically they work as an echo chamber and reinforce each other as the "true" narrative/interpretation.

"See, the French are translating us!"

"See, the English are translating us!"

Translations can be political too, what is deemed "important enough" to be translated. Some works will shape the cultural landscape. For example, most French/francophone people have no idea what The Scarlet Pimpernel or A Tale of Two Cities are. I sure as hell had never heard about it until I started studying the French Revolution and more specifically the Anglo perspective. Carlyle had a durable influence on Anglo culture, and still gets recommended nowadays (?!?); although his works were translated to French in 1866-1867, he had little to zero impact in France. The French and the English are petty bitter enemies who will easily pretend there's no one on the other side of the Channel/Manche. They each have their own experts, novelists, etc. and only listen to them first. Even nowadays, French historians largely live in their own bubble and have little care for what the British or USAmericans say - and a lot of time, they can't even understand/speak English well or at all. (Which is why it's bizarre that OP in the drowned post calls it "the Reign of Terror" because French people don't call it that. You'd translate it to "the Terror" - that's it. The same way most of the world calls it the Napoleonic era while England stubbornly calls it "the Regency".)

Furet re-popularizing Cobban is part of a distinct ideological movement, like that of the concept of "Atlantic Revolutions" or even "Western Revolution" pushed by R. R. Palmer and Jacques Godechot. The context is quite obvious: it was the Cold War and NATO had just been created. As for Furet, he reaches his peak of popularity with the fall of the Wall of Berlin and the collapse of the USSR. (Yes, of course, it's all related.) Fukuyama proclaimed it was "the end of history" while Furet said it was "the end of the age of revolutions". Of course they were both dreadfully wrong and their apathetic conclusion that "liberal democracy" and capitalism had triumphed, and that was it, led us straight into the nightmarish hellscape we're in right now. Then again, nowadays Fukuyama is a "proud" supporter of Azov and has no problem posing with them for pictures. So maybe it was always leading exactly to this. The demonization of the French Revolution is one of the many gateways to fascism, because it's been in the very roots of conservatism from its inception.



if your class solidarity doesn’t include people who are on SSI, food stamps, or are unable to work it’s not solidarity


this also applies to homeless people, sex workers and undocumented workers. include them or your solidarity is meaningless


yes this includes people who “mooch off” their parents by still living with them into adulthood. you are not an ally to disabled or poor people if you hold disdain for those who cannot live on their own.



Anyway regardless of how you feel about the Royals, even if you’re like me and think they’re all parasites, here are some things to remember:

  • The UK taxpayer is funding Kate’s high-end treatments whilst millions of citizens are on years-long NHS waiting lists for their own treatments and waiting hours upon hours to be seen in A&E when they’ve had a severe incident; so much money that could be going towards funding the NHS properly is instead going to the Royals. Kate is very likely going to be perfectly fine. Millions of regular tax-paying UK citizens will not.
  • HOWEVER. Kate isn’t going to see your memes making fun of her on tumblr dot com — but other people whom have suffered because of cancer will. If common decency won’t stop you from posting crab rave GIFs celebrating the illness of a mother to three young children, hopefully the chance of someone else with cancer or with a friend or relative with cancer seeing it will.
  • Seriously does no one else think Kensington’s PR nightmare is kind of fucked up like the fact they were so Weird about all this and let a sick woman in their “family” take all the blame for their shitty Photoshop skills. Royalist stan blogs I’ve seen you on here and I ask you: is THAT not some kind of indication as to how fucking evil they are if absolutely nothing else is. Please tell me you’ve seen the light by now I can’t cope anymore


so the house of representatives just passed a bill that will now move to the senate to BAN tik tok completely in the united states and they are expected to argue that “national security risks” outweigh the freedom of speech and first amendment rights. biden has already said that if it gets to him, he will sign it. whether or not you use the app…….this is something to be worried about


before u have the kneejerk reaction of “good I hate tt anyways” or “maybe ppl will go outside” that’s not what this is about! the government wants to remove an entire app with over 170 million american users (who in large have used it as a platform to build community, consume and spread world news, advocate, organize), and try to force people back to us based apps like meta and google. please think about the implications. please think about what else they could potentially do if they get away with this. this could very well set a precedent for free speech & constitutional rights as well know it, and it is imperative we are on the right side of it


By the way, the actual language of the bill would allow them to ban any website or internet hosted app from a "foreign adversary", as described in the vaguest possible terms. This isn't about tiktok and will not stop at tiktok.


now, THIS is the "tiktok ban bad" post to reblog.



I love how on Tumblr, "media literacy" has become "Um, just because someone writes about this doesn't mean they're endorsing this. I hate all these media puritans ruining everything."

I'm sad to inform you that knowing when and whether an author is endorsing something, implying something, saying something, is also part of media literacy. Knowing when they are doing this and when they're not is part of media literacy. Assuming that no author has ever endorsed a bad thing is how you fall for proper gander. It's not media literacy to always assume that nobody ever has agreed with the morally reprehensible ideas in their work.

Sometimes, authors are endorsing something, and you need to be aware when that happens, and you also need to be aware when you're doing it as an author. All media isn't horny dubcon fanfic where you and the author know it's problematic IRL but you get off to it in the privacy of your brain. Sometimes very smart people can convince you of something that'll hurt others in the real world. Sometimes very dumb people will romanticize something without realizing they're doing it and you'll be caught up in it without realizing that you are.

Being aware of this is also media literacy. Being aware of the narrative tools used to affect your thinking is media literacy. Deciding on your own whether you agree with an author or not is media literacy. Enjoying characters doing bad things and allowing authors to create flawed or cruel characters for the sake of a story is perfectly fine, but it is not the same as being media literate. Being smug about how you never think an author has bad intentions tells me you're edgy, not that you're media literate. You can't use one rule to apply to all media. That's not how media literacy works. Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Aheem heem. Anyway.



I’ve known it worse
Charlotte Wells - 1x02 (requested by anon)




attention tea party guests — it's time to party plan

today we bring you our party planner, a collection of questions to get you ready for nano before it starts, curated by our goblins of the garden! all questions are optional and can be answered in a single tumblr post, in our discord server, or you can select a few to answer in individual posts.

tag your posts using #writeblrgarden to be posted on our blog and join our discord server to ensure your posts get seen! ☕

  • 1. what is one moment from your character's past that has greatly impacted them?
  • 2. talk about a major landmark/place in your world. what is the story behind it?
  • 3. what historical or current event in you world had/has great effect on your story's development?
  • 4. which relationship(s) are the most important to your character?
  • 5. what is the geography like in your world? how does this affect your story?
  • 6. describe how your protagonist grows throughout the story.
  • 7. how would your story be different if it was told from the pov of another character?
  • 8. describe why your writing strength (dialogue, setting, characters, etc) is your strength.
  • 9. describe your character's living space(s) throughout the story. what's their must haves?
  • 10. what are you most nervous about for nano? how will you overcome this?

Happy Trans Readathon day everyone! This is my reading list for this readathon. 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈


Keep up with me on StoryGraph: meerathewriter_levamp 🖊️📚
