Discord has introduced microtransactions to make only specific users hear sound effects. Skype is back as a livestreaming platform. X is now marketing “twitter” as a paid-only private area to post in on X. There are clouds gathering above the field now. There’s an ache in your tooth when you eat something sweet, sharp and stabbing, but you put it off. The wind makes the puddles in the mud ripple after it rains. When you look out, you like to pretend they are deeper, deep enough to drown in. You wonder if you’d still be able to see just how big the cloud-heavy sky is as you fall beneath the surface. You wonder if you’d hear the first drops of rain. You wonder how the wind always seems to find you out there. The field is large, and it is cold outside. Come inside now. It’s getting late.



Grimes has really gone downhill since the breakup



dishonest crop. dont get down on people who attain information in ways that best suit them, even if its theory you dont agree with

This post is so fucking old–the old anon icon? Non-rebloggable asks? The gray bar at the bottom? Truly a relic
people are still reblogging it. incredible. love u all


This post is so fucking old–the old anon icon? Non-rebloggable asks? The gray bar at the bottom? Truly a relic

people are still reblogging it. incredible. love u all

i just found out tumblr was storing over three GIGABYTES of cookies on my device without me knowing and that's why it's been running so fucking slow recently... incredible. anyways everyone go clear your fucking cookies. don't let this website run a goddamn video game's worth of disc space in the background for no good reason.

on firefox: settings → search "cookies" → scroll down → "manage cookies" → tumblr should be at the very top because of how much space it's taking → select it → clear cookies → save changes. done

i’m going to kdxjdhdjhddjjdhs

TWO??? Having a private jet at all is bad enough on its own but why the fuck does she need two of them???


I used to do this as a kid (on paper) and we had a cat that would watch you draw the body shape like


But then as soon as you added the WINGS the cat would go


"The Large One has cast the Spell Of Create Bug"

The two twins…

Sometimes there’s a blip in the universe, and a soul is reincarnated into two bodies at once, and those two bodies end up in the same household.


shared by homohistoric on instagram

If you’ve ever wondered how reposting hurts artists- yesterday I found a post from 2012ish featuring one of my Sherlock/Doctor Who pieces. That post had 17,604 notes. It wasn’t my post. My post of that art had 0 notes.

Apparently I saw the post once when it was at 6k because an artist I admired reblogged it, but at that stage I was very unwell & not experienced enough with Tumblr to realise what effect it might have.

Looking through the notes now I see that in the six years since then-

  • Several people got the design as a tattoo.
  • A number liked it enough to want custom designs but didn’t know how to contact me so that’s approximately £300 I didn’t get a chance to earn.
  • Someone used that art in the front cover of a comic by accident and while the company fixed it after I contacted them that’s exposure that it’s far too late to capitalise on now.

If you like an artwork that you find off tumblr, please, please I am begging you search for the artist’s name and see if they do actually have a Tumblr you could reblogged from instead. If you’re an artist search your username(s) every so often to see if your work has been taken.

A few hundred quid might not seem like a lot, but that’s a few months of income for me

Reminder to those new to tumblr that there is a difference between reposting and reblogging.

Reposting is where you save the image, make your own post, and share to others. Heavily frowned upon unless you 1. get permission from the artist and 2. still give proper credit to the artist. If the artist is off-tumbr and you want to share, again, GET PERMISSION FIRST! If they say no, oh well.

Reblogging is just using the reblog button (the button with the arrows) to share posts you see. In this case reblogging is actively encouraged because it can help spread the art of people you love while the artist still gets notes, views, and proper credit.

Can't let British people have air conditioning because first they'd call it something twee like "the climate fixer" and then in 20 years they'll call it "the climb" or "the climmy"

French kids would call it "le climot", frustrating language officials who would prefer they call it "machine pour le contrôle du climat froide à l'interieure de l'édifice"


aight well then there ya go, we already do have a lil nickname for it

guys I just found the greatest video on the internet

What did I watch

6’2 and standing at the front of the crowd is crazy. you already have an advantage just by being alive brother. blocking out all the sunlight. life on the forest floor, withering away

yeah you’re making me 6’2 my fucking stomach

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