If I drop to part-time, can I use super to top up my income?

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If I drop to part-time, can I use super to top up my income?

I am 66 and work part-time earning $40,000 a year. My wife, 63, works four days a week, earning $80,000 per year. Our debt free home is worth $1.6 million, and have had a self-managed super fund (SMSF) for 11 years with a current balance of $1.8 million in fully franked shares, returning $105,000 per year. We have cash of $60,000 in the SMSF and a further $100,000 in cash outside super. I take a minimal pension of $48,000 per year from the fund and contribute the minimum to super each pay. My wife salary sacrifices to boost her total contributions to the maximum allowable.

I will be retiring in February 2025. My wife wants to retire at the end of 2026, but would like to drop to three days per week now. This would result in a cut to her take-home income. Should she stop salary sacrificing completely to increase her take-home pay? Can she commence a pension from the super fund to top up her income, and should she continue to salary sacrifice and take a pension? She is concerned about having sufficient income if she were to drop to three days, but I can see a number of alternatives that would allow her to work less but have the same income. We do not desire to get the aged pension.

Cracking into your super to top up your income later in life can be a valid strategy.

Cracking into your super to top up your income later in life can be a valid strategy.Credit: Simon Letch

You are in an excellent position financially, and I think salary sacrificing to the appropriate amount for your tax bracket. It is one of the best ways to boost your superannuation as it’s coming from pre-tax dollars which are more valuable than after-tax dollars.

It would make sense to convert all your funds to pension mode as the after-tax return should be higher – that would require a minimum pension which would help your cash flow. If this is not enough for your needs, you could always draw down on your substantial cash reserves.

I’m confused about my mother’s aged care means tested fee. It nearly doubled when we put her sale of family home money in the refundable accommodation deposit (RAD) of the aged care facility.


She no longer has the asset of her unit, the aged care facility has the money from the sale of the unit. Why does the daily means test fee go up when one does not own anything? We don’t understand it, and I wasn’t given a clear explanation from Centrelink at all.

Aged care guru Rachel Lane explains that the amount of your mother’s home that was counted for the aged care means test is capped at $201,231, effectively exempting the rest.

While the refundable accommodation deposit is exempt from the calculation of her pension, it is 100 per cent assessable for her aged care means testing. By selling her home she has lost an exempt asset and paying it into the RAD she has more assessable assets.


I have no dependants and have made my nephew and a couple of friends beneficiaries of my will. I was wondering whether they will be taxed on the money and, if so, if there is a way to minimise this?

Your house would be an exempt asset, and there would be no tax effect on any cash left to the beneficiaries. The taxable component of superannuation left to a non-dependent will be subject to the 17 per cent death tax.

You can reduce the taxable component by adopting a withdrawal and contribution strategy, but the simplest method is for you, or your attorney, to withdraw all your superannuation tax-free before death and either place in your bank account, or else give it to your beneficiaries. Doing it this way you will to be present when they receive the money and hopefully share the joy it will bring.

I recently read an answer to a question posed on capital gains tax (CGT) and its effect on pension income test, and was surprised to read that the answer that there is none. I am 60, still working, and have two investment properties. I glean from your answer to the above question that I could retire, sell the two investment properties, pay no CGT, use the bring-forward rule to put all the proceeds into super, and then recommence full-time work with no penalties, is this correct?

It’s not quite that simple. The Centrelink rules and the tax rules are quite different. As I wrote recently, a CGT event is not regarded as income for the Centrelink income test, but it will certainly be taxable as far as the Australian Tax Office is concerned.

Noel Whittaker is the author of Wills, Death & Taxes Made Simple and numerous other books on personal finance. Email: noel@noelwhittaker.com.au

  • Advice given in this article is general in nature and is not intended to influence readers’ decisions about investing or financial products. They should always seek their own professional advice that takes into account their own personal circumstances before making any financial decisions.

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