Gray Clankinist




Spain is different 🇪🇸🦠

Plague Rave Plague Rave Plague Rave!!!!

I’m dy i n g at the cheers he’s getting:





So uh I made a meme somehow



Doing this benefits these species tremendously. They can become so rare over such a vast area as people destroy the only plants they can eat, every single one that survives makes a positive difference!



feeling like the rice they insulted to prove vibes are magic today

Two jars of rice, one labeled "I hate you" and one "I love you"; After 27 days, the hated rice is discolored and moldy while the loved rice seems fine.ALT
Four images supposedly comparing rice's microscopic structure after given certain intentions; Positive talk generates orderly crystals, negative talk generates chaos. Heavy metal music supposedly results in a chaotic tunnel, and "You make me sick, I will kill you" a bubbling sludge. This is pseudoscience by the wayALT

me rn if im being honest



I love this fucking gif so much. Violence and killing and destruction


I just realized that I could share this flash game ad I saved off of MySpace in like 2005 to tumblr.


It’s so important to me. It makes me feel like I’m losing my mind even after 20 years.


The whole Polybius thing is my favourite conspiracy theory because nearly every individual element of the story is absolutely true, but not for that reason.

Did some early arcade games cause people to suffer hallucinations, memory loss, and short-term personality changes? Yes, they did – because many folks who played them were experiencing close range exposure to bright, rapidly flashing lights for the first time in their lives, and – at the time – public awareness of photosensitive epilepsy was practically nonexistent. Most who had it were undiagnosed, and its symptoms often weren’t recognised when they arose – and if you have no idea what photosensitive epilepsy is, those symptoms might look a lot like alien mind control!

Were early video arcades frequented by serious-looking men in dark suits? Again, yes they were – because they were suspected of being money-laundering fronts for illegal gambling rings, and thus were routinely placed under federal surveillance. And those suspicions weren’t unfounded – it later transpired that many early video arcades were, in fact, money-laundering fronts for illegal gambling rings.

Did arcade cabinets with strange titles and indecipherable gameplay quietly pop up in out-of-the-way places, then vanish shortly thereafter, never to be seen again? Absolutely – because a thriving black market in off-brand bootlegs arose almost immediately. Quality control was nonexistent, so many such cabinets had operational lifespans measured in weeks, and you’d most often see them in arcades with poor locations simply because they were cheap.

It was a perfect storm of largely unrelated factors that added up to the convincing appearance of a shadowy conspiracy, even though each element by itself had a fairly boring explanation.





Creative way of saving camels from getting run over

my favourite things about this video:

1) the amount of time that went into considering this approach, which is a resounding 0.00 seconds

2) the baby’s screm - yes it’s sad bc the poor lil guy is scared but the way his yells for momma hitch with the guy’s running have me lmao ngl

3) the guy either had the incredible good fortune or the foresight to put the baby between himself and momma so he could make a break for it. it was too quick. Too deliberate and almost instinctive. He has done this before.

4) the victory skips and turban twirling.

10/10 but please for the love of god there has to be a better way camels kick people to death


i feel like we’re ignoring an important scientific fact, which is that this guy grabbed, at the minimum, 35 kilograms of terrified baby camel and did a fucking 6-second olympic sprint while being chased by, wikipedia informs me, 300-540 kilograms of angry adult camel.

the human body is capable of amazing things when it notices that it just picked up something that half a ton worth of pissed off camel would very much like to have back





Creative way of saving camels from getting run over

my favourite things about this video:

1) the amount of time that went into considering this approach, which is a resounding 0.00 seconds

2) the baby’s screm - yes it’s sad bc the poor lil guy is scared but the way his yells for momma hitch with the guy’s running have me lmao ngl

3) the guy either had the incredible good fortune or the foresight to put the baby between himself and momma so he could make a break for it. it was too quick. Too deliberate and almost instinctive. He has done this before.

4) the victory skips and turban twirling.

10/10 but please for the love of god there has to be a better way camels kick people to death


i feel like we’re ignoring an important scientific fact, which is that this guy grabbed, at the minimum, 35 kilograms of terrified baby camel and did a fucking 6-second olympic sprint while being chased by, wikipedia informs me, 300-540 kilograms of angry adult camel.

the human body is capable of amazing things when it notices that it just picked up something that half a ton worth of pissed off camel would very much like to have back