
reminder: if you're getting an intramuscular injection (e.g. a covid booster or flu shot) and you're above 200 lbs with estrogen-based body fat distribution or 260 lbs with testosterone-based body fat distribution, you should be requesting a 1.5-inch/38mm needle. you might want to print out this sheet and bring it with you, because I have had pharmacy employees blithely tell me the 1-inch needle is fine for everyone, and I find a clear directive from the CDC just makes life a little easier.

(this is one major reason why obesity is associated with so many negative health outcomes, btw—shit is not designed for us and providers are not educated about our needs, so we have to educate ourselves about appropriate care and then make special requests to receive that care just to get to the baseline chances of success straight-sized people have by default.)


thabk you so much "the cdc recommends" were magic words and they were absolutely gonna use a standard 1" on me


Wish I could read the fucking article but like everything, it's behind a fucking paywall.


Here's the article, un-paywalled, for anyone who would like to read it!

"Hey, we all need a 55% raise. This is our union rep, Steve, and our unanimous strike authorization vote. Make something happen before we make sure nothing happens."


Me: Exercise does not cause weight loss. This is a fact that has been demonstrated so robustly in research that even doctors, who hate and fear evidence, are grudgingly starting to admit this.

Someone reading that post: Cool, but have you considered that exercise leads to weight loss?

Me: I am going to eat you


one time when I was 16 I was helping my dad load a truck and he called me a bitch so I dropped what I was holding and walked into the woods, let him do the rest by himself. I didn't go back, either, just fucked around for a couple hours and then went home. why did I dislike myself so much back then I had so much power


Evidence against the argument that Superman's disguise wouldn't fool anyone:

  • Dolly Parton once lost a Dolly Parton look alike contest to a fucking drag queen.
  • Charlie Chaplin once failed to even place at a Charlie Chaplin impersonator contest.
  • Hugh Jackman went to comic con as Wolverine, only 2 people noticed him and one told him he was too tall.
  • Christopher Reeve use to go to a restaurant in costume when filming Superman. When he went in the Superman costume he was mobbed by people all the time. When he went in the Clark Kent costume no one realized he was Christopher Reeve.

Tony Hawk


Being audhd is so wild cause I'm like "yeah, i'll move to another country, change my name, convert to another religion, and leave all this behind" and then have a meltdown over a small change in my routine


I gotta start carrying some sugar cubes or a little tiny bottle of honey or something.

We were having tea outside and a yellow jacket came over and starting buzzing all over us. Since we had some honey, I put a little drop to one side and she just instantly chiller out. She did some little zoomies around the drop then settled in to have some, and popped by a few more times to grab more. Left my wife and I completely alone. I have never seen an insect go from investigation buzzing and circling to fully cool like that.

100% recommend this, don't forget bugs are friends.


i keep seeing that "just say you have an NDA to explain employment gaps" post and while i'm glad someone put it down it still makes me grit my teeth knowing people out there are still following that goofy advice somewhere.

as someone who has both successfully used this strategy in interviews and conducted interviews themselves as a retail manager, if you are a Creative Sort wanting to fluff up a gap you will have far more success just saying you did freelance commission work. most employers won't be nosy enough to ask for examples if they aren't hiring you for creative reasons but you can provide some personal work as examples of "commissions" and literally no one is going to verify if a customer actually existed for them. the fact that freelance work implies some level of self-direction and organizational skills is a bonus, and from my own experience it also simply makes a good impression to share some of your creative projects because it demonstrates there's a lightbulb on, so to speak. in the end the interview is about determining if you will make a good member of a team, not how amazing and interesting you are.

never dig yourself a deeper hole than you have to. if you have to tell a lie, have at least three truths to back it up, you know?


So at a party it is socially acceptable to just silently join a circle of people talking and contribute to the conversation when you feel like it as if you already know everyone in the circle, btw.

If you want to know people’s names at some point saying “Sorry, did I catch your name?” or “Sorry, what was your name again?” like you’ve briefly been introduced before is a good move.

Conversation openers for starting a conversation with a random person next to you:

  • What’s the punch taste like?
  • What are you drinking?
  • How do you know the host?
  • Hey, nice shoes!
  • Did you bring this drink/food/decoration/etc.?
  • Hey, what’s your costume?
  • Are you from (place where a lot of people at the party work or are from)?
  • Hi! Did you come with (mutual friend)?

Fr? On god? Just like that?

Yeah, just act like you’ve been there the whole time.

I have social anxiety and discovered this by trial and error despite my fears. I took on this burden for all of you so you don’t have to. Trust me. Just stand in the gap in the circle. It’s waiting for you. It’s an event where people are expecting to meet other people. It’s not creepy or weird. They’re there to talk to strangers and friends alike. Just step into the circle.