


|Bisexual|they/he|20| obsessed with Pathologic. I like other stuff too ig

Okay, so I finished the Todd in the Shadows video and have been scrolling through the Hbomberguy and James Somerton tags for a while now, and for all the good points being made there, I haven’t seen that many people talk about one of the things that really made my blood freeze in Todd’s video: the fact that Somerton explicitly and uncritically spread the “most Nazis were secretly gay” myth.

As a queer German who’s spent a huge chunk of my life having to argue about and debunk this grossly homophobic claim to so many people, even within my own family… Seeing a grown ass gay man in the year 2022 repeat it to his audience of hundreds of thousands of (mostly relatively young) people is so unbelievably disgusting, I don’t even know what to say. Especially since he claims that it was supposed to be an “educational” video chronicling “The Story of the Gay Holocaust”.

Anyway, for those that somehow still don’t know. Yes, it’s a myth, it’s always been a fucking myth. Remarkable how Somerton was always capable of googling the right key words to find tons and tons of academic material to plagiarise for his content mill-ass channel, but couldn’t be assed to do the literally two seconds of googling required to debunk this wildly harmful myth he so willingly spread about his own community.

The level of disrespect to the thousands of gay men who suffered and died under this regime… Unfathomable. Then again, his thoughts about survivors of the AIDS crisis are also vile, so I guess expecting him to emphasise with other gay people’s suffering at all is just not on the table. Can’t believe I ever considered giving this man money, fucking Christ.


a guy walks in with two puncture wounds on his neck like “u should see the other guy” and then a vampire walks in covered in those cartoony lipstick kiss marks

i’m really glad this post was a hit with the gays


I had to draw this 


I had a Terry’s Chocolate Orange once in an airport 10 years ago (they’re very hard to come by in the US, I’ve never seen them sold anywhere else) and I think about it everyday.

So what you’re saying in the replies is that they are sold everywhere and they’re just hiding them from me every time I enter a store.

So what you’re saying is some sort of evil sorcerer put a curse on me to make Terry’s chocolate oranges totally invisible to me.

Attempting to obtain the orange by other means is not working.

My mother just told me she bought me a chocolate orange one year for Christmas and put it in my stocking over the fireplace and it MELTED BEFORE I COULD EAT IT. I’m starting to think there is an actual curse on me and this is no longer a joke.


the funniest thing to me rn is seeing transphobic women going into bathrooms in transphobic states and then being shocked that trans men are in there and actually (gasp) look like men?!?! (shocking i know /s)

like you guys forced people to go to the bathrooms of their “biological sex” but now when they do it’s disconcerting that men look like men. (yes even if that man has a vagina.)

Transphobes are shocked to realize trans men aren’t all “uwu soft boiz” and HRT does what it’s supposed to. It’s so mind boggling to them that trans people don’t look like their bigoted characatures.

Anyways here are some men that will be forced to use the women’s restroom in states like florida, texas, kansas, etc.

thank you pointing this out + bringing up that trans men are not safe in women's bathrooms, either. a lot of times when people make the point that transphobic bathroom laws will force trans men in women's bathrooms, they act like all trans men will just be 100% unaffected by this and their presence will only make transphobes ashamed instead of. I don't know. A cis woman calling a bunch of cis men to beat the shit out of a Latino trans man (where the police reports then call him the aggressor). Transphobia makes public bathrooms unsafe for all kinds of trans people, especially if they aren't white.