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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna


Updated February 24, 2020

I only have one series right now: a Spencer Reid x OC. I’m not telling it in chronological order, which would maybe explain some awkwardness in my writing - I know all the bones, but am fleshing it out as I go. I put dates on all my pieces, so feel free to read them in chronological order.

Here are the handful of ‘chapters’ I have, presented in Date Written and Posted order:

Main Story

Beethoven and The Doctor October 12, 2018

Dream October 12, 2018

Let It Bleed October 24, 2017

Untitled: “Last Gasp” Inspired March 14, 2018

Harder! Faster! Put your back into it! Christmastime 2018, kind of inspired by Cherry’s “Scream If You Wanna Go Faster” challenge

Bedtime Stories Fall/Winter 2025

Definitely Ours Spring 2021

Endings and Beginnings December 2019, part of @illegalcerebral ’s December Challenge (Go read her stuff too ❤️ It’s beautiful!)

Galentine’s Day 2019, my OC meets the @cmbingo Challenge

Truth and Consequences, follow-up to Galentine’s Day. Also a CM Bingo fic.

Mamihlapinatapai, Late March 2018. A CM Bingo fic and a follow-up to my “Untitled: "Last Gasp” Inspired" piece.

Bradbury…and Boogie-Woogie Immediately follows “Let It Bleed” timeline-wise.

Christmas 2019 to be read after “Endings” and “Beginnings”

Christmas 2020 to be read following “Christmas 2019.” Fills the “fix a plothole” square on my CM Bingo card.

First Sentence Ask Fics

I’m still open to prompts! They’re a lovely break from my longer pieces.

It was 2am and the snow had just started falling.

It was going to be a weird sort of day.

“There is only one path I’m interested in.”

Random Things

After Midnight


Writer’s Block-ish

Names are Important

OC Ask Game


Spencer Reid

spencer reid spencer reid fanfiction criminal minds criminal minds fanfiction spencer reid x oc oc fics deserve love too

During the most poor and homeless period of my life, I had a lot of people get angry with me because I spent $25 on Bath and Body Works candles during a sale. They couldn’t comprehend why the hell I would do that when I had been fighting for months to try and get us on our feet, afford food, and have an apartment to live in.

Those candles were placed beside wherever I slept that night. In the morning, I would move them and set them wherever I’d have to hang out. At one point I carried one around in my purse - one of those big honking 3-wick candles. I never lit them, but I’d open them and smell them a lot.

I credit that purchase with a lot of my drive that got me to where I am today. I had been working tirelessly, 15+ hour days with barely any reward, constantly on the phone or trying to deal with organizations and associations to “get help at”. It’d gone on for almost a year by the end of it, and I was so burnt out, to the point that I would shake 24/7. But I could get a bit of relief from my 3-wick “upper middle class lifestyle” candles. They represented my future goals, my home I wanted to decorate, and how I would one day not be in this mess anymore.

When we moved into the apartment, and our financial status improved, I burned those candles every single day. When they were empty, I cleaned them out, stuck labels on them, and they became the starting point of my really cute organization system I had ALWAYS planned to have.

So whenever I hear about someone very poor getting themselves a treat - maybe it’s Starbucks, maybe it’s a home deco item, maybe it’s a video game… I don’t judge them. I get it. I get that you can’t go without anything for that long without it making you go crazy. You need to pull some joy, inspiration, and motivation from somewhere.


poor people deserve things they want, too. it is unfair to expect poor people to only buy things they “need”.


My grandfather used to tell me: if you only have 20 kr left, you buy grocery for 10 kr and flowers for the other 10 kr because you need a reason to live as well.


“Hearts starve as well as bodies: Give us Bread, but give us Roses.”



another reminder to stop buying/watching/reading anything JK Rowling associated


I cannot stress enough she is a primary funder of transphobia. She is not just someone with bigoted views you can seperate from her work, her work funds the bigotry.


Every fishy Tufton Street startup with a transphobic goal is directly bankrolled by this awful cow, and SHE is directly bankrolled by YOU.

A few weekends ago, I bought a bunch of tiny things:

A miniature puzzle because I love puzzles but have zero space for regular size ones.


A fidget cube


A miniature record player to sit on my actual record player (it needed a child, all right?!).


Aaand…a miniature bonsai kit.


Y'all, the seeds are Norway spruce and if that ain’t a sign to attempt growing it in the shape of Loki’s helmet or dagger, then I don’t know what would be!

miniatures tiny things loki