

americans are always saying shit like garbage disposal and i-95

Those are good names for a pair of orange cats


‘you wouldn’t pirate a-’ i would steal anything from any company. anything in the world. i dont even want it i just hate you


honestly instead of writing off monsters like vampires (or just monsters that look more human in general) as being unscary/unsexy why dont you consider the implications of being a thing that can theoretically pass amongst human society but is forever set apart by a deeply inhuman violence a hunger that both elevates you to a position above them (the predator to their prey) and simultaneously debases you (your feral animalism to their sapient complete personhood) why dont you think about the constant control necessary to inhabit this in-between and the vulnerability of shedding that disguise even if only to feed or to kill why dont you contemplate the fear and eroticism of it all. bitch.


we named it the computer mouse because it fit so comfortably in our hands and it reminded us of ancient times where our ancestors put their palms over the backs of cave mice and shuffled them across the ground to move the cursor on their cave wall mounted gaming monitors


btw i highly recommend dropping to your knees with a forlorn expression every time something mildly inconveniences you


“my favourite character only acts like an asshole because he’s deflecting/covering up his insecurities 🥺🥺🥺” you are so boring. he acts like that because he sucks. worst motherfucker on earth (affectionate). stop making excuses for him


apples and cinnamon truly were made for each other… eternal lovers



my nostalgia for circa 2010 club music is hysterical to me. i was not at “the club” in two thousand and ten, i was at home on the family computer singing along to “like a G6” as if i wasn’t in the G6th fucking grade


this is where i was popping bottles in the ice like a blizzard