
sketch commission for @lightningclaw13 of her version of Gan and her sona Kristin! please, a loud applause for these wonderful, stellar designs and for just how adorable couple they are, ahhh~!


i just wanted to know what he might look like if he was smiling. non sinisterly. maybe.


Have had these lines for like two years and can’t seem to do anything cool with them, so finally just slapped some lazy colors on and called it good

lines are here on my deviantart if you’d like to color them lol, I like them a lot and it feels a bit of a shame to have em just sit around collecting metaphorical dust

linktober days 27 and 29: zelda and ganondorf

anyway this is my pitch for what happened 10′000 years ago


On time for a Linktober? On the actual day? Yeah that's me today HOORAY I did want to do more of this piece for Linktober for Ganondorfs' day, but [scene missing] 🐗👑❤️


Linktober 2021 Day 29 Ganondorf

I heard a rumor about ganondorf being in the game data of majoras mask as Fisherman.. I needed to sketch that


This should be the moment where one of them announces their intention. To tell Link that they’re here to stop him, to free him from whatever spell he’s under—to ask him if he’s alright, but it’s like all three of them have forgotten how to speak. It does nothing to ease the tension crackling in the air, only heightens it, but he’s still watching Zelda and Ganon both with that horrid, earnest smile and the moment they walked into the throne room there was no space in the world left to turn back.” 

This was a piece I did as part of a big bang a while ago, but due to some complications it took a while to post but! It was a super fun experience and credits to @cyclosilicate bc it’s from their au, with the snippet also being theirs :D


Ok but Zuko using the knowledge he acquired during his banishment to help him as the Fire Lord. Like making small talk with Earth Kingdom dignitaries about their local foods that he enjoyed and even misses. Like having in-depth conversations with his captains about sea currents and navigation. Like, in the middle of a meeting with several high-ranking naval officials, pointing out flails in security, like how a person can cling to a Fire Nation ship for hours at a time, or climb aboard using hatches on the upper decks, or disguise themselves as a lower ranking guard with easily accessible spare armour….

Though none of his experiences can prepare Zuko for the long, awkward silence that comes after he admits to doing or at least knowing something illegal and/or completely buck wild

fire lord zuko: you should maybe revisit the security measures around the water ducts that the sealturtles use

northern water tribe leader: that’s not necessary, no one can survive submerged in the artic ocean for so many minutes


zuko: remember that time the fire nation attacked you

Zuko: okay first you have to promise not to get mad

Earth King: Tell me about your first visit to Ba Sing Se.



Okay, but before all this:

Advisors: Princess Azula did perform the astounding feat of infiltrating Ba Sing Se…

Zuko: Huh? Oh, that’s not hard. It’s pretty nice, if you don’t mind the brainwashing, but you can’t get a spicy octopus for love or money. We ate so much jook. *shudders*

Advisors:… you got in too…. interesting.


Advisors: The mysterious Water Tribe city at the North Pole

Zuko: It’s a pretty place, if you like ice.  Lots of sealturtles. They have a really nice little sort of sacred grove thing there, too, I kidnapped the Avatar from it once.

Advisors: …. we have some questions….


Advisors: We still have not found the Fire Lord’s secret supplier of new weapons - 

Zuko: He’s at the Northern Air Temple. (Realizing they’re all staring at him) Oh, no, I haven’t met him personally, but I have friends who have. He sounds like a very interesting guy.



Zuko: (while directing post-war reparation efforts) Oh, and we need to send a lot of people to work on replanting the forest around this obscure village.

Advisors:…. may we ask why?

Zuko: Apparently the local panda spirit is pretty mad about having its forest burned down. 

Advisors, now afraid to ask: ….Yes, Fire Lord. 


Every now and then, the curiosity gets too much and they’ll bring up something like ‘legendary sand benders’ or ‘Southern Islands’ and Zuko invariably produces some tidbit of local knowledge (either his own or gleaned from the Gaang’s stories) and six Foreign Ministers have resigned in fear and the seventh one only barely held it together when Zuko greeted an envoy from a tiny, insignificant Earth Kingdom island with ‘Listen, I am really sorry about what happened last time, I hope the supplies I sent helped with the rebuilding, do you still have that giant eel thing?” IS THERE ANYTHING HE DOESN’T KNOW.

Advisor: Before we start the meeting, I’d like to address the anniversary of Captain Zhao’s mysterious disappearance…

Zuko: At least he died doing what he loved?

Advisor: What do you mean, died?

Zuko: Oh, and one more thing: can you give Fire Nation school children more extracurricular activities to do?

Advisors: .. why?

Zuko: The avatar says that the kids are bored and kind of hostile because they have no outlets. Oh, and no more of that weird nationalistic loyalty pledge in the classroom, that shit is weird.

D-doesn’t America have that kinda nationalistic loyalty pledge in classroms too?

Yes. Hence why I included it. Because it’s weird as shit.