
Coke Milk Propaganda


Canned fish enthusiast
Obligatory note that I am a legal adult
Aspiring bear

underrated fantasy thing is when authors want to avoid giving an actual earth year their story takes place so the characters say shit like "back in the Year Of The Skateboarding Dragon" and all the other characters are like ah yes how could we forget the crops were so plentiful the year that dragon did those sweet sweet kickflips


I'm never gonna claim that Reverse Ableism is a thing because that's chewpid, but there Is definitely an amount of "neurotypical people are this confusing and annoying thing while neurodivergent people are better <3" and it's just something that anybody can do whenever

"why don't neurotypical people just say what they Mean" you also don't say what you mean sometimes don't lie to me

[note: don't respond to this like I'm not neurodivergent or I will atomize you]

Tumblr, buddy, listen to me. This is an unprecedented opportunity. You can snap up all of the pie here, and become defacto internet goodguy easy. All you gotta do is... drop the nsfw ban. Unambiguously. Announce that dicks are back on the menu. You want people subscribed the blogs? You want people to actually use your Post+ function? Porn. Let us use it for porn. The youngins aren't joining this site anyway, you're not competing with tiktok. The vaguely horny 20-40 demographic though? You can have that. You can have all of that. Think about it.

Do you know how many pinup artists alone are itching to come back to tumblr, but dont because of the unclear, seemingly arbitrary application of your nsfw policy? These are insanely talented people who are practically begging to give you content. For free. But you gotta change the policy. We can't keep dancing around this. Just think of publicity. The drama. A complete 180. You'd kill it tumblr. You could make it happen. Please.

Can’t wait for my mom to get mad at me later today because I’m sleepy due to her alarm repeatedly waking me up early this morning


had the wildest interaction today some random woman called me a slag and my dog a fucking faggot because I was using a pink lead/harness and he’s a boy like what the fuck lmfaoo


he did start wagging his tail when he got called a fag so good for him <3


imagine seeing this and being like oh my god oh my god i need to say a slur right now

I watched a new movie btw.

If you can’t tell