
This is a love story.


ne/nym/nir - minor - white - icon art by neoncircusofneonclowns - everything on all my blogs is ask to tag - read pinned please!

okay let's go finally putting my info in a pinned post.

hello everyone, I'm Opinion/Comet and my pronouns are ne/nym/nir! More info under the cut. Please heed the dni (also under the cut), I look at people's blogs when they interact and I love the block button but I still wanna have all my boundaries listed. Please don't send me chain asks or tag me in chain posts. Thank you for reading!


[ID from alt:

  1. Yomiel from Ghost Trick in his evilly grinning sprite, with a tumblr textpost reading: "it'd be kind of funny if you could develop a resistance to other ways of being killed like you can with some poisons. microdosing on shooting myself in the head to build up my tolerance to bullets".
  2. Lynne's laughing sprite appears next to a textpost reading: "women in STEM (shenanigans, tomfoolery, escapades, and mischief)"
  3. Yomiel and Jowd both appear next to a tweet reading: "(adjusting my guitar strap after playing my first song at an open mic) this next one is also about my cat"
  4. The black cat is paired with a textpost reading: "oh you misheard! i'm a paranormal (caps) instigator. i'm here to (caps) cause hauntings lol"
  5. Yomiel grinning, with a post reading: "i can kill ppl bcuz ive died before so i can reclaim killing"
  6. Lynne laughing, with a post reading: "You're dead serious. I'm alive silly. We're not the same"
  7. Yomiel grinning, next to a Youtube comment reading: "I actually shot a cop to this song"

End ID.]


Ghost Trick is like. What if the key to finding yourself lies in helping other people. What if while saving people’s lives you can also mend their broken hearts and souls. What if a dog loved his owners so so much. What if a giant statue of a roast chicken crushed a woman to death. What if a guy danced everywhere instead of walking. What if you can’t go back to fix all of your mistakes but can still stop yourself from doubling down on them. What if you didn’t remember someone you loved but everything you do is charting a course that can save him. What if you hit a guy with a hard hat at the speed of a bullet. What if you did that with a sweet potato instead. What if a power you’ve only used to try to ruin someone can save her. What if our fates change but we always find our way back to each other. What if a guy became immortal by being killed by a magical meteor. What if that happened to a cat instead.


im probably one of if not the only person to be into all three of the games referenced on my tumblr layout and i love that for me. immediate evidence that no matter who you are you will be assaulted by at least one fandom you don't give a shit about when you're on my blog


[ID from alt:

  1. Lynne from Ghost Trick in her angry sprite, text to a text post reads: "Kill me once, shame on you. Kill me twice, how did you do that." with an addition reading: "Kill me three times, this timeloop fucking sucks".
  2. Cabanela's confidently smiling sprite next to an edited Wikipedia screenshot. It's a section menu reading: "Life, Serving Cunt, Death, Resurrection, Serving Cunt 2.0".
  3. Lynne smiling, next to a textpost that reads: "I pull the pin and throw the grenade straight up. Then I throw the pin straight up, and it slides right back into the grenade in midair, disarming it. When the grenade lands, it bonks me in the skull, killing me."
  4. The pigeon man/superintendent, next to a tweet reading: "Occasionally I'll get a sudden powerful urge to grab a pigeon off the street and shove it in my bag, but apart from that everything's fine".

End ID.]

hey. hey you. play ghost trick


about to say something mean but i feel like every "male-specific" issue is something that also happens to women its just that a lot of you dont seem to see women as people

women are also feeling lonely and alienated from communities en masse women are also expected to stifle their mental health for the sake of perfomance at work, in relationships, for children ect women are also expected to work extremely hard to maintain a perfect body and perfect health and are punished for being fat/having hair loss/having health issues especially those that affect ones sex life women are also insecure women are also neglected by parents and teachers and authority figures women are also scrutinized for having emotions and punished for not meeting the gendered expectations of our class and expected to climb upwards and overcompensate while being punished for signs of poverty and we get the added bonus on top of, yknow, being women. your emotional issues are not a Crisis Attacking Manhood theyre the way our society is fucking built you just dont see women as people


“if you’re working a full time job you should be able to afford to live on your own and have access to food and transportation” gonna be real with you brother. everyone deserves this. Not just people working 40 hrs a week


this year my challenge for everyone is to unlearn the association between love and morality. love is not something that is inherently morally good, and the absence of love is not something that is inherently bad. sex without love isn't morally bankrupt, it's just an action. people without love aren't less kind or less good, they're just people. when we can get past this false (and often unnoticed) dichotomy of good love/evil lovelessness then i think we are going to be able to take leaps and bounds in sex positivity, aro advocacy, certain discussions of mental health...


This is sort of tangentially related but the association leads to the idea that if someone is hurting you they don’t really love you, and that if you really love someone it’s impossible you’ll hurt them, despite it being demonstrably false.

very much related!! i didn't speak on this aspect of the issue very much in the original post because i wanted to initially put focus on a lack of love being neutral, but the love = morality mindset 100% does damage when it comes to a heroization of love and an inability to reconcile love and harm. all of your points are very real. would also point out an assumption that if another person Really Loves You then they wouldn't want to/can't really be hurting you, which can make it really difficult to recognize harm when it happens in relationships. a lack of love does not preclude the presence of goodness, and conversely, the presence of love does not preclude the presence of harm.


reblog if you prioritize women to the point you mock people for liking m/f or m/m ships. im insane

[ID: A screenshot of a Tumblr reply that reads, "People in fandom prioritize women to the point that they mock you for liking m/f or m/m ships. You're insane". End ID]