
The Mimic Doctor


He/It, PoC, Asks always open

[Image ID: Six pictures of the Hollow Knight, as a shade, with a distinctive crack down the middle of it's face. The first one involved a top-down view of it looking forwards, with its body swaying in a wavy motion. The second one is it looking to its left, lacking eyes. The third one is it as a hatchling. The fourth one is it looking upwards, its mouth exposed and partially open. The fifth image is a small doodle of it holding Lemm like a cardboard cutout. The sixth one is another small doodle, this time depicting it holding several siblings in its arms. End ID]


I fucking hate smart technology bro I’m so fucking sick of it

I fucking hate smart

technology bro I’m so

fucking sick of it

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.


you ever get tired of living but in a non-suicidal way

like everything is bad everywhere and no one has money and im tired of this cycle

i tried to explain how i was feeling like this to my drug counselor and she was like "yeah that still sounds kinda suicidal" and i could not figure out how to explain that i don't wanna die, i just like. am so so so tired of the way life is for me and all my friends and family. i'm tired of living like this but i'm gonna keep doing it bc i guess there's no other choice

I don't wanna die, I wanna go lay on a warm field under the sun and watch the clouds go by. How is this hard to understand?


I just want to spend a few days in the dim twilight between sleep and waking, but specifically the dim twilight of a Saturday morning in April.

There used to be something derisive from UK psychology/psychiatry, called “shit life syndrome” where the person isn’t actually depressed they’re just unhappy because their life objectively is terrible. Like their mental health issues would go away pretty quickly if they had friends and more money, and some support and people that weren’t being cruel to them all the time. As I unpack my own mental health, I think about that frequently, and I’m more sure that I didn’t have depression. I just was unhappy and my brain was too, that so many of my basic needs were not being met. 


i think it is unjust to deny a child their right to dig a hole motivelessly

when i was 12 i was out there with a shovel for no reason

When I was in elementary school they replaced the playground substrate from sand to bark, but to do that they literally just dumped all of the bark on top of the sand.

For some reason all of us children were livid about this and demanded the sand be brought back, so the kids all sat shoulder to shoulder on their butts and used their legs to kick all of the bark back, progressing through the playground with startling efficiency. There was even a "WHAT DO WE WANT? SAND!" chant going STRONG

3rd grade teacher runs out, near tears, begging us to stop, and this is where she FUCKS UP because she says

"I don't care if you dig a hole to China just stop DOING THAT"

well we stopped doing that, and immediately began construction on The Hole

Within 3 days The Hole was about a foot and a half wide, but The Hole was DEEP. a 5th grader would hop down and disappear entirely. A mob bucket was confiscated from the janitor to deal with the the rising water problem as the hole got deeper. The sheer display of cooperation and dedication we had to The Hole bordered on reverence.

It was the highlight of the day to go to recess and resume construction of The Hole

Eventually I'm pretty sure a second grader fell in and twisted their ankle and then they put a piece of plywood over the top of the hole and covered it with sand and bark. We all forgot about it immediately and I don't remember anyone ever bringing it up again



Chaotic Good

This scene will forever leave the biggest impression on me


“x-men: days of future past” walked so “the flash” could run drag itself painfully across our screens


petition to tell biden and harris to comply with the icj’s ruling and provisional measures here if you’re a us citizen. so far they’ve sent 47,074 letters out of the goal of 51,200!


pro-AI in the sense of "they taught a bread scanning computer to recognize cancer cells" etc etc

against AI in the sense of "we stole artwork from hundreds to thousands of artists, didn't credit them and didn't financially compensate them"