
Paartholomew II


I love you,
I know I'm the right one for you
but I'm afraid, I'll just end up
in the list of those who hurt you;
So I'll keep my distance
And stay afar but yet close
And always be there as a friend
For you.

“If sex with three people is called threesome and sex with four people is called foursome.

I guess now I know why people call you handsome”


My wife kicked me out of the house for my bad Arnold Schwarzenegger references, but don’t worry…

I’ll return


But for now

Hasta la vista baby


I can’t do it anymore, I can’t! Latest news American tourists in Japan have sighted Elon Musk inside of a Japanese Baby Cafe, being spoon fed by the staff


I'm very sorry but

What is a Japanese Baby Cafe

I've been looking at this for five minutes trying to figure it out and it's EATING at me

Alright well shit here it goes, a Japanese baby cafe is where grown businessmen go to be dressed, up and treated like a baby by the staff.

Elon paid for the full package

hey, man, im not one to judge

That’s really cool for you, but I am one to judge and I say we need to burn Elon at the stake. Not just for this, this is more of a last straw thing

oh, and could you provide proof of this happening?

I don’t think you understand this blogs gimmick

Ok, but do baby cafes exist? Cause that's not that weird.

Yeah they exist, and I agree that the baby cafe thing alone isn’t that weird it’s more the fact of imagining god damn ELON MUSK going to one and acting like a baby


Everyone has needs 😔😌😌