I put the Art in Artemis

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See, thatโ€™s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I donโ€™t wanna




this isn’t only about abortion rights but the criminalization of drug use & addiction as well. this person was drug-tested without her permission, was found to have meth in her system. 

despite having no evidence that drug use caused the stillbirth, and the fact that california law doesn’t criminalize stillbirth even if drugs are involved, she was interrogated by the police about her drug use and charged for the murder of her dead son. the same district attorney that prosecuted her had earlier went after someone else for stillbirth with alleged meth usage. both women spent over a year (as many as 4) behind bars before the cases were dismissed.

if we’re going to fight for abortion rights, we need to fight for the rights of drug users and addicts as well. they used this woman’s addiction to try and force punishment on her for a death that was not her fault. as long as the attitude the general public has on addicts continues, this will continue to happen as well, even if abortion is protected.


Yes, and as often with anti-addict bigotry, there’s a racial component too. I highly recommend the You’re Wrong About episode ‘crack babies’, which explains in great detail how the persecution of mothers based on accusations of drug use is just another blatantly racist way in which the war on drugs incarcerates mainly black people. https://www.stitcher.com/show/youre-wrong-about/episode/crack-babies-54339142


"You chose to have a kid"

A key point in framing is that almost every anti-choice idiot says, is that they always frame it as "the choice to have a kid". Specifically, in this case:

"You chose to have sex, so you have to deal with the kid"

Let's just...side-step the puritanical root of punishing people for having sex, and the actual, sincere belief that humans Not Having Sex is something we can actually achieve, which is stupid.

People explicitly make choices to not have kids when they have sex, too.

There are whole swaths of things that men and women do, hopefully overlapping, to not have kids.


None of them are 100% effective. Even Female and Male sterilization aren't 100% effective, other than a full blown hysterectomy.

Literally, a man and a woman can both go to a doctor, have actual surgeries performed so they don't have kids, have sex with one another, and still wind up pregnant. Especially if it's in the first few years after their surgeries are performed. Surgeries which have weeks to months of recovery time, planning, and costing thousands of dollars each.

I choose to go to work every day; punishing me for getting hit by a cab as a "potential outcome" of going to work is fucking ludicrous. People smoking are more likely to get a cancer, but we still treat them in hospitals. Getting AIDS from donating blood is a thing that can happen, but you're damn well going to sue the hospital or agency that gave you AIDS. I can play the lottery every day and eventually win a million dollars, but it's still "the stupid tax" and actually thinking it will happen is the literal Gold Standard for "not gonna happen".

Nowhere else in society do we accept bullshit like that except when we're talking about controlling women and their sex lives for doing things you don't want them to. And it's always, always from the same people who want the woman to deliver the baby (which itself has a high risk of just killing the mom outright, especially in the US) who don't want to feed the baby when it's delivered, who don't want to give it a home or clothes or healthcare.

Again, that's before we even get to:


With the overturning of Roe v. Wade, I need to let people know how dangerous the healthcare privacy climate is now. As someone that works with PHI (protected health information) I want to stress that HIPAA (the law that prevents your health data from being shared) does not apply to healthcare apps. These are incredibly dangerous to use, not only because law enforcement can procure a subpoena to access this information, but because these apps can sell your health data to any third party—potentially anti-abortion activists. Anyone with a uterus should delete not only period trackers, but mental health apps, because if you have a miscarriage or seek an abortion in a state that outlaws it, your mental health history can be used against you.

I would also discourage people from using online therapy apps like BetterHelp and Talkspace. Though BetterHelp says they are HIPAA compliant, that is a lie. They have shared data with Facebook. Their most recent privacy policy update says “We may share your information in connection with an asset sale, merger, bankruptcy, or other business transaction.” Any data breach could put your information at risk. Any health app could suddenly decide to change their privacy policies without notice.

Most responsible clinicians put your health data under (many times literally) lock and key. PHI software like Epic or Cerner have numerous failsafes to prevent data leaks. This is not the case for apps. BetterHelp and healthcare apps in general do not care about this. They only care about money. Do not trust any app or healthcare provider that operates strictly online. And for your own sake, use a VPN if you’re searching for abortion providers or advice.