Hello, hey, hi down here! This tiktok ban concerns you too because it’s not a “tiktok ban” congress is pushing, it’s CENSORSHIP! You know? That thing you guys post about here every day?

You don’t think your cute little fics are next or anything deemed “inappropriate?” Think again. They will have the right to control your access anytime for any reason.

“Oh but I’m not American, it’s not my problem.” Plenty of countries are already expressing interest in similar policies! If America gets this, you better believe you’re next and it’ll be an even easier fight! This matters! Banning of any material online will ALWAYS be your problem. Because if it’s tiktok, you think they’re gonna let Discord go? Twitch? Reddit? One by one they’ll remove any competition or threat to Facebook Meta.

This bill sounds like a load of bullshit. Not cause I don't think the US government couldn't come up with this shit but cause this is impossible to defend in court as it infringes on so many freedoms, of mostly people who work for the government in some way from what I get, but in that case the call would be coming from inside the house cause this bill would allow the US government to... censor and spy on themselves?