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There are 9 Executions scheduled for 2022 in the US.


Six in November, one in October, two in December.

THIS IS NOT NORMAL. The last time we saw this many executions in one month was nearly eight years ago in 2015. Many of these people are POC, have an intellectual disability, brain injury, or mental illness, and have chronic childhood trauma. Many are all three.

The death penalty is racist, archaic, and despicable. It does not work as a deterrent. It is senseless, state-sanctioned murder.

Above are the petitions for each individual execution. Please sign them and share them!

If you are financially able, Death Penalty Action is accepting donations to fight this cluster of executions now. You can donate at the link below.


There are four executions this week!

November 16th:

Murray Hooper (Arizona)

Stephen Barbee (Texas)

November 17th:

Richard Fairchild (Oklahoma)

Kenneth Smith (Alabama)

PLEASE if you live in any of these states call your governor!! Let them know that this is abhorrent! Please sign the petitions above!

death tw tw death execution tw tw execution no executions on native land death penalty action stop executions petition petitions murray hooper stephen barbee richard fairchild kenneth smith

There are 9 Executions scheduled for 2022 in the US.


Six in November, one in October, two in December.

THIS IS NOT NORMAL. The last time we saw this many executions in one month was nearly eight years ago in 2015. Many of these people are POC, have an intellectual disability, brain injury, or mental illness, and have chronic childhood trauma. Many are all three.

The death penalty is racist, archaic, and despicable. It does not work as a deterrent. It is senseless, state-sanctioned murder.

Above are the petitions for each individual execution. Please sign them and share them!

If you are financially able, Death Penalty Action is accepting donations to fight this cluster of executions now. You can donate at the link below.


This first of these executions is this Thursday, October 20th, 2022. Please sign Benjamin Cole’s petition here.

If you live in Oklahoma, please call Governor Stitt’s office. Send emails, tweet him, let him know that you do not want them killing in your name this Thursday.

death tw tw death execution tw tw execution no executions on native land death penalty action stop executions petition petitions benjamin cole tracy beatty murray hooper stephen barbee richard fairchild kenneth smith kevin johnson richard glossip john hanson scott McLaughlin anthony sanchez

There are 9 Executions scheduled for 2022 in the US.


Six in November, one in October, two in December.

THIS IS NOT NORMAL. The last time we saw this many executions in one month was nearly eight years ago in 2015. Many of these people are POC, have an intellectual disability, brain injury, or mental illness, and have chronic childhood trauma. Many are all three.

The death penalty is racist, archaic, and despicable. It does not work as a deterrent. It is senseless, state-sanctioned murder.

Above are the petitions for each individual execution. Please sign them and share them!

If you are financially able, Death Penalty Action is accepting donations to fight this cluster of executions now. You can donate at the link below.

death tw tw death execution tw tw execution no executions on native land death penalty action stop executions petition petitions benjamin cole tracy beatty murray hooper stephen barbee richard fairchild kenneth smith kevin johnson richard glossip john hanson scott McLaughlin anthony sanchez