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Microsoft only wanted their IP not the studios

The subreddit covers various game development aspects, including programming, design, writing, art, game jams, postmortems, and marketing. It serves as a hub for game creators to discuss and share their insights, experiences, and expertise in the industry.

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Microsoft only wanted their IP not the studios

Arkane Studios dev goes off on video game executives following 4 studio closures by Xbox:

“video games are an entertainment/cultural industry, and your business as a corporation is to take care of your artists/entertainers and help them create value for you.”

[RANT] Why do software engineers have to be like this

A wholesome community made by & for software & tech folks in India. Have a doubt? Ask it out.

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[RANT] Why do software engineers have to be like this

Basically title. Whenever I open linkedin, some sde from FAANG is sharing notes on how to crack interviews. Some recent graduate, looking like a tard, working at one of the above company is telling people to book 1:1 call on t*pmate. Someone from IIT is making the worst humour joke of all, and then writing in their bio "Humour and Code".

And the worst of them all. Some girls will literally show their skinny legs or wear highly exposing dresses by attaching images, and then tell their preparation journey of DSA and in the end will again beg for following them.

I mean, isn't the money they are making enough or are they too much attention seeker. And most of these people are young ones, in the age group of 21-35. I sometimes find it cringe.

I wanted to ask you guys also, like what do you feel like when you see someone from your college, whom you knew very closely, does these kind of things on linkedin. Do you also feel it cringe?

Are these people really that much free that they have time for getting into video call with someone. Or are the companies not giving them enough work, because they are planning to lay them off👀.

O zi in IBM . Return to office

Comunitatea programatorilor romani de pe Reddit

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O zi in IBM . Return to office

O dau anonima ca inca strang bani de masina.

Ma trezesc si mascarpin la oo, ma uit la ceas si imi aduc aminte ca ma obliga domnu mihnea sa merg la birou 3 zile pe saptamana (mnezeu altar)

Ma imbrac, strang tot de pe masa din bucatarie si vars in rucsac. E cam descusut si intr-o rana, dar IBM e firma veche si de renume si mia facut onoarea de a purta o relicva pe care probabil a atinso nea' Watson.

Pornesc masina cumparata de la un samsar de treaba, verific ca lindicatorul de motorina inca pluteste si conduc spre birou. Enumar cativa sfinti ca stau in trafic si probabil trebuia sa alimentez.

Ajung la birou. Dau sa parchez, da aia de sau impreunat cu folos siau dus puradeii la scoala si au ocupat toata parcarea. Injur si ma uit... injur.

Gasesc decat un loc, jumate pe o bordura. Bun si asta!

Intru in birou. Devalmasie... Totul ocupat. Plm, merg in bucatarie, stau acolo la masa. Gasesc un loc, ma asez si se aude o voce de supt masa. Cica e ocupat locul, trebuie sa vina(era secretara, rezervase pt cineva)

Ies,gasesc o debara si ma pun acolo in cur cu leptopu in brate. Scriu 2 linii de cod si intra 5, cica au sedinta face2face sii rezervat.

Gasesc o sfoara, agat laptopul de gat si lucrez din picioare. Ma bate cineva pe umar, cica daca ma dau mai incolo. Ma dau, ca e mai in etate si ii fac loc la geam.

Din greseala ating un scaun ocupat de o colega. Asta cade, caci e scaun tipic IBM si are 3 roti din 6. Aideplm, accident de munca.

Imi anunt managerul, iar asta da din umeri. Decat atat poate face ca lucreaza si el din holul alaturat si nu are loc sa dea din maini. Ne salutam pe slack.

Se face 5 jumate. Stau iar ca boul in trafic. Apoi reusesc sa intru in lift.

Ma urc in masina. O zi foarte productiva. Multumesc sfintilor ca nam avut diaree, ca trebuia sa scot departamentul IT din buda si nu aveam unde sai pun.

Multumim conducatorului iubit pentru un plan bine stabilit.

Why Do Fintech and Banks Use Java So Much?

A subreddit for all questions related to programming in any language.

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Why Do Fintech and Banks Use Java So Much?

Recently, I was researching fintech companies and noticed a common thread: almost all of them use Java. I did some online searching, but the answers I found were pretty generic, like "it's secure and fast."

Can someone explain the real reasons behind this trend? Why can't these companies build their products without Java?

In many ways "old internet" had better UX

A community dedicated to all things web development: both front-end and back-end. For more design-related questions, try /r/web_design.

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In many ways "old internet" had better UX

Surely features and possibilities are x100 now and some of this might be nostalgy but likely other boomers share some of these views

  1. despite abysmal network speeds ( my first was "speedy 7kB/s, that's 7seconds to download just react-dom.js ) pages were still relatively fast. Often it feels pages are just slower these days

  2. caching and back/forward worked great. It was possible to fly through history browsing history going back/forward. Also many sites worked surprisingly well offline

  3. google search used to provide results where the search term actually appeared

  4. it was much easier to find actual information on pages, now it's 90% images and empty space with sny meaningful information tucked away in some modal or corner.

  5. forums had much better UX, it was possible to find posts that you saw earlier, see which threads had new replies, read the actual posts as thread, no upvote/downvote bs etc.

  6. less hyperactivity in UI. Now it's constant jumps, transitions, modals, multistep forms and such. I still prefer to wait and get a complete page instead of content flashing in from every direction

Am I the only one who's fed up with all the AI posts everywhere?

A community dedicated to all things web development: both front-end and back-end. For more design-related questions, try /r/web_design.

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Am I the only one who's fed up with all the AI posts everywhere?

I am posting this in this sub, because a majority of "AI Launches" are web apps. And this sub is one of the plenty subs I visit where AI posts will constantly pop up.

Most postings are like

  • I made this new fancy groundbreaking AI app (a ChatGPT prompt wrapper)

  • Will AI take our jobs?? \o/

  • How can I make millions with AI?

  • AI Entrepreneural posts (like I want to market my ChatGPT prompt wrapper)

I mean I can't be the only one who's fed up with that, right?

There should be a subreddit like "AI dev" where they can then post this kind of stuff, so other subs stay clean.

Sorry for that rant, lol.

Meet the top 3rd committer on github with 17k commits

A wholesome community made by & for software & tech folks in India. Have a doubt? Ask it out.

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Meet the top 3rd committer on github with 17k commits You will see fake commits in 20 repositories. A commit adds a space while other commit removes the same space 😂. Where do we get this developers from 😂

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