
This is a love story.


ne/nym/nir - minor - white - icon art by neoncircusofneonclowns - everything on all my blogs is ask to tag - read pinned please!

okay let's go finally putting my info in a pinned post.

hello everyone, I'm Opinion/Comet and my pronouns are ne/nym/nir! More info under the cut. Please heed the dni (also under the cut), I look at people's blogs when they interact and I love the block button but I still wanna have all my boundaries listed. Please don't send me chain asks or tag me in chain posts. Thank you for reading!


I think it should be illegal for me to have to go to school and do work when most of my energy is being spent on trying very hard to not go find a hole to die in asap


The tailors at Colonial Williamsburg made a suit for their cat


The best part is that they were inspired by a diary entry from 1775, written by a 12 year old tailor’s apprentice who had been left unsupervised all day and decided to make a suit for a cat. Here’s a link to the blog post about it, but I’ll just paste the whole diary entry here:

“I had been at work about two months when Christmas came on – and here I must relate a little anecdote. The principal [the tailor] and his lady were invited to a party among their friends…while it devolved on me to stay at home and keep house. There was nothing left me in charge to do, only to take care of the house. There was a large cat that generally lay about the fire. In order to try my mechanical powers, I concluded to make a suit of clothing for puss, and for my purpose gathered some scraps of cloth that lay about the shop-board, and went to work as hard as I could. Late in the evening I got my suit of clothes finished; I caught the cat, put on the whole suit – coat, vest, and small-clothes [breeches] – buttoned all on tight, and set down my cat to inspect the fit. 

“Unfortunately for me there was a hole through the floor close to the fireplace, just large enough for the cat to pass down; after making some efforts to get rid of the clothes, and failing, pussy descended through the hole and disappeared; the floor was tight and the house underpinned with brick, so there was no chance of pursuit. I consoled myself with a hope that the cat would extricate itself from its incumbrance, but not so; night came and I had made on a good fire and seated myself for some two or three hours after dark, when who should make their appearance but my master and mistress and two young men, all in good humor, with two or three bottles of rum. After all were seated around the fire, who should appear amongst us but the cat in his uniform. I was struck speechless, the secret was out and had no chance of concealing; the cat was caught, the whole work inspected and the question asked, is this your day’s work? I was obliged to answer in the affirmative; I would then have been willing to take a good whipping, and let it stop there, but no, to complete my mortification the clothes were carefully taken off the cat and hung up in the shop for the inspection of all customers that came in.”

“I was hoping they’d beat me and forget about it but to my horror they stuck my work up on the fridge”


Not just any fridge-

The public fridge

{ID - a black cat wearing a red suit jacket made of a thick material. END ID}

Source: facebook.com

...why is just the word 'loop' trending. i will never understand how this website decides what a trending tag is


All right y'all. Here's another tidbit:

"POC" means Person of Color.

If you're referring to a specific noun- person, artist, writer, actor, teacher, etc.-

It is _NOUN_ of color! Artist of color, writer of color, teacher of color.

Please stop saying "poc character, poc artist" (person of color character person of color artist). While I recognize that if you chose to follow me, you likely had no mal-intent, it comes off in a very... Distancing way. "How can you claim to care about me and you don't even know what you're saying" way. If you know someone's race or ethnicity, feel free to say that! Black artist, Filipino writer, Indian character, etc. It's okay to be specific! Our goal is intent, and part of being intentional is knowing what we're saying when we're saying it. 👍🏾


Another aspect of the Gaza Genocide that I want to talk about is the complicity of Internet banking and crowdfunding websites like GoFundMe.

I have seen multiple Gazans raise enough money to leave for Egypt, but the banks and the crowdfunding websites freeze their money or cancel their funds for "suspicious activity" or whatever. Every day that passes in Gaza supplies get more scarce, conditions get more deadly, and the price to cross into Egypt gets more expensive. I've seen people, like ghost-90 here on Tumblr, raise the full amount to get their entire family out of Gaza, but their money gets frozen for so long that the original goal is only a fraction of the price now needed to cross the boarder.

These financial institutions should not be allowed to get away with contributing to the death toll in Gaza. They are intentionally keeping people trapped in a kill zone by withholding money that is rightfully theirs.

I'm so pissed and angry that every avenue for relief for Palestinians is being cut of left and right. It is vile that Gazans are being extorted for 10s of thousands of dollars by the Egyptian gov just to save their family's lives, but even when they play by this corrupt game, the world still finds a way to make them suffer.

My heart is with every Palestinian for the rest of time, from river to sea you will all be free. 🇵🇸❤️


Please stop using disabilities you don't have as comparisons.

I saw a video trying to explain that autistic people don't make eye contact because it can be painful for them (good, this is true) and telling them to "just do it anyway" is ridiculous, saying "you wouldn't tell a wheelchair user to "just walk, its better for you" so don't tell autistic people to just make eye contact".

But people do. They do all the time. It's well documented that doctors will withhold their ok for patients to get a wheelchair (which is needed unless you're paying out of pocket, because insurance and most public disability services like the NDIS need proof from a doctor). I've known people who can hardly walk and are having to fight because the doctor still insists it better for them to walk, even if it's painful and sevearly limiting their quality of life.

Then in the comments, someone pointed out that people do say that to wheelchair users (good, this is true) but then continued on by saying "unless you just don't have legs" which is just as bad as the origonal.

I had to fight to get my first wheelchair as a double leg amputee, and every wheelchair since then I've had to justify not wanting the "better option" (prosthetics) to the government so they'll approve me for the funding. Doctors and even strangers too, all want to know why I'm not walking, why I'm not using prosthetics all the time. When I go on trips with my family I'm told to "just walk" so they don't have to pack my wheelchair. at my own graduation from university I was chastised by the organisers for not bringing my prosthetics (because wearing them was exceptionally painful back then and i hadnt worn them in nearly 3 months. I had asked before if this would be ok. they knew) because the venue was accessible but not the part of the venue the graduates were in. On the topic of university they also put my class in the only non-wheelchair accessible room and held meetings i was expected to take part in, in the non-accessible lunch room. When I complained, I was told to just use my legs for a few minutes so I could get into my classes. Being an amputee with no legs didn't shield me from these experiences either, it often made it worse.

I have all 3 of the disabilities mentioned (autistic, wheelchair user, amputee). If you don't have the disability you're using for a comparison, don't use it. Please


i love it when people trap the warden in minecraft by making a moving piston that makes noise so the warden just quietly stares at it. ipad baby

[ID 1: screenshot of a youtube video in which someone is playing minecraft java edition. in the middle of a large, round, undecorated room is a sticky piston hooked up to a simple redstone clock, and a warden staring at it. a caption on the video reads "that's good". notably, a wither health bar is at the top of the screen, and predictably, the player has their UI scale set to 1.
ID 2: a digital drawing of the warden and the piston on a white background. the clock is absent and the piston is no longer sticky. end ID]

Incredibly alarming that talks of “peace” in Gaza seem to extend no further than a ceasefire. How do you think they’re gonna start off where they left off themselves? Their houses are destroyed, so many have lost mothers and fathers and brothers and children, they still have no clean water and no food. Any area Israel withdraws out of is an area it already knows has been rendered inhospitable. There was even a direct quote by some IOF soldier gleefully stating how he “wasn’t sure Palestinians could go back to their homes.” So what happens when the US “succeeds at negotiating a ceasefire”? Who will be responsible for helping the Palestinians rebuild all that they’ve lost?

Palestinians are literally being treated as invalids & it hurts so much to see. It’s so heartbreaking watching footage of Palestinians walking the demolished streets of Khan Younis in shock, with some saying (with no emotion, bc they’ve been enduring this for months) that their homes are simply gone. There was nothing to come back to by the time Israeli troops left. These are whole, multidimensional human beings like you and me who no longer have homes they could live in. And there is literally no recourse. They’re supposed to just pick up the pieces all alone. It’s so dehumanizing I could cry about it.

So important to reinforce that advocacy for Palestinian rights doesn’t end at a ceasefire that has already come too little, too late. At that point it would be about advocating for Palestinians’ rights for quality of life, Palestinians’ rights to retribution, and most importantly Palestinians’ right to freedom. Although those numbers have certainly intensified since Oct. 7, the Palestinian struggle goes back decades. I don’t want to see anyone hanging up their hats when the US inevitably paints themselves as the western savior Palestine has needed all along, finally flying in on a golden chariot to broker peace. This is far from over when a ceasefire is declared, and it’ll be far from over until every Palestinian enjoys the quality of life any human being is entitled to.