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Showing 1 post tagged ghost trick spoilers

Ghost Trick is like. What if the key to finding yourself lies in helping other people. What if while saving people’s lives you can also mend their broken hearts and souls. What if a dog loved his owners so so much. What if a giant statue of a roast chicken crushed a woman to death. What if a guy danced everywhere instead of walking. What if you can’t go back to fix all of your mistakes but can still stop yourself from doubling down on them. What if you didn’t remember someone you loved but everything you do is charting a course that can save him. What if you hit a guy with a hard hat at the speed of a bullet. What if you did that with a sweet potato instead. What if a power you’ve only used to try to ruin someone can save her. What if our fates change but we always find our way back to each other. What if a guy became immortal by being killed by a magical meteor. What if that happened to a cat instead.