Pizza Box Raccoon (Posts tagged tw horns)

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Happy anniversary introduction of the school teacher themed character from vine that was a precursor to your role in sanders sides Logan!

Yeah, it’s still a mouthful to say.

Happy Appreciation Day Logan.

Only one more Spyro inspired dragon to go.

sanders sides thomas sanders logan sanders ts logic happy birthday logan happy birthday Logan 2022 dragon logan tsart sanders sides fan art fan art my art ink digital art tw bright colors tw horns tw just in case


Happy Birthday Sleep/Remy!

Enjoy that cake pop!

These Spyro inspired dragons are so fun to design. I need to play more of Spyro 2 and 3 soon!


Tag list:






tag list reblog sanders shorts thomas sanders sleep sanders remy sanders happy birthday sleep happy birthday sleep 2022 dragon sleep dragon remy tsart sanders shorts fan art fan art my art tag list reblog ink digital art tw bright colors tw horns tw food tw just in case


Happy Birthday Patton!

Pat would be a very colourful dragon, with swirls and heart patterns.


Tag list:





tag list reblog sanders sides thomas sanders patton sanders ts morality dragon patton happy birthday patton happy birthday patton 2022 tsart sanders sides fan art fan art my art tag list reblog ink digital art tw horns tw bright colors tw food tw just in case

The kiddos Halloween costumes.

We got scarecrow Patton, vampire Virgil, prince charming Roman, demon Remus, pumpkin head Janus and ghost Logan.

I know it’s late but I do want to finish these. I love them.

Kid sides au Master Post.

sanders sides thomas sanders patton sanders tadpole patton roman sanders remus sanders virgil sanders janus sanders logan sanders tsart sanders sides fan art fan art kid sides au kid sides halloween costumes my art ink doodles tw food tw horns tw eyes tw fangs tw frog tw ghost tw monster tw tentacle tw body horror tw just in case

Happy anniversary introduction of the school teacher themed character from vine that was a precursor to your role in sanders sides Logan!

What, oh that’s much better!

Happy Appreciation Day Logan!


Card close ups and meanings:


Chariot - Ambition and Drive.

Hermit - Self-reflection and Solitude.

Other side tarot cards.

sanders sides thomas sanders logan sanders ts logic happy birthday logan Logan appreciation day Logan appreciation day 2021 side tarot cards tsart sanders sides fan art fan art my art ink digital art tw bright colors tw horses tw horns tw space tw glass tw just in case