Pizza Box Raccoon (Posts tagged ts dark creativity)

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277k ratings

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Took you long enough! I was starting to think my brother was keeping you away on purpose. If he’s really paying you, I can double it! Just keep telling him I’m still stuck in crystal.

Happy Birthday Remus!

He’s free, but at what cost?

sanders sides thomas sanders remus sanders happy birthday remus dragon remus ts dark creativity dragon design spyro dragon designs dragon sides happy birthday remus 2023 tsart sanders sides fan art fan art my art ink digital art tw weapon tw eye contact tw eyes tw bright colors tw just in case


The Duke of the Deep Sea.

Octopus Pirates, eight times more dangerous then your every day pirate.


Tag list:





@ idrawgaystffs

tag list reblog sanders sides thomas sanders remus sanders ts dark creativity ts the duke mer remus mermay 2022 tsart sanders sides fan art fan art my art tag list reblog ink digital art tw octopus tw tentacles tw weapon tw bright colors tw eye contact tw shirtless tw just in case


Remus’s skirt look + skateboarding =

Hotdog skateboard 2, electric boogaloo.

A little late with this but it’s one of my favourites.


Tag list:




@ andey-moonglow

@ idrawgaystffs

tag list reblog sanders sides thomas sanders remus sanders ts dark creativity the duke sides in skirts hot dog skateboard tsart sanders sides fan art fan art my art tag list reblog ink digital art tw weapon tw bright colors tw food tw just in case


Snow time! ⛄️

Roman and Remus don’t fight all the time. They can work together and create awesome stuff.

Kid sides au Master Post


Tag list:






tag list reblog sanders sides thomas sanders roman sanders ts creativity kid roman remus sanders ts dark creativity kid remus kid sides au snowfolk tsart sanders sides creators fan art my art tag list reblog ink digital art tw dots


Happy belated Halloween.

I don’t care how late it is, I loved working on this. So happy I was able to finish it.

The line art here.

Kid sides au Master Post.


Tag list:






tag list reblog sanders sides thomas sanders virgil sanders ts anxiety remus sanders ts dark creativity roman sanders ts creativity logan sanders ts logic patton sanders ts morality tadpole patton janus sanders ts deciet kid sides au halloween costumes tsart sanders sides fan art fan art my art tag list reblog ink digital art tw ghost tw monster tw horns tw food tw body horror tw tentacle

Happy belated Halloween.

I don’t care how late it is, I loved working on this. So happy I was able to finish it.

The line art here.

Kid sides au Master Post.

sanders sides thomas sanders virgil sanders ts anxiety remus sanders ts dark creativity roman sanders ts creativity logan sanders ts logic patton sanders ts morality tadpole patton janus sanders ts deceit kid sides au halloween costumes tsart sanders sides fan art fan art my art ink digital art tw ghost tw monster tw body horror tw food tw horns tw tentacle