
*screaming intensifies*


Adam, Liam, Leon, can call one of those names
He/Them and Xe/Xim
oh god, oh fuck, this is happening?? this is really happening.

about me

Names: Adam, Liam, Leon

Pronouns: He/Them and Xe/Xim

Gender and Orientation: Nonbinary Gray Demiromantic Asexual

DNI: Racists, Pedophiles, Neo N**is Neo N**i Sympathizers, Antisemitic, LGBT/QueerPhobic, Incest Supporter, Pedophilia Supporter, Misogynist

Fandom DNI: You support incest or pedophilic ships (ironman x tom holland’s spiderman, zuko x azula, etc), you create racist or otherwise harmful content, sexualize minor characters, anti anti, pro shipping

Past Urls: MessCentral, TantrumFandom, MaleWifeTonraq, Girl-Boss-Avatar-Wan

Side blogs:

Pokémon/Gaming: @swampink @swampurple

Anonymous asked:

Aang got two principle looks among many. 1. His sexy playboy philanthropist sash with one shoulder exposed and 2. His all powerful, god worthy red cape that just exudes confidence (similar to the comics and tlok, but without the white man)

Aang’s truest form is full titties out in a sarong, and bryke were too cowardly to let us SEE!!

“An hour ago I thought I was having a heart attack, and Azula didn’t care at all.”
“A heart attack?”
“Yes, a heart attack! I’m pretty sure it wasn’t that though.”
“Oh. Phew.”
“According to Web MD, I’m having a pulmonary embolism, which is much, much worse.”

The latest installment of my ATLA/Scitt’s Creek AU!

1. if you’re a super religious catholic - enough to have it in your bio - and you also happen to hate aang’s character/ think he was handed a deus ex machina/ didn’t grow etc etc - i’ma just go ahead and suggest you should uhh maybe examine how your religious bias miiiight be informing your approach to a fictional text that is decidedly non-christian :(

2. what the fuck

Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Lost Adventures: Relics

Most of the comics from the Lost Adventures anthology are just cute little oneshots or provide extra details about certain plot points, but Relics felt like it could have been an actual episode, and reveals some crucial (and very sad) information about the history of the airbenders.

It takes place during Book 1, when Aang still has a tiny bit of hope left that other airbenders could have survived by hiding–which actually makes a lot of sense, since the likelihood that every single air nomad (emphasis on nomad) alive would have been in the temples during the Fire Nations attack is incredibly small.  He finds a merchant selling airbender relics and claims to have bought them from a mysterious stranger living alone in the mountains. 

Aang heads out by himself to investigate and discovers evidence of an air nomad settlement. For a split second he thinks he has found another airbender, that he isn’t actually the last one…

…before the ‘airbender’ turns out to be the merchant to from earlier working with Zhao and his men to lure and trap Aang. 

This is sad enough, but Zhao then reveals some truly horrifying information: this was the same kind of trap that Fire Lord Sozin used to secretly continue his genocide of the airbenders. 

It turns out that a number of airbenders did avoid the main Fire Nation attack and went into hiding. This was apparently anticipated by Sozin, though, and he managed to lure and kill most, if not all, of the survivors in with similar caches of airbender relics.

Aang manages to escape Zhao, but the comic still ends on a dark note, with him not only accepting that he is the last airbender but also processing yet another atrocity inflicted by the Fire Nation upon his people.

“Why did he—or I—try to kill you?”
“Oh, it was something about stealing the face of someone you loved.”

A gift for my inspiration, my queen, moon of my life, @irresistible-revolution. The idea is that Ummi, Avatar Kuruk’s love who had her face stolen by Koh, was actually a morally gray witch that craved the love and power of the Avatar. As a faceless spirit, she is now able to possess living people, and she takes over Katara’s body so she can be with the Avatar again.

[ID: Digital art of Ummi & Kuruk from Avatar: The Last Airbender. Sat on ice & holding hands, they’re smiling lovingly at each other. They’re in their outfits from Kuruk’s telling of his life to Aang in Sozin’s Part 2. The background is a bright blue & cloudy, watercolor-like sky. End ID.]

UmmiRuk my beloveds......

(click 4 better quality, rbs > likes 💙)

Nyahitha: Kuruk's late, again.
Kelsang: How did this happen? I had Ummi wake him at 8 o'clock this morning pretending it was 11.
Hei-Ran: I left him a fake schedule saying we were starting at 9 instead of noon.
Jianzhu: I set all his clocks and watches to say PM in place of AM.
Kelsang: Oh, dear. We may have overdone it.
Kuruk, freaking out at home: WHAT THE HELL TIME IS IT?!

can earth benders bend things like gemstones?? I know King Bumi could bend that rock candy stuff but can they bend stuff like diamonds, jade, turquoise, rubies, etc??

also. could blood bending be used for medical purposes? Katara was pretty horrified at being able to blood bend but I wonder if it could be used to stop internal bleeping of if she could bend lost blood back into people??