just here to have a good time 🕺🏻✨

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being paranoid is funny bc like well what if i’m right

(via winniepocalypse)



Yeah, I’d watch Muppets Lord of the Rings

(via celadonisle)


it’s no longer 4/13 but homestuck never dies

(via winniepocalypse)



Yeah, it really be like tha- MOTHERGODDAMNFUCKER

(via mlnmo)







legitimate fucking lifehack: discord server literally just for yourself to keep track of stuff over devices. links. reminders and checklists. all neatly divided into categories. search function and dates. why didnt i do this earlier oh my god.

op here. everybody adding passive aggressive comments like “just use [other thing]” or “wow u dont know [other thing] exists get well soon ❤️” owes me 5 dollars

everybody else especially adhd folks are very welcome and i hope u see something beautiful today

ive been doing this lately and it works pretty well!


these r the channels i use

basically organisation has my schedule and any random stuff thats happening or i gotta do

media is where i drop a youtube video, episode of a show, or fic im reading with the time of where i am in the video that i need to close so i can focus

plus it doubles as a catalog of stuff to do when I’m bored!

then document is links to things i need open to do work or any slideshow links i get for school

and formulas are the formulas i always search for those classes like a wavelength formula or molar mass or smth!

what the fuck what the fuck
this is genius
what the fuck

I do this!! It’s super useful and I have one channel called serotonin-pls that I put nice things in for when my depression/anxiety is bad. So there’s like cat videos, puppy pictures, things that make me wheeze laugh, and screenshots of nice things people have said to me. It helps me a lot but it also means I have a bunch of nice somethings to send my friends if they’re having a rough time too 😊


(via willheis)




it is SO FUNNY when you’re watching a show with horses in it and within the plot of the show the horses are “”””upset””” but the way they communicate this is by placing a nervous nickering sound bite over what is clearly a calm horse placidly performing a practiced trick

like clearly this is the correct and humane way to pretend a horse is upset and unhappy but it’s soooo funny like this guys ears aren’t even pinned back!!! he’s just vibing!!! dude did the least amount of rearing to get his apple treats and he can see his handler right behind the camera already reaching into the treat bag!! he’s getting a good grade in being a good little boy and his mommy is going to be so proud

See also: every “scummy sewer rat” used as set dressing in modern tv and film is a healthy, chubby lil boi with a nice shiny coat bc he lives a blessed little rat life full of fruits and nuts and tummy scritches

(via winniepocalypse)





Ha I wonder how many strokes the most complex Chinese character has like maybe eightee-


Has a Chinese son, names him bèng-dá, and he hates me

My beloved son 䨻龘 just trying to write his name in kindergarten


(via willheis)