

You can call me Xan. I'm an artist, writer and a sweetheart. ๐Ÿ––๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ˜ทโœŠ๐Ÿพ

You can follow me on twitter here and on instagram here.

You can find my art and personal photos in the tag "baby does baby does" and my text posts in the tag "baby says baby says"

I'm visually impaired and autistic, I also have EDS. I'm in my 30s, I'm bisexual and my pronouns are she/her. I'm in a relationship with @morefuckinknives but I'm polyamorous and interested in having more romantic relationships. I'm also open to making new friends.

Passions include Star Trek, collecting bracelets and rings, fashion, horror stories, sci fi and fantasy films, journaling, creating abstract art, getting stoned and staying that way, hallucinogens, eating, being cozy, collecting crystals, reading and writing dark original fiction and fan fic, ASOIAF, TLOU, daydreaming about dilfs and milfs, natural nail care, natural hair care, listening to music, resting, and self care.


It's that time again. Please help me raise funds to keep rent and bills up to date while I look for work. The goal is $500 by May 1st. Share this post (you can also repost the image elsewhere) and give what you can. Every dollar counts.

Yesterday, I found out we've been moved up the list for a housing voucher! While this is great news, it'll still be a couple of months until the process is finished. Until that's done and I find work, we still need help. Every dollar counts, and so does spreading the word.

Venm0 is MrDed. PayPal details available on request.


We donโ€™t have to talk or be doing the same thing, we can just exist in the same room together, doing our own things, and be happily separate together.


I was captivated by the idea that Spot was originally Tasha's cat (because we know she had an orange cat in the past, and we don't know where Spot came from so it's a logical conclusion), so I drew this. But I put Tasha in the newer uniform to imply that she doesn't die because canon is what I make of it and in MY mind Data, Tasha, and Spot get to live long lives full of joy and whimsy.