
Not in Saw fandom but matching pfps w/ bestie :3

@thedragonemperess / thedragonemperess.tumblr.com

Plankton - Panromantic Enby - Ace of Diamonds ♦️ - Any & All Pronouns - Minor - 💚💙🧡🤍💓

The Dragon Emperess Master Post

I guess I’m doing this now

Special Tags

Marankton speaks because why not: Original posts

Awesome art: Art that I’ve reblogged.

Radical writing: Writing stuff that I've reblogged.

My writing: Self explanatory.

My art: Also self explanatory.

Fanfiction That Is On Tumblr

C-A-R-L: A Julie and the Phantoms fic based on what Bobby/Trevor does after the boys die.

A Magical Fanny Pack? More Likely Than You Think: A Julie and the Phantoms fic based on the the idea that Alex’s fanny pack is like Marry Poppins’ bag.

If The World Was Crumbling: A ScarletStrange fic following Stephen’s thought process after Endgame.

I Saved Your Life!: A Lab Rats/Mighty Med AU where Elite Force never happened. The Bionic Quad splits up to run their own times while Kaz and Oliver become superheroes.

Questions: A Julie and the Phantoms drabble based on the idea of some angst behind the line “When you die, you think you’ll get all these answers, but instead we just have more questions.”

My Life Is Like A Video Game (Trying Not To Go Insane): “A person’s superpowers emerge during- and relate to- a highly stressful moment in their life. Your brother nearly drowned, and as a result could shape water to his will. A classmate fell from a high balcony, and ended up learning to fly. You? You just got your powers last night.”

I Was Getting Kind Of Used To Being Someone You Loved: “I’m currently thinking about Willex plus the quote “How lucky i am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard?”

The Years Start Coming And They Don’t Stop Coming: “Luke's gonna have to watch Julie grow up and obtain new romantic partners, while stays the same and is ultimately left behind.”

The Story Of My Life: I Take You Home: Imagine your OTP trying to read their kid a bed time story, but their kid doesn't like any of the books they have, so they decide to tell them the story of how they met.

They Don’t Deserve This: “Marie, you get 25 years in the black room where Alex cried.”

What Really Happens At Target: “You’re late.” “I’m sorry, I could have been on time but I didn’t want to.

Miss Minutes: Miss Minutes is the Duolingo Bird of the TVA.

A Job On The Other Side: An AU where Julie gets a job at the HGC instead of the boys losing their stamps. While Luke comes up with a break-out plan, Julie finds out that Caleb isn't what he makes himself out to be.

Wild for Wheels: Holley stopped by Radiator Springs for a surprise visit. It's late, more, and they just found a stray cat, and it's hurt.

Thinking Out Loud: Finn and Holley drop by for a visit, and Holley devices that this is the trip she's gonna propose to Mater. But here's the catch: Mater has the same idea.

Made For Each Other: "How about a fluffy Plankton meets Karen story?"

MAR10: Bucky found out that his birthday and Mario Day fall on the same day and is making that everyone else's problem. (Well, actually, everyone else is pretty on board with it, he's only making it Sam's problem.)

Madmen & Dictators: That's where the 'unfortunately' part of 'semi-unfortunately' comes in. After being used for so long, that's the only way you can see yourself: A tool in someone else's box.

Broken Walls (Hurt Like Shattered Glass): The gun in his glovebox had been there for years, so Doc had no idea how he managed to forget it. Either way, it was too late to lie, and it was definitely too late to turn around.

The Deep End (Of the Ball Pit): A drabble in which Loki, Peter P., and Tony go to McDonalds.

Otis: A drabble explaining Marcus' first reaction to Otis.

Grief is Love Persevering: AU where Stephen takes Wanda in after Endgame.

Seeing Pink: Flynn has complicated feelings towards the color pink. On one hand, it's a pretty color. On the other hand, it holds vile memories. Written in the form of journal entries.

Take Me or Leave Me: Vega (Vincent), a singer Overlord who has consistently been pestered by Vox to join the Vees, is once again approached by him with the same offer. However, there's a new pre-tense: The Vees are planning something big, and Vox doesn't want them to get caught in the crossfire. For the first time, Vega genuinely considers his offer, but someone else steps in to stir the pot: Vera, a woman who Valentino so hatefully refers to as "Vox's bitch."

Other Master Posts

Other Accounts

Archive Of Our Own: This is a little bit of everything I write for and more.

This list is prone to updates.


y'all said such kind words about my dad's crewel work so here are more pictures!

These are before he started putting himself and Addie (the doggo) into each one. I think my favorite is the one with the lavender fields but I'm also a big fan of the one with the stripey rocks =D


telling a joke on tumblr is fun but watch out! if it gets over 1000 notes your joke is automatically exposed to people who have never once heard a joke in their life.

"why would you say that" because it was funny. "but that isn't true" it's the funniest way to express that sentiment. "why would you do that" because it's a joke.

you guys have got to stop saying this




Pick a song from a bad description! You do not have to recognize the song to choose it (although, tbh, at least one of these should be instantly recognizable to the new wavers). Go with what is funniest or what sparks curiosity or just makes you feel some type of a way. Go with your gut.

At the end of the week, I will take all the songs and put them into a playlist, from the song with the least votes to the song with the most votes. If you would like to listen to the playlist when I'm done, and don't feel like finding the post again, please leave a comment or put it in the tags, and I'll tag you when the playlist is up. If you really can't wait a week to find out just what that mix of cumbia and Sandstorm is all about, shoot me an ask and I'll answer.

And please reblog! I like sharing the cool music I find with other people because I am extremely enthusiastic about it! But if you guys don't reblog, it's very difficult for me to find people to share things with. So if you have buddies who live for the synth, please reblog and have them see the poll.

(Also, there will probably be an expanded version of the playlist that comes out around the same time, because it was the only way I could a) cut songs off the original list and b) stop myself continuing down the rabbit hole of finding more music to actually do the poll. So it'll be like, twice the synths at least.)

(Also also, every song is a legit banger, so you will want that playlist, I'm just saying.)


hey reminder to continue boycotting eurovision and instead turn your eyes on gaza where the last media outlet al jazeera has just been shut down so that Israel can launch its attack on the most densely populated area in the world without scrutiny. Dont stop talking about Palestine