
if two guys were on the moon and one killed the other with a rock would that be fucked up or what

teo | 26 | he/him




faded blue house portrait hanging on the wall at the local urgentcare







brb working out how many steps 8 miles is for someone of my height because this time five years ago, I was so ill I only managed about ten to twenty steps a day before I had to lie down again.

23814 steps.

I cannot stress enough that I am going to be in so much pain tomorrow. But that’s like *squints*… someone do the math for me. How much of a percentage increase is that?

Because that’s a big leap in capability.

Responses to this and people going, “What the fuck do you mean you used to do 4 times that when you were healthy?!” in my inbox are making me realize that I’ve likely been answering ADHD questionnaires wrong.

I just never thought about it, y'know? Moving helps me think, that’s just the way I–oh yeah. No, I see the connection now.

Unfortunately, when asked if you present with outward signs of physical hyperactivity, there’s no box to tick that says, “Apparently, I used to zip around like my arse was on fire before my genetic disability metaphorically kneecapped me with a crowbar,” but I’ll take this into consideration, the next time I try to get assessed for meds.



I think a lot of what people have missed about the Jordan protests right now is that there are many Palestinians in Jordan (Jordan is home to the largest Palestinian refugee population in the world) - a lot of the protesters you’re seeing out on the streets aren’t just Jordanian but Palestinian refugees watching what has been happening in their original homeland and to their families.

This also happened back during the 2021 uprising, there were mass protests and demonstrations in Jordan but the Palestinian identity of a lot of these protestors was swept under the rug - like they’re not just conscious citizens watching and protesting what is happening right next door but Palestinians who have been/are directly effected by the genocide



There’s been a lot of drama among the right wing social media titans recently

like Candace Owens hates the daily wire bc its run by Ben Shapiro, who is Jewish, both hate Stephen Crowder for being a closet case, and now the Babylon Bee is getting roasted by their fans for one joke about white supremacists being inbred.

All in all a bad week for the handmaidens of fascism realizing they might not be extreme enough for each other and their fans any more

All of this in the midst of a right-wing media sphere that is increasingly struggling with maintaining advertising money on internet platforms.








If you don’t have the spoons to read the article (bold is the important takeaways):

1. The article says the biomarkers found ALL the people with CFS and none of the healthy people. It’s a small sample size, but that’s 100% accuracy/sensitivity.

2. They did this by testing how the cells respond to stress. People who had cells that weren’t able to handle the salt (literally-they were given salt) had CFS.

3. They’re also testing how the cells react when given different drugs!!! Basically, they add the drug, and then if the cell handles stress better that means the drug might be of therapeutic use.

I haven’t had enough coffee yet so my brain is still pretty foggy and I’m not sure how much sense my summary made, but y'all this is pretty cool.

The study is being run by someone whose son has CFS and they have identified one drug that’s helping already. (Unnamed in article.)







Yes, my grandmother’s family, for example, came to Argentina to escape Mussolini’s forced conscription and repression. They hate him with passion. I can tell you more stories of Italian resistance members who came to Argentina if you’d like.

Funny thing that you think the fascists only came to Argentina and only Argentina though. Did none of them at all go to New York or New Jersey by any chance? Or is it just Argentina the fascist magnet? Fuck off.

The US literally invited actual nazis to work for them after WWII, and these days both the US and England have people openly displaying the nazi flag and quoting Mein Kampf - but these arsewipes think they can judge the whole of South America as “a haven for nazis”, as if those were the only immigrants we got. Bunch of wankers.

I think its really funny that usually what people point to for evidence of this is nazis getting found out and arrested in south america and I wonder if they’ve thought of the possibility that the US just doesn’t arrest nazis lol


I like that when Americans decide they don’t care about foreigners anymore they call it deradicalization “yeah I used to believe the people we work to death for pennies an hour and blow apart from drones and helicopters overseas deserved to live in peace but then I got a well paying job and decided my comfort was more important, now im a rational moderate”