i love you in the same way...
"self-sabotage at best, under your spell, but you know what they say. if you want a job done right, you gotta do it yourself."
pete wentz apologist extraordinaire


...there's a chapel in a hospital
24th September 2023

no longer post limited :D

theo, they/he/whatever, in my 20s

free palestine

tags + blinkies + more under the cut :)


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15 notes
24th March 2024
“Grand Galloping Gala Rarijack by AnubisCattoArt
231 notes
24th March 2024
36 notes
24th March 2024

the grand galloping gala episodes were so funny. applejack wanted to go so she could sell her familys product and make money for applebloom to go to school and granny smiths hip replacement. fluttershy wanted to go in the corner and pet the hosts dog all night. twilight could not decide who deserved to go more

245 notes
24th March 2024

idk buddy it sounds to me like ur just mad u didnt get a ticket to the grand galloping gala

116 notes
24th March 2024

okay gonna start discussion which was better the first or second grand galloping gala outfits?

4,791 notes
24th March 2024
129 notes
24th March 2024

“the problem is its never gonna be what all the fans want” imo the problem is the majority of fans have bad fucking taste like. if you write a story with the intent to keep editing it in line with what fans want you’re gonna end up with a shitty story. obviously you can take in criticism from early access but once you publish the thing you shouldn’t constantly be retconning characterization wtf. good god

also even if they didn’t have bad taste where is your fucking spine. commit to the bit already you cannot avoid criticism

15,471 notes
24th March 2024


happy birthday my baby girl smfs (redraw of this)

[Image ID: a digital drawing of pete wentz, Andy hurley, patrick stump and joe trohman from fall out boy, respectively. this drawing recreates the cover art of their album take this to your grave but with their most recent album so much (for) stardust, meaning they're all sitting on a broken couch. in front of them is a doberman dog sleeping. there's a brick wall, wooden floor and a window with blinds on a window. the color palette of the drawing is blue and teal. /.End ID]

129 notes
24th March 2024

ID: [Two screenshots of text from a news article by The Times of Israel. The first one reads ("The enemies try to harm and weaken us but we will continue to build and be built up in this land," Smotrich wrote on X on Wednesday, announcing the success of his efforts.) The second one reads (Smotrich said in his Wednesday post on X that a record 18,515 homes have been approved in the West Bank over the past year since the hard-right government took power. The international community, along with the Palestinians, considers settlement construction illegal or illegitimate, and an obstacle to a two-state solution. Over 500,000 Israelis now live in the West Bank)] END ID.



ID: [A chart showing data related to Israeli settler attacks in the occupied West Bank. The chart provides details on the daily average occurrences of attacks and reads: “Israeli settler attacks on the rise. According to the UN, Israeli settler violence in the occupied West Bank has increased in 2023 from an average of three incidents a day to seven since the Israel-Hamas war started on October 7.”


  • “241 settler attacks against Palestinians”
  • “174 incidents causing damage to Palestinian property”
  • “30 incidents resulting in Palestinian casualties”
  • “37 incidents resulting in casualties and damage to property”

The chart shows how the number of attacks is currently on the rise, going from an average of 1 attack per day in 2021, to 2 per day in 2022, then 3 per day in 2023 up until Oct.6th.

Since October 7th, the average of number of attacks by settlers against Palestinians in the West Bank has risen up to 7 attacks per day.] END ID

This chart was made on November 13, 2023. The number of attacks has drastically increased since then.

8,065 notes
24th March 2024
1,902 notes

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