
sa2 solos



I need to try this for trips I only bring a carry-on to.


I use to do this all the time in the military. Just forgot how to over time o.o

I wish I’d known about this when I was homeless.

I could’ve taught it to all the other ladies at the shelter and Darlene could’ve sucked a sour one because she never would have been able to bitch at us for “having too many clothes.”

reblogging this to have it forever because holy god damn


blocked and unfollowed sucked and swallowed i don’t care. i don’t care


All US public schools should receive the same funding based on the amount of enrolled students

All property taxes that would initially go to the local school district should be nationally divided between all US public schools.

If previously wealthy school districts funding needs aren’t being met, the education budget should be nationally increased, to provide the same public school education for all children in attendance.

Low test scores should never decrease funding. 

Schools should not receive funding based on the success of their students.

Schools with high rates of failure should receive special attention to bring them back up to par with the rest of the public education system.

All students should have safe and reliable transportation to their public school if they cannot make the walk to school due to disability or distance.

All students should receive a free lunch and breakfast if they want it while at school. These meals should meet the nutritional needs of the students.

A public school should never rent out equipment, musical instruments, supplies, etc.

Students should never pay for things the school already owns.

If a public school demands its students wear uniforms then the school should buy the uniforms for their students.

If a public school demands certain supplies the public school should provide said supplies to all students.

All public school students should have healthcare; if they don’t already have it then the moment they are enrolled in school they should be given it for free by the state. Poor attendance from students should never put them in juvi, or other detention centers for youths. 

Poor attendance from students should never decrease funding of a school.

All students with poor attendance should have special academic and medical attention paid to them to solve the problem of why they cannot or will not show up to school.

All public schools should have on staff at least one professional nurse practitioner and one professional therapist, both specializing in the ages of students at the school.

All public schools should have several caseworkers to help parents navigate the bureaucratic paperwork hell.

All schools should have their staff as diverse as their student body; schools with mostly black students should never have 100% white teachers.


Y'all ever realize just how fucking low the bar is and how far under it we’ve dug?


Buncha expressions from the ask meme!! Thank you all for requesting this was super fun!! And i'm very proud of these as well!!! yehehehe !!! ^^

You can still send requests if you'd like! these are so fun! :PP!!




I need clear instructions for every small task and conversation in my life or else I embarrass myself but it’s okay I’m handling it fine 


I love you concept art I love you reference sheets I love you early drafts I love you rough sketches I love you expression charts I love you design details I love you cut content I love you outfit elaboration I love you character turnaround sheet I love you scrapped ideas I love you unused models I love you development process


I always appreciate seeing blogs that for years are avidly about being unironic fans of some piece of media that fuckin sucked. That's what the internet is about


Give credit to the 30-year-old who did this shit for free and offers this remarkable thing for free!

This just saved my bacon today, and I’m SO glad I left the tab open to check it out.

I’m publishing a book, and needed to resize an image for the cover art. But neither of the art programs I have can do it right: one only views things at different sizes, and the other would have to convert it into RGB colors; bad for printing.

I’m not about to shell out the money for Photoshop or InDesign. Not when I just need to resize one image!

But this is legit, and it works, and now my image is the perfect size. It took like 30 seconds. I am so grateful.

Spread the word about Photopea!


does hatsune miku qualify as a fictional character or is she real. like it's different from, say, gorillaz, cause her entire thing is that she's a robot/computer program/what have you, and also she isn't an alter ego for one specific artist. so by being canonically digital in her lore and also the same thing in real life i don't think she is fictional. my point is when you play games that feature her she is actually talking to you like you are conversing face to face with the actual real hatsune miku and not just her likeness

She's as real as the muppets, however you choose to interpret that


Some ya’ll who are younger need to google Frank Serpico and read about his time in the NYPD and what the cops did to him and attempted to do to him up until the late 90′s. He literally had to go into hiding in Italy and Switzerland and multiple times people tried to kill him. He only came back to America after the mafia (who hated the NYPD a lot, obviously) said “you’re under our protection.”

Damn, NYPD is so bad, Mafia started protecting good cops


open RP



Sasuke scoffed and glared at the girl standing before him. “Sharpay Evans. I know you were the one who ordered my older brother to destroy my clan. For that, you shall die!” He roared, closing his eyes and activating his Sharingan. ” I WILL AVENGE MY FAMILY!”


“I’d love to see you try, sasuke”

“You can’t lay a finger on me, not with that horrendous top.”

That was it. The final straw. This boy had insulted Sharpay’s fashion sense and that was a fatal move. 

“The uchiha bloodline ends here”

march 20, 2014