



It legitimately amazes me how all the “We can never let the Holocaust happen again” crowd can look at something like this and still claim that the Israeli government isn’t committing any war crimes.

Absolutely horrific stuff.

In 2014, 300 Holocaust survivors came together with the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network to publish a letter in the New York Times calling for a full economic, cultural and academic boycott of Israel over its “wholesale effort to destroy Gaza”.

“Genocide begins with the silence of the world,” the statement reads, “We must raise our collective voices and use our collective power to bring about an end to all forms of racism, including the ongoing genocide of Palestinian people.”

Note: the letter linked in the article does not lead to the correct website. You can read the letter from the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network here:

(The more people talk about this, you’ll probably see Israel push propaganda about Holocaust victims speaking out against Hamas and what not. Usual stuff.)


Philza's ultimate: Ocean Bro. By activating his ocean charm, Phil becomes a temporary vessel for the Ocean Overlord.

When Ocean Bro is active, Phil gains a bonus to his defense, a bonus to his speed, and whenever one of Phil's attacks hits, there is a chance the target is pushed backwards in a random direction.

Philza makes a slashing strike that deals medium water damage and has the potential to hit multiple enemies.

Tidal Swell causes a wave to swirl around Phil and push outwards, dealing a small amount of water damage and pushing all nearby enemies backwards.

Falling Trident pulls the giant trident from its infinite fall through the void to temporary enter time and crush enemies. This attack deal a large amount of AOE damage and deals additional damage on subsequent castings.

The final of Phil's ultimate abilities!


the only people allowed to steal my art without credit are mexican taquerias who handpaint it on the wall like it's goku holding a taco. the rest of y’all gotta ask

Anonymous asked:

I'm sorry if you're tired of thinking about ofmd and that whole mess but goddamn... it's incredibly painful to see so many people trying to set up fundraisers to get their families out of gaza and the sudan and desperately trying to get their loved ones to safety, I've seen so many and everyday I check to see how much progress they've made, most of them still haven't hit their goal. It hurts to see people rally around a tv show and raise all this money for a billboard, and it's very frustrating to see how people have reacted to this criticism. Like bro tv shows get canceled sometimes there's more important stuff going on

Someone else said it better but to see a fundraiser for tv show renewal advertisements raise $20,000 in less than a day while it takes days/weeks/months/years/never for fundraisers for actual causes that help real people in need reach a goal of less is absolutely dystopian and shameful


Organisations currently providing food, water, and/or medicine to Ghazza:

Direct aid to people in Ghazza:

Organisations in Sudan:

Direct aid to people in Sudan:



Due to the heavy rains in Gaza, many camps are experiencing flooding! To counter this, people have begun digging canals between the camps to try and keep the water away from the tents.

Unfortunately, there isn't much else we can do about this other than digging waterways. Wood is in limited supply and used mostly for cooking and boiling water so they can't build platforms for the tents.

Please donate today. Hussam has said he is trying to put together menstrual hygiene care packages to aid the women and girls who are experiencing such limited supplies!

All your donations go directly to people in need with NO middle man in between! Please consider donating or spreading this link around!


Help us provide care packages to people in need!


I think at some point in time we need to sit down and start explaining to artist who want to make a career out of art that there are FAR more options than just "living off of commissions" and "posting my art online and praying I get paid for it".

There's also far more options than joining a specific, difficult to get into industry.

I don't know where this idea that the only way to make a living off of your art online is to simply do commission work, become a social media star, or join an industry comes from. I've fallen into this pitfall before as well, but I don't understand how it came to be.

I broke out of this mindset, though after I started helping a working artist. She had been an artist for over 40 years and started at a young age, and her main source of income? Doing local craft and garden shows. She had owned a gallery, done gallery work, done charity work, and now mainly works in using upcycled materials to create all sorts of products.

I used to think that my only options as an artist were to become popular enough that people would commission me or just give me money via patreon, but that's not the case. You can sell at craft fairs and conventions, you can provide a specific service, you can create assets and asset packs people can pay for, and you can create all sorts of physical or digital products to sell... and that's just the tip of the iceberg!

If you are constantly turning art into a numbers game to see how you can make enough money by posting the right™ stuff online at the right time, you're only going to make yourself miserable.

The best way to make a living off your art has NOTHING to do with popularity, getting lots of engagement online, or besting an algorithm, it's all networking. It's all about finding the right people who want what you make. If all you focus on is your follower count and post engagement, you're just going to end up hating art.

"Having fun doesn't pay the bills", who told you that? Why did you believe them?

I'm seeing people reblog the original post without the addition and I think yall should reblog this version instead

Also I made a mistake, the artist I work for has been working for over 50 years, not 40.


Written recipe from her tiktok


  • 1 tbsp fast action dry yeast
  • 2 tbsp white granulated sugar
  • 1 cup warm water
  • 1 cup (125 g) plain flour


  • 1 1/2 cups (188 g) plain flour
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 1/3 cup olive oil

Cheese mixture

  • 3 cups grated mozzarella
  • 1 1/4 cups feta cheese
  • Handful freshly chopped parsley

Garlic butter

  • 4 tbsp unsalted butter
  • 1/2 tbsp garlic powder
  • 1/4 tsp salt

Egg wash

  • 1 egg (beaten)


  • Handful grated mozzarella


1. Mix together your yeast, sugar, warm water, and flour in a bowl. Cover with a damp paper towel, and allow to sit for 10 minutes.

2. After 10 minutes, add the rest of your flour (1 1/2 cups), salt, and olive oil to your sponge,

3. Mixture together grated mozarella, feta cheese and finely chopped fresh parsley; set aside.

4. Take a large wooden spoon and make roughly combine dough ingredients.

5. Knead your dough for 8-10 minutes on a clean and oiled work surface until smooth. It is recommended not to add extra flour but I had to because I was short on time. It still came out beautiful as I only added a little bit! :)

6. I got 5 mini dough balls out of this. Cover with a damp towel and allow to rest for 10 minutes.

7. Whilst that is resting mix together melted unsalted butter, garlic powder and salt.

8. After 10 minutes, lightly sprinkle flour on your work surface. Roll out each dough ball about a half an inch thick. 9. Roll out the dough balls in a circle; add plain grated mozzarella to the sides, fold to create a stuffed crust and transfer onto a baking tray lined with baking paper.

10. Add egg wash to the crust; add garlic butter followed by the cheese mixture and bake in the oven for 20 minutes at 200 degrees celsius; ENJOYY.