
Tired and gay


Mon, 31 🇲🇽. Spanish & English. Likes: a lot of stuff most of it is just because they bring me some sort of joy. The Elmo on fire gif is like me irl.

before glass onion: idk like.. do we need sequels for everything? like i’m excited for it but i just don’t see how this’ll work

after glass onion:

The thing about being James Bond for 15 years is that you kinda forget that Daniel Craig has the fucking range to be anything


Alright, so, I’m rewatching Willow (1988) right now. Elora and Jade have got to be a year or two older than the twins, right? Both of them are alive during the last battle with Bavmorda, because Elora is there obviously and Kael dies, meaning Jade must be born or at least conceived. And Mads and Sorsha are just getting together, so they must have gotten married soon after and had the twins even sooner after that. They wasted no time.

Evil crone girl was so transparent the whole episode it was kinda hilarious that it took Airk so long to figure it out. The whole time I was like, “C’mon Airk lad please it’s clear as day use your head c’mon YES run keep running wait no don’t come BACK�