Hi there! I'm Rachel • She/her • 7yr ethical vegan🌱 • personal blog





I applied for one job today and I’m exhausted why does it work like this

I’m at least trying to apply for jobs that are a somewhat decent salary for someone with my level of education but the problem is that for good paying jobs you can’t just attach your resume and walk away.

You’ve gotta write a cover letter. And you’ve gotta do your research for the cover letter. Who am I addressing this letter to? What skills do they want highlighted? Who and what am I supposed to be praising and kissing the ass of here? How do I humble brag about myself for this particular job listing?

At the end of it all I’ve got 20 different tabs open and I’m attempting to chew off my own face out of sheer confusion. Which one of these people is the hiring manager? Did I spell their name right? Do I have my reference sheet downloaded? Did they want an expert in google products or Microsoft Excel? Or was that the last listing I looked at? How am write? What is professional tone?

Also after all that there’s a 99% chance they’ll look at the letter and go pffft nah

Please people I’m a good worker I’ll do stuff you tell me I like doing tasks just please give me the little numbers in my bank account that let me buy food


Chappell Roan is for [describes a person that is so specifically OP’s ex that you could doxx them by association]


“jesus died for you” well i didn’t ask him to do that and my therapist says i am not responsible for other peoples actions
