  • hey so this is probably several months too late but,

    anyone who’s feeling uncertain about the covid vaccine feel free to hit me up for a chat?

    I’m a doctor and I know sometimes it’s easier if you can have the conversation with someone external to your normal healthcare settings so if that’s what you need consider me here. I’m not going to force you into anything but happy to chat through concerns. Also if you’re Christian happy to talk about my specifically Christian take on this

    you don’t need to have ever interacted with me before, happy to take DMs, pretty sure my anonymous asks are on. The only thing I ask is that if you’ve already made up your mind you bear in mind that it’s unlikely you’ll change mine so there’s not a lot of point chatting

    if you just want something to read then this is an article I’ve found useful and this is a set of FAQs from an open letter I’ve signed

  • happyheidi:
““Cemetery flowers after the ice storm”
by Peter Fricke
““Cemetery flowers after the ice storm”
by Peter Fricke
  • “Cemetery flowers after the ice storm”

    by Peter Fricke

  • because lent is a time of solemnity rather than rejoicing we don't say alleluia at the parts of the church service where we normally would. so when the priest blesses the sacrament during ordinary time or holidays she says "alleluia, christ our passover is sacrificed for us" and the people respond "therefore let us keep the feast, alleluia." but during lent (and advent) she just says "christ our passover is sacrificed for us" and the people say "therefore let us keep the feast." but from reflex or because they forgot you can often hear people start to say "alleluia" when they're not supposed to

    so last sunday was palm sunday and when we all said "therefore let us keep the feast" a lone voice said "allelu--" and broke off. and the priest looked up from the bread and wine and smiled and stage whispered conspiratorially "next week"

  • A tiny northern girl tries to play with a puppy. A small bells is sewn on the girl’s clothes so that parents can hear where the child is. 


  • i think this photo is from Mongolia but I can’t find the original source. but that video makes me think of my favorite picture of all time:

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  • HOT Mesopotamian singles in YOUR AREA !

  • She’s from Paleolithic Austria, not Mesopotamia!

  • HOT Paleolithic Austrian singles in YOUR AREA !

  • baby, running around: I want you to hide easter eggs here and here and here. with bananas inside dem.

    me: you want bananas in your easter eggs?

    baby, conspiratorially: yeah. because I am a gorilla. and I am tricking everybody.

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    The fact that he’s not actually struggling but just learned a habit from watching his human buddy snap bamboo is so precious.

  • Explaining the feijoa season to my French flatmate like I have never been to your work I know no one at your work but I can guarantee that someone you work with has a feijoa tree, or two, or possibly a whole hedge, and there is no way they can possibly eat all the fruit, so at some point in the near future you will find bags and boxes of feijoas on your work break table and beside the door of half the shops in town, they will be desperate for you to take it, and you will not be able to eat enough to satisfy them. Make crumble.

  • If you are wondering why this is so: please enjoy this reasonably representative photo of the underneath of a feijoa tree:


    This is AT WORK ie 20 people are eating feijoas from here and I was (almost) the last to leave, and it was still like this when I left!

  • Okay, this is maybe a wild question, but when you think the word "snack"--like say someone goes "I'm gonna go grab a snack, brb"--is there a specific thing that pops into your head? The platonic ideal of the word "snack"? Because I have a very specific and defined one (even though I know it's not the only thing a snack can be, it's just the purest form of the word for me in my head) and I'm wondering if other people have that too

    I guess boost for a bigger sample size? I want to get as many opinions on this as I can

  • Okay I think that's enough preliminary input to make it a poll

    What is the ur-snack, the snack whose form exemplifies the concept?


    Sliced raw fruit/veg

    Cracker with Thing


    Granola bar


    Other thing, I'll explain in the notes

    I have no idea what any of you are talking about

  • Two people have said "large green pear" in the notes and that is such a specific two nickels thing, one of you explain

  • Some of you are answering a different question than the poll is asking. It's not your favorite snack or the snack you eat most often, it's the item you think of when reading the word "snack" with no further context

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    Vintage postcards from Japan explaining the ceramic process.

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    &. lilac theme by seyche