Adventures in Oz

Dec 7






Please click through and read the article. It just keeps getting better and better.

Because the crabs are raised in a lab, they don’t have any experience with predators. So before putting them onto the reef, Spadaro and his team may have to condition them to fear things like octopuses, snappers, and groupers.

One way to do this is by using puppets modeled after predators. By putting these puppets in the tanks while poking at the crabs, the crabs learn to move away from the threat. Several months ago, Mote partnered with a local elementary school and had students craft hand puppets, modeled after crab predators, to use in fear conditioning. (Fortunately, the crabs don’t have great vision.)


“Can you describe your prior work experience?”

“I’m a professional crab botherer.”

Dec 6



i love talking to people in real life and being like “oh yeah i have instagram but i don’t really use it… i don’t have facebook or tiktok or anything like that either… idk i just don’t want to waste my life on social media, i prefer to live in the moment” and then i go home and spend 12 hours a day on tumblr

catching up on antisocial media at the end of a brutal day socializing

Dec 5



Bitches be like ‘I’m so tired and sleepy’ and then stay up doing hyperfixtation shit for the next 5 hours








Very curious doggo

Reminder that puffins are extremely social and like to fit in with their friends, so they will adopt mannerisms and interests of the group. So there is a good chance this little guy is trying to be friends with the photographer by showing his interest in the camera.

TIL photographers are a lot like puffins, cuz we also make friends by showing interest in your camera XD

Reminds me of the time researchers were trying to get puffins to land in a specific area so the put decoys up to draw them in but the decoys only had 1 leg and




i want there to be more fanfic aus where everything is the same but for one minor detail. everything is the same but there’s sentient animals wandering around. everything is the same but everyone is called gerry. everything is the same but two characters are siblings for no reason

At the Minnesota Fringe Festival in 2018 there was a show called “Hamlet, But Hamlet’s a Chicken.” It was more or less what it said on the tin. They had made arrangements to borrow some therapy chickens, and for any scene that needed Hamlet, an affectionate handler gently carried in that day’s chicken (it would be one specific chicken for any given performance, but they didn’t have one chicken play Hamlet the whole time as that would have stressed out the chickens) and set her on the stage and then the chicken got to wander around and do whatever she wanted as the other actors did the scene.

There was also, I think, a scene with swordfighting where it was “the fight scene, but everyone’s using pool noodles” and some other similarly bizarre changes, but the MAIN thing I remember

was Hamlet’s soliloquy

because they just announced, “Hamlet’s soliloquy!” and then brought out the chicken and set her on the stage and then let her just hang out being a chicken for like FIVE MINUTES and the entire audience watched, completely riveted. It helps that chickens are cute. At one point she fluffed up her feathers and everyone gasped. A+ show, would go see it again.



“Great Tits!”, inspired by the Great Tit, a small insectivorous bird with a black and white head, blue wings and tail, olive green upper body and yellow underparts.


They…they QUILTED a lenticular print.

““Amateur Opossum Actress” by Rebecca Kriz
I object to the diminishment of this opossum’s OBVIOUS theatrical skill and training



“Amateur Opossum Actress” by Rebecca Kriz

I object to the diminishment of this opossum’s OBVIOUS theatrical skill and training

“Just finished my Autumn Leaves pattern in time for November! by  Complete-Ambition385
This is why “credit the artist” is so critical.
I showed this to my mom. She flipped her shit. Wants the pattern. I clicked the...



Just finished my Autumn Leaves pattern in time for November! by Complete-Ambition385

This is why “credit the artist” is so critical.

I showed this to my mom. She flipped her shit. Wants the pattern. I clicked the link. Got to the original, which had a link to the pattern. Mom is buying the pattern, artist makes money.

While I’m there, I notice it’s had dozens of hits in the last 24 hours. Why? Because its making rounds on tumblr and somebody credited the artist.

Great job, OP.

Nov 9