A Rare Diamond



Dara Quigley

Dara Quigley, Dublin-born blogger, journalist with the Dublin Inquirer and online force, died this week.

Dara, whose struggle with drug addiction and constant championing of the underdog informed her journalism, wrote from the heart with grit and humour.

She took enormous pleasure in challenging and taunting Official Ireland.

Her articles were among the best we have published.

The following is taken from a column written last September from her hospital bed following a Right2Water rally in Dublin.

Dara tells the readers what she would have told the marchers:

…Natural diamonds are formed under extreme pressure and time. This regime has created a generation of diamonds who sparkle because of their flaws, not in spite of them. Diamonds are also tough and if you think feet on the street scare this government, voting terrifies them.

It’s time to take our responsibilities as citizens seriously. I’ve been to hell and back but the devil met his match and there is nothing in any of this to be afraid of, unless you have something to lose and that isn’t anybody standing here today.

…I know how much voting terrifies this government, I tried to collect more than one voter registration form at Rathmines Garda station.

I was told it’s limited to one per person, this is simply not true. Who are the Gardaí protecting by limiting voter registration forms? Certainly not the citizens.

We are taught, from an early age, to fear revolution, we are told it leads to civil war. Does this feel like civil war to you?

Or does it feel like fun? Have some fun, report these crimes, march on your local station to register your whole area to vote and get out next Saturday for Repeal the Eighth march in Dublin.

Our economy and society is modeled on the behaviour of pigeons, survival of the fittest, everybody out for themselves.

The reality is more complex and beautiful than this regime can possibly imagine. In reality, we are more like a flock of starlings, producing intricate, amazing patterns all arising from one fundamental rule: no one bird is allowed to get lost.

This is the type of society I want to see, where no one person is allowed to fall between the cracks, nobody gets lost and no person is homeless. Jobstown are innocent.

Sparkle like the natural diamonds you are.

Dara Quigley (RIP.ie)

Diamonds Are Forever (Dara Quigley)

Reclaiming the Right To Dignity (Dara Quigley)

20 thoughts on “A Rare Diamond

  1. Naomi

    Dara. Maybe in another universe you’re an astrophysicist who cuts between the worlds and gets to read this.

    Your mind was fiercely bright. Your curiosity led you to drugs, then to the reasons why people take drugs. Your death is the most grevious single loss for Ireland that I can imagine. It doesn’t matter that you weren’t well, that you were discredited, lacking in status only in the eyes of the begrudgers because the honesty in your work speaks volumes, louder now than ever before about social inequality, the distribution of wealth and erosion of rights.
    I could eulogise all day about (you) this woman I never met. I have never felt so sad to lose someone I didn’t know. Spliffs and hip-hop and words forever after in your honour. x

  2. mildred st. meadowlark

    Very sad to hear. Always enjoyed her writing. It was consistently strong and insightful and constantly challenged me.

    My sincerest sympathy to her family and friends. Rest in Peace, Dara. You will be missed, I’m sure.

  3. Johnny Keenan

    Really happy to have been able to honour the memory of Dara Quigley in our tribute to all activists artists and free thinkers.
    She inspired a lot of people with her writings in The DublinInQuirer.com and Broadsheet.ie
    Her letter from her hospital bed to the water protester last September was amazingly poignant.
    Unfortunately I never met Dara once but I will be inspired by her forever.
    May she Rest In Peace

    ‘An Easter Rising Up’

  4. Mimi

    I can’t believe da Quigs is gone. I knew her via social media, alas we had mentioned meeting up in Dublin a few times but I’m glad I met her in some path. Dara was a diamond in the rough she had a sparkle like no other. I don’t like even using her name in the past tense as I still haven’t really processed her passing as yet and I believe her spirit is still alive just not in this dimension on this fupped up planet… she came to earth for a reason and a purpose now she in another dimension with all the other brave beautiful warrior spirits. I really love you Dara where ever you are. I know you were a tortured soul in so much pain and Ireland is a tough place for the ppl who refuse to sweep truth under the metaphorical carpets. Someone as greatly honest as you was always gonna struggle in this fupped up world of phoney narcissistic hypocrites. Your heart was so pure and honest and you always were on the side of the underdogs and the persecuted. I am glad I got to meet you in one path and I am glad to know there was a person with such honesty and sincerity in these days where narcissism and touting for ones ego is the global currency. You were just too good for this world. I’ll never forget you, love always my sister from another mister, Mimi-Marie (da paveebure) xxxxx hope to meet you in another world some day. You made an impact on this one and you won’t be forgotten.

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