Ramona Koval | WAtoday

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Ramona Koval is a writer, former host of ABC Radio National’s The Book Show and Honorary Fellow in the School of Communication and Creative Arts, Deakin University.

We should stop funding IVF and pay under-25s to have children

We should stop funding IVF and pay under-25s to have children

When egg freezing, with all its associated costs and uncertain outcomes, looks more attractive than just getting down to it, we are in the grip of crazy collective thinking.

  • by Ramona Koval


I’m Jewish. I’m a creative. I was doxxed. How could this happen in Australia?

I’m Jewish. I’m a creative. I was doxxed. How could this happen in Australia?

Our diverse group of progressive Jewish creatives, horrified by the emerging antisemitism in our circles, are now being accused of being ‘repulsive genocidal predators’.

  • by Ramona Koval