Recent Articles

May 14, 2024
Ed Rampell
The Battle of UCLA: Inside the Class Struggle
Sonali Kolhatkar
Weight Loss Drugs Go Hand-in-Hand With Junk Food Industry
Sam Pizzigati
Could the UN Actually Lead a Charge to Tax the World’s Rich?
James Bovard
Psychiatry is Vexxing More Americans Than Ever 
Rebecca Maria Goldschmidt
Palestine Solidarity in Japan
Thomas Knapp
We’ve Already Got an “Antisemitism Awareness Act.” It’s Called the First Amendment.
Binoy Kampmark
A Clubbable Admission: Palestine’s Case for UN Membership 
Nina Flores
Power Outages Linked to Heat and Storms are Rising, and Low-Income Communities are Most at Risk, NYC Maps Show the Impact
Joseph L. Clarke
Will the Return to Work Mean a Return to the Open Office?
Evaggelos Vallianatos
The Blue Homeland of Turkey Threatens War Against Greece
Dean Baker
CNN Needs to Buy Its Economic Reporters Access to the Internet
Cesar Chelala
Netanyahu’s Boomerang
May 13, 2024
Jerry Long
A Jeffersonian Conversation on Antisemitism
Binoy Kampmark
A Modest Proposal: The UN General Assembly and Palestinian Recognition
Giorgos Mitralias
What are Greek Students Waiting For?
Nick Licata
Banning TikTok: National Security, Civil Rights & Investments
Vicky Bond
Understanding Zoonotic Diseases: How Humans Get Sick from Nonhuman Animals
Jane Braxton Little
Local Newspapers Are Lifelines for Climate-Disaster Communities
John V. Walsh
US Is Losing In Ukraine.  Blame China, Says Blinken
Ralph Nader
Ultraprocessed Deadly Corporate Food Demands Action
Dean Baker
With a Modest Financial Transactions Tax, Jim Simons Would not Have Been Superrich
Carla Venutra
I Run a Food Pantry, But It’s Not Enough. We Need SNAP
Mel Gurtov
Mutual Backtracking in US-China Student Exchanges
Weekend Edition
May 10, 2024
Friday - Sunday
Jeffrey St. Clair
Medicide in Gaza: the Killing of Dr. Adnan al-Bursh
Michael Hudson
The Parallels Between Archaic Entrepots and Modern Offshore Banking Centers
Eve Ottenberg
How the UAW Could Change the South
Melvin Goodman
Washington Post’s David Ignatius Remains Clueless About the Middle East
Vijay Prashad
Will Palestinian Groups Create a New Palestinian Political Project?
Robert Hunziker
Surprising Rising Seas “Must Reads”
Stephen F. Eisenman
The Soft Anti-Semitism of Polite Expectations 
Paul Street
A Sick, Dystopian System Worth Overthrowing
Kathleen Wallace
The Road to Hell
Kathy Kelly
Unfurling Love from the Window
Binoy Kampmark
Israel’s Battle Against Free Speech: The Shuttering of Al Jazeera
David Yearsley
Non-Silent Spring: Cornell’s Slope Day, 2024
Ramzy Baroud
Civilizational Unity, Not Clash: How Gaza Challenged Samuel Huntington’s Fantasies
Erica Cirino
Plastic Pollution is a Crime Against People and the Planet
Joseph Scalia III
Anatomy of a Wolf Torturer
M. Reza Behnam
Palestinian Resistance: Upsetting the U.S.-Israel Apple Cart
Norman Solomon
War Culture Hates the Ethical Passion of the Young, In the Thrall of a Dominant Death Culture
Daniel Falcone
Japan’s Visit to America Exposed US Leadership Legitimacy Issues
Steven Rosenfeld
Trump Loyalists Preview Strategies to Upend 2024 Election
Daniel Warner
A Ukraine Peace Conference Without Russia
Carlos Zacarias de Sena Junior
The Media and the Federal University Strike in Brazil
Bob Topper
An Anti-liberal Supreme Court Poised to Subvert Justice
Bernie Sanders
The Rafah Disaster
Nicky Reid
The Free Palestine Movement is Re-Defining the American Left
Gerard Boyce
A Win for MK in South Africa will Not Necessarily be OK for the BRICS+ Group of Countries
Edward Hunt
The United States is an Obstacle to Peace in Gaza
Karl Grossman
Floating Nuclear Plants?
Ron Jacobs
Moon Ships and Mardi Gras: Sun Ra and the Arkestra in the 1970s
Erika Schelby
Einstein Made Them Do It
Ariel Dorfman
What Latin American Novels Could Teach Latin American Leaders
Julie Yixia Cai
Women With Unpredictable Schedules Face Lower Earnings Than Male Counterparts
Jake Johnston – Chris François
Haiti: Transitional Presidential Council Is Sworn in, a President Is Selected, But Disagreements Ensue