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96,528 victories in 196 countries

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Victory highlights

  • Victory!
    HBCU students convince admin to drop commencement speaker
    UN Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield was set to give the commencement address at XULA. Students opposed the choice, as she voted against a ceasefire for Gaza. Admin agreed to replace the Ambassador after 2K signed.Read more
    Zaynab AL-Rashed
    1,796 Supporters
  • Victory!
    Maulik Pancholy's Empathy & Anti-Bullying Assembly Reinstated
    After a PA school board canceled an assembly because of the presenter's "lifestyle," parents, students, and community members fought back. Thanks to their efforts, Pancholy's assembly is back on. Read more
    Trisha Comstock
    9,749 Supporters
  • Victory!
    Virgilio is free! All charges dropped
    Virgilio Aguilar Mendez was falsely charged with murder after a police officer died of a heart attack minutes after an unprompted, aggressive encounter. This petition helped drive viral attention to Virgilio's case, and all charges have been dropped. Read more
    Mariana Blanco
    611,040 Supporters
  • Victory!
    UGA students secure $7.3M for enhanced security after tragedy
    After the tragic death of a young woman on the University of Georgia's campus, nearly 26K students and supporters pushed for emergency blue lights. In just 5 days, they convinced UGA to overhaul campus security. Read more
    UGA Student
    25,970 Supporters

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Your voice matters

These petitions need your help to achieve victory.
  • Demand Legal Action Against North Carolina Group for Animal Cruelty
    This petition is aimed at seeking justice for the black bear cubs in North Carolina that were recently subjected to an act of animal cruelty. A group was caught on camera pulling these innocent creatures from a tree just to take a selfie, demonstrating a complete disregard for their well-being. Such actions are not only unethical but also illegal under North Carolina's animal welfare laws which prohibit the intentional harm or harassment of wildlife (North Carolina General Statutes). It is crucial that we hold these individuals accountable to send a clear message that such behavior will not be tolerated. We urge local law enforcement and the District Attorney's office to press charges against this group and ensure they face appropriate legal consequences. Please sign this petition if you believe in justice for all creatures and want to see those responsible held accountable. Here are some contacts to reach out to! NC Wildlife Resources Commission Monty R. Crump, Chairman801 Williamsburg DriveRockingham, NC District 6, Governor Appointee (Gov. Cooper)Term: 7/1/2017-4/25/2029 The Asheville and Fairview areas are in District 9 of the NCWRC, and the contact is: Brad StanbackP. O. Box 1259Canton, NC ?28716828-646-9447castanea@bellsouth.netRead more
    Taylor Adams
    5,189 Supporters
  • Dangerous cars are killing our children
    In 2021, my 5-year-old daughter was hit and killed by a vehicle. ?Allison was one of 42,939 Americans violently taken from us by traffic violence that year. Allie was doing something any kid might do: riding her bike after school. She was riding her bicycle in a crosswalk – in a school zone – just a block away from our home. Her 40-pound body was no match for the transit van that struck and killed her. Our lives were shattered in an instant. I will never forget the disbelief and horror I felt that night, walking away from the body of my only child, who had been so vibrant and joyful just hours before. A mundane Monday turned into a living nightmare. Preventable crashes like Allie’s happen every day, all across the United States. And things are getting worse, particularly compared to peer countries. In the U.S., the number of pedestrians killed by drivers just hit a 40-year high.? It is outrageous that our vehicle safety rating system only applies to the safety of those inside the vehicle, and does not take into account those outside. Vehicles on our roads are 24 percent bigger than they were in the year 2000, and they have bigger hoods and often worse visibility. It is no surprise that they are also disproportionately deadly for pedestrians, cyclists, and those driving smaller vehicles. Their “five-star” safety ratings tell a dangerously one-sided story. It doesn’t have to be this way, and we must take action. Join me during the current public comment period to demand that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) include a vehicle’s risk of killing a pedestrian within their five-star safety rating system. SUV-related injuries rose 91% and fatalities increased 75% between 2016 and 2019. For every 1,000 pounds a vehicle weighs, crashes are 46% more deadly, so as American cars get bigger and heavier, deaths will only continue to climb. People deserve to know if the vehicle they are about to purchase is one of the most deadly cars on the market.? NHTSA and the U.S. Department of Transportation must do the common-sense thing and expand the safety system to truly protect everyone. Please join me and my family and send a message to Secretary Buttigieg and demand this change right away. Sincerely, Jessica Riester Hart P.S. After Allie’s death, members of Families for Safe Streets reached out to us to offer support and, when we were ready, opportunities to advocate on Allie’s behalf. Contact Families for Safe Streets if you have been impacted by traffic violence. You are not alone in this immeasurable grief; we’re here to help. ? ? ? ?Read more
    Jessica Hart
    43,081 Supporters
  • Raise and extend Unemployment benefits for those affected by the WGA and SAG strikes.
    Crew members, vendors, and other affiliated workers in the entertainment industry have been forced out of work for over seven months now with no end in sight. We are facing financial ruin with no opportunity to work. The EDD benefits max amount of $450 a week and are ending for most people. That amount is not even close to paying something a person can live off of, when an average one bedroom apartment rents for $2800 a to $3600 month in Los Angeles. In NYC it’s even more. With interest rates the highest they have been in over 20 years, credit cards and loans aren’t options. We need our benefits increased in California, not just during this strike but for the future going forward to match the cost of living with Los Angeles, being the second most expensive city in America to live. The government has reassessed minimum wage, why not unemployment benefits? This is an economic emergency. It’s time for government intervention. Please sign and share to get the attention of Karen Bass and Gavin Newsom, and Kathy Hochul in New York (This is also a problem in New York). Thank you for signing and sharing!?Read more
    Farah Bunch
    26,541 Supporters
  • Unite Against Discrimination: Stop SB 264 and End AAPI Hate in Florida!
    The time has come to confront the deep-rooted discrimination faced by the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community in Florida. We cannot stand idly by while Florida's unjust property law, SB 264, perpetuates hateful treatment. It's time for action! On May 8, 2023, Governor Ron DeSantis signed SB 264 into law, dealing a severe blow to the AAPI community. This law unfairly targets and restricts Chinese citizens, as well as citizens from Cuba, Venezuela, Syria, Iran, Russia, and North Korea, from owning property in Florida starting July 1, 2023. If you are not a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, forget about ever owning property in Florida! The restrictions also apply to citizens of Cuba, Venezuela, and other "countries of concern." They've left us with a mere loophole that grants limited access to those with non-tourist visas or asylum, allowing them to purchase just a single residential property under two acres—provided it's not within five miles of a military installation. But here's the shocking truth: Florida boasts over 20 military installations, conveniently situated near major cities like Orlando, Miami, and Tallahassee. To make matters worse, prominent builders such as Lennar and Dr. Horton have taken deliberate and audacious steps to deny property sales to ANY visa holders from China. This cruel discrimination only adds fuel to the fire, intensifying the magnitude of this unjust law. It is a grave injustice that cannot be overlooked or dismissed! This appalling law harkens back to a dark period in history when false claims of "national security" were used to discriminate against Asian immigrants and other marginalized communities. In the early 1900s, similar discriminatory "alien land laws" were enacted to keep Chinese and Japanese immigrants from owning land. These policies inflicted financial hardship and fueled violence and discrimination against Asian communities. Thankfully, courts eventually struck down these laws or state legislatures repealed them for violating the Constitution's equal protection guarantees. Yet, the AAPI community continues to endure violence and discrimination, from the unjust internment of Japanese Americans during World War II to the blame and harassment they faced during the COVID-19 pandemic. We refuse to let national security become a veil for racial and ethnic discrimination. SB 264 threatens to perpetuate harmful stereotypes and further marginalize our AAPI brothers and sisters. But we won't back down! On May 22, 2023, The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU of Florida), Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP, the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF), and the Chinese American Legal Defense Alliance (CALDA) took a bold stand. They filed a lawsuit challenging Florida's discriminatory property law, SB 264, on behalf of Chinese citizens who have chosen Florida as their home, where they live, work, study, and raise families. Their fight is our fight, as they argue that SB 264 violates the Constitution and the Fair Housing Act, institutionalizing and expanding housing discrimination against individuals of Asian descent. Furthermore, it unfairly casts suspicion on anyone with names even remotely associated with Asian, Russian, Iranian, Cuban, Venezuelan, or Syrian origins who wishes to purchase property. The legal team wasted no time! On June 6, 2023, they filed an emergency motion for a Preliminary Injunction, demanding an immediate halt to the implementation of Florida's discriminatory property law, SB 264, set to take effect on July 1. We urge you to join our cause, to stand against SB 264 and the plague of hate and discrimination. This fight requires your support! We call on you to take decisive action: Publicly denounce all forms of anti-AAPI hate and discrimination, lending your voice to counteract these destructive forces. Allocate increased funding to AAPI community organizations tirelessly combating hate and providing crucial support to victims of hate crimes. Provide necessary resources for AAPI language access and cultural competency training for law enforcement and public officials. Foster diversity and inclusion in all realms of government and public life, ensuring that everyone feels valued and respected. We are a resilient and diverse community. We are students, small business owners, entrepreneurs, workers, professionals, and more. Florida is our home, where we raise our children and contribute to our larger community. We uphold the fundamental human rights of all individuals and strive for equal opportunities for everyone. Stand with us by signing this petition, and together, let's fight against unjust laws like SB 264!Read more
    Jenny Liu
    47,014 Supporters

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