Jacqueline Maley | The Age

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Jacqueline Maley is a columnist.

What happens if a sexbot is your first intimate encounter? Nothing good

What happens if a sexbot is your first intimate encounter? Nothing good

Artificial intelligence, particularly its intersection with pornography, could have a huge impact on gender relations offline.

  • by Jacqueline Maley


Where does this violent debate leave the good men we know and love?

Where does this violent debate leave the good men we know and love?

These men are receptive to anti-misogyny campaigns, but they are also the ones who least need them.

  • by Jacqueline Maley
Albanese’s big test as leader is responding to women’s anger. So far, it’s a bad look

Albanese’s big test as leader is responding to women’s anger. So far, it’s a bad look

Scott Morrison must be feeling either empathy or schadenfreude as he watches Albanese cop bad press for his handling of a rally.

  • by Jacqueline Maley
The best thing about the Lehrmann judgment? Its slowness in a time of dangerous speed

The best thing about the Lehrmann judgment? Its slowness in a time of dangerous speed

We have increasing difficulty in integrating disparate views, and having civil disagreements. The only antidotes are slowness, nuance, and a tolerance for complexity – all things that are increasingly rare.

  • by Jacqueline Maley
Lehrmann judgment will bring some comfort to sexual assault victims everywhere

Lehrmann judgment will bring some comfort to sexual assault victims everywhere

The judgment by Justice Michael Lee in finding Bruce Lehrmann was a rapist is a masterpiece of common sense and cut-through.

  • by Jacqueline Maley
MONA shows why lost boys find #MeToo anti-men

MONA shows why lost boys find #MeToo anti-men

The case was a literal example of what some men’s rights activists say is the new discrimination against men that post #MeToo feminism has enabled.

  • by Jacqueline Maley
So much litigation, so little clarity: The Lehrmann case is a sordid labyrinth

So much litigation, so little clarity: The Lehrmann case is a sordid labyrinth

For so many involved, the grimy details of this defamation trial have strayed far from natural justice.

  • by Jacqueline Maley
If only we could sue too: the creepy Spotlight saga is ruining the reputation of all journalists

If only we could sue too: the creepy Spotlight saga is ruining the reputation of all journalists

Spotlight’s efforts to woo Bruce Lehrmann have done the journalistic profession few favours. Rupert Murdoch’s News of the World was shut down for less.

  • by Jacqueline Maley
Top cardiologist suspended after sexual harassment claim revealed

Top cardiologist suspended after sexual harassment claim revealed

The Centenary Institute has suspended Professor Chris Semsarian and announced a workplace culture review after the Herald publicised details of a sexual harassment claim made by a former employee.

  • by Jacqueline Maley
‘Retro, wealthy and weird’: The old boys who are afraid of young girls

‘Retro, wealthy and weird’: The old boys who are afraid of young girls

The Newington College old guard is resisting co-education, but you have to wonder when adults’ identity is so tied to their six years as teenagers.

  • by Jacqueline Maley
Cardiologist sent thousands of texts to young employee he is accused of sexually harassing

Cardiologist sent thousands of texts to young employee he is accused of sexually harassing

Professor Chris Semsarian is defending a sexual harassment claim by a young woman who says he touched her on the bottom.

  • by Jacqueline Maley