Arena Submissions

Arena is a quarterly publication of critical and radical ideas for Australia and the planet. It accepts unsolicited submissions of engaged essays of 2500-4500 words, and review essays of 3000-3500 words. Arena is published on 1 March, 1 June, 1 September and 1 December. The deadline for copy is one month before publication day, although submission before that date increases the chance of timely consideration.

Arena Online provides fortnightly online commentary on emerging social and political issues. It accepts unsolicited submissions of approximately 800-1200 words. The deadline for publication each Thursday is the Monday evening prior.

Style: We follow the AGPS Style Manual.

Payment: Authors receive no payment for their articles or artwork. Arena is a not-for-profit cooperative project dedicated to the production and circulation of ideas and does not receive government funding.  Published contributors are offered a one-year subscription to Arena in thanks for their contribution to this common effort.

Submit to Arena Quarterly or Arena Online

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