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Since 1963, Arena has subsisted without any kind of outside funding, commercial advertisements or government grants. We depend entirely on sales, donations and volunteering. It is a non-profit cooperative committed to critical and radical ideas.

This wonderful publication is possible because of a large number of volunteer hours put in by activists, editors and writers. We employ a small core of staff on minimum wage, all of which work in crucial areas that have been all but abandoned by universities and journalism. We work in a collaborative and editorially intensive way to produce one of Australia’s best journals. We strongly believe that maternity matters and are committed to try to be the last remaining print publication on the planet.

The kind of thoughtful, deep critique and discussion that Arena is know for, our questioning of entrenched political positions – including on the left – and commitment for a genuine and fully human society for all is only possible thanks to generous support from our subscribers and donors.

We need your support, and appreciate any donation, large or small. We depend entirely on sales and support of friends and associates.