Informit Records: Magazine

Arena Quarterly, ISSN 2652-4775, is available from Informit.

Arena Magazine is currently included in two Informit full text products: Australian Public Affairs collection: Full Text - Issue 1 (1991) onwards, and Humanities & Social Sciences collection: Full Text - Issue 100 (Apr/June 2009) onwards.

Arena Journal (peer reviewed, published by Arena Printing and Publishing Pty Ltd, ISSN: 1320-6567) is included in: Australian Public Affairs collection: Full Text - Issue 1 (1992) onwards, and Literature & Culture collection: Full Text - Issue 21 (2003) onwards.

PDF copies of all individual articles are available for purchase from Informit.

Data-driven democracy

A parallel to the Cambridge Analytica scandal 'The development of powerful new means of communication has coincided, historically, with the extension of democracy and with the attempts, by many kinds of ruling groups, to control and manage democracy.' These words, written by Raymond Williams back in 1962, referred to the rise of printing in the long sixteenth century, through to newspapers in the nineteenth century, and radio and television in the twentieth century. This point…

Turkey in Syria

The Kurds, the Russians, and democracy in Turkey In Turkey, perhaps more than most other places, the significance of events is hard to grasp. One reason for this is the sheer number of major, often extreme, politically inspired actions: the murder of the Appeals Court judges in 2004; the huge Republic protests in support of state secularism in 2007; the massive Gezi Park protests against urban development in 2013; the shocking suicide bombings in Suruc…

The hybrid home

Smart devices and surveillance in everyday life What does home mean to you? Relief as you walk in the door after a long day of work? Peace when you lie on the couch on a cosy Sunday afternoon? Perhaps above all it's the place where the outside world is left behind. But today the home has become a hybrid space, both public and private. In the information society, the network connects dwellings with the world,…

Read my ‘I’

Crispin tells a friend, 'I feel bad, really horrible'. A little up-ended, Ashley hesitates, then replies, 'I don't know what to say. I can't think of anything useful to tell you. One thing I do know is I feel very uncomfortable. Hey, just what do you want me to say?'

‘Better a robot than a real child’

The spurious logics used to justify child sex dolls The BBC Three documentary The Future of Sex: Sex Robots and Us follows presenter James Young as he interviews manufacturers of lifelike sex dolls and robots around the world. In a Tokyo sex-doll factory in 2018, with headless dolls at varying stages of development strewn all around, one doll in particular catches Young's attention. Unlike the other dolls modelled on adult women, this one is small.

Cryptic crossword

Gestation for all genders? [Book Review]

Review(s) of: Full surrogacy now: Feminism against family, by Sophie Lewis, Verso, 2019.

In the national interest?

The Morrison government's foreign policy Prime Minister Scott Morrison recently announced his new approach to foreign policy at a Lowy Institute event in a speech entitled 'In Our Interest'. He did so without drawing on the experience of any of the 6000 or so members of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The superficiality of Morrison's policy pronouncement became evident when he constructed a straw man to launch an attack on what he described…

New Arena Rising

Reduction to meme [Book Review]

Review(s) of: Fully automated luxury communism: A manifesto, by Aaron Bastani (Verso, 2018).

Resisting the climate Leviathan

Emergency climate politics and the state of exception In May 2019 the UK parliament passed an extraordinary bipartisan national Environmental and Climate Emergency Declaration. Following weeks of protests by Extinction Rebellion (XR), which brought London to a standstill with its calls for the declaration of a climate emergency, the UK parliament heeded XR's demands in its declaration. This signals a shift in the workings of twenty-first-century politics, framed significantly by challenges of sustainability under the…

Regional inferno

The turbulent state of the Middle East The Middle East is on the boil more than could have been expected a decade ago. It has been transformed into a zone of conflicts within conflicts, which have bedevilled the region from Afghanistan to Syria to Palestine to Yemen to Libya. It has gained the notorious reputation of being the most unstable, turbulent and insecure region of the world. Authoritarianism, violent extremism, human rights violations, social and…