Informit Records: Journal

Arena Quarterly, ISSN 2652-4775, is available from Informit.

Arena Magazine is currently included in two Informit full text products: Australian Public Affairs collection: Full Text - Issue 1 (1991) onwards, and Humanities & Social Sciences collection: Full Text - Issue 100 (Apr/June 2009) onwards.

Arena Journal (peer reviewed, published by Arena Printing and Publishing Pty Ltd, ISSN: 1320-6567) is included in: Australian Public Affairs collection: Full Text - Issue 1 (1992) onwards, and Literature & Culture collection: Full Text - Issue 21 (2003) onwards.

PDF copies of all individual articles are available for purchase from Informit.

In humanity’s wake

Basic income and post-capitalist imaginaries: From surplus humanity to humanity’s surplus

Not for the first time in human history we find ourselves at the crossroads ... The first crucial, but not at all obvious decision to be taken is to recognize that more than one way leads from here into the future, and that sometimes pursuing the future - any future - may require sharp turns.

‘Casablanca’ in dark times: The ethos of displacement

Casablanca is a film most famous for its timeless story of great romance and sacrifice. It may therefore seem a strange place to begin to think about the 'surplus humanity' of today's refugees, forced migrants and asylum seekers. Yet a revisiting of the film would show that it is, from the outset, concerned with the fate of the many tens of thousands fleeing war and persecution in 1940s Europe, and streaming into unoccupied French North…

The map here is useless?: Transformations of resistance in Ramallah

What Do I Know of Ramallah? I have visited Ramallah twice. Each visit as memorable as the other. On both occasions I was issued with a map, and on neither occasion did it serve any practical use. A map of Ramallah is not a map to be taken literally. I recall taking a wrong turn and walking for some hours through the low stone retaining walls and olive groves, at dusk, waiting to come across…

New subjectivities of work?: Technologies and capitalism into the future

Insecurity is no longer a condition that is specific to a set class of workers; it has become a global issue. It can affect workers of any age, gender or ethnicity, across industrial or service sectors, and even our universities are no longer safe from casualisation, underemployment and outsourcing. To be sure, employment has always had elements of precariousness associated with it, particularly in the primary sectors. However, the steady intensification of capitalism around the…

Sketches for a theory of abject economies

I begin in the space between two epigraphs, both compelling and contradictory. Each invokes a different paradigm of wealth and waste. Why tell such contrary stories in the same breath? Both reveal something about the uncanny social worlds at their margins. My pur - pose here is to sketch out the possibilities for lives and livelihoods to persist, even flourish, in ambiguous everyday terrains where such competing economic imaginaries simultaneously hold currency.

Society against the state as society against surplus

This contribution to the special issue of 'Arena Journal' on the question of 'humanity: surplus to requirements' revisits the arguments of Pierre Clastres, a French anthropologist who studied with Claude Levi-Strauss and died prematurely at the age of forty-three in a car accident. Clastres worked in the subfield of political anthropology and his main contributions to the literature were through a series of essays, collected under the titles 'Archaeology of Violence' and 'Society against the…

The cliche of resilience: Governing indigeneity in the arctic

The end of 2016 saw the publication of the Arctic Resilience Report. The report is the final product of the Arctic Resilience Assessment, a project launched by the Swedish Chairmanship of the Arctic Council, which ran from 2011 until 2013, and was preceded by the Arctic Resilience Interim Report of 2013.2 The report was written in response to the large and rapid changes said to be occurring in the Arctic: the environmental, ecological and social…

Growing up surplus to humanity: Aboriginal children in the northern territory

In the Northern Territory (NT), all children in youth detention are Aboriginal and their numbers have been steadily growing over the past decade. This article examines the transcripts of the Royal Commission into the Protection and Detention of Children in the Northern Territory (2016-17) (hereafter the Royal Commission) to uncover processes and discourses of exclusion of Aboriginal children who have been rendered by the state surplus to humanity. It draws attention to the state's practices…

Containment, elimination, settler colonialism

One of the founding statements of settler colonial studies as an autonomous scholarly field, a field that has consolidated in the last two decades, is that the 'settler invasion is a structure, not an event'. Patrick Wolfe's invitation was to look for settler colonialism in the ongoing subjection of indigenous peoples in the settler societies. The contemporary settler polities, he noted, have been 'impervious to regime change'. It was an Australian-produced response to the consolidation…

Refugees, surveillance and the un-seeing state

'This was our very last amayesh.' Agha-ye Hosseini pulls a piece of paper from his wallet and smooths it out against his knee. The paper is torn along the creases and the edges have the soft, ragged appearance of a document that has been frequently handled. 'See the date.' He holds it up towards me and I peer closely, attempting to decipher, in the interior gloom of the unlit basement apartment, the Persian script. Agha-ye…

Notes on contributors