Articles by: Ned Curthoys

Author Biography:

Ned Curthoys is a senior lecturer in English and Literary Studies at the University of Western Australia. His work ranges across literary studies, philosophy, Jewish studies and political theory. He is the author of The Legacy of Liberal Judaism: Ernst Cassirer and Hannah Arendt’s Hidden Conversation (Berghahn, 2013) and ~~the Bildungsroman in a Geoncidal Age~ (Bloomsbury, 2024).

Israel as the Abyss: On Antony Loewenstein’s ‘The Palestine Laboratory’

Ned Curthoys

11 Apr 2024

The reality of Jewish suprematism, the grind of occupation and the constant harassment and humiliation of Palestinians by Israeli police generated shame as to what was being done in his name as a Jew.

Threading the Needle: A Review of John Lyons’ Dateline Jerusalem

Lyons has been witness to the activities of the pro-Israel lobby in Australia, as Zionist functionaries relentlessly and deliberately intimidate newspapers and other media organisations into self-censorship...

Informit: Reviewing the Middle East

I was profoundly honoured when Arena asked me to review its contributions on the Middle East. No other independent publisher has been so committed to the task of both (re-)describing our geopolitical situation and offering prescriptions for redress that are neither shrill nor doctrinaire. Admirably, Arena has resisted the professionalized peer-reviewed journal's drift towards specialization and coterie discussion; it has taken no notice of the niche journal's fetish for theoretical shadow-boxing, the narcissism of small…

Informit: Diasporic Visions: Al-Andalus in the German-Jewish Imaginary

The pluralist, diasporic vision of Jewish identity articulated by German-Jewish intellectuals who sought to combat Christian anti-Semitism, ethnocentric and exclusive conceptions of German nationalism, and Eurocentric ideologies of modernity and progress are discussed. The views of Elia Shohat in her work 'Taboo memories, Diasporic visions: Columbus, Palestine' speaks about the bitter conflicts in the wake of the establishment of Israel, with Arabs and Jews being staged as enemies.

Informit: The Politics of Moralizing the Nation

The late Edward Said remarked that we live in a post September 11 epoch of “warring monotheisms”. It is a world threatened by reactionary moral agendas at once insular, punitive and cynical. Two recent books thoughtfully critique such prescriptive moral platforms and the reductive conceptions of history and identity that accompany them. One is Jane Bennett and Michael Shapiro's 'The Politics of Moralizing' (2002), and the other Ghassan Hage's 'Against Paranoid Nationalism' (2003). These books…

Informit: The politics of Holocaust representation: the worldly typologies of Hannah Arendt.

Informit: Open letter to Kevin Rudd: [to take a stand on behalf of the Australian people, against the wanton destruction of the Palestinians and their way of life.]

Informit: A new anti-semitism

Informit: An argument for a moratorium: how a South Africa style boycott could bring about openness and equality in Israel and Palestine