Articles by: Alison Caddick

Author Biography:

Alison Caddick is Editor of Arena (third series), was co-editor of Arena Magazine and is an Arena Publications Editor. With a background in the history and philosophy of science, politics and social studies, she writes on techno-science, the body and prospects for social and cultural change.

Where does Value Lie?

As Marx unfolded the ‘hidden abode’ of the capitalist market to reveal the true nature of capitalist accumulation, so Fraser moves behind that abode to find another.

Editorial: Gaza and the Unspeakable

If this disarticulation of founding story and psychological investment doesn’t occur, what hope is there for Palestinians? But what hope for Israeli Jews too?

PODCAST: Setting the World on Fire: the new nuclear push

An audio recording of the Arena public discussion hosted by the Institute for Postcolonial Studies (IPCS).

Editorial: Many Faces of Colonising Power

How will the Voice, if it comes into being, handle the further deracination of Culture in the hands of sympathetic technocrats, used as a tool itself of enlightened governance of Indigenous people and their aspirations?

Editorial: The New Washington Consensus

The United States will still be a civilisation in decline, except for the massive power of its capacity for surveillance, war and social terror, which may hold it together before e unum pluribus.

Our Given Body: Roe v Wade

In the American context, abortion has only increasingly become a ‘master category’, pointing to an ultimate value around ‘life’ but also condensing the meanings and anxieties that are fuelling the radical Right’s larger political struggle—offering ordinary folks a visceral connection to overcoming something ‘rotten’ in the established liberal system.

Quarterly Editorial #10: The Election and the Glue that Binds

But nothing in the Labor Party vision speaks to the meaning of the combined crises that reach across personal life, economy, culture and environment, not to mention international borders. Each is a silo for policy.

Editorial, Arena no. 8: Battening Down the Hatches

Despite all our problems—all our terrible forebodings—it seems we remain wedded, yet, to a form of life that is, simply, unsustainable, and to a form of human organisation that is ethically bankrupt.

The Palestinian Question: Celebrating the Liberal Media?

A certain anti-intellectualism, perhaps especially rife in the Australian context, is arguably one of the major problems of mainstream respectable media.

Editorial, Arena no. 7: The Biopolitics of COVID

The pandemic very likely is the result of development pressing into once wild places and disturbing achieved balances between nature and human settlement, development that has been fuelling worldwide consumption and a disconnection from nature at an ever-accelerating pace.

Editorial, Arena no. 5: Political Mutations

Liberalism and neoliberalism, and thus unthinking economic and cultural globalisation, see only a larger, albeit more diverse, pond over which liberal governance can expand.

Editorial, Arena no. 4: Post-Trump Fantasies

While an America oriented to international climate agreements will make an important contribution, ‘Me? A socialist?’ Biden is not very likely to understand or seek to basically reform the hyper-destructive forces of contemporary capitalism.