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Sudden resignations. A leaked letter. What’s happening inside Miss USA?

Sudden resignations. A leaked letter. What’s happening inside Miss USA?

The reigning winners of Miss USA and Miss Teen USA resigned from their titles within days of each other in a shock to the Miss Universe Organisation.

  • by Madison Malone Kircher


‘You’ll bankrupt the business’: Pregnant workers made redundant

‘You’ll bankrupt the business’: Pregnant workers made redundant

Workers’ legal centres have recorded a rise in discrimination complaints by pregnant and parent workers as those carers are targeted in the cost of living crunch.

  • by Amber Schultz
How do I manage my poorly performing employee, who has ADHD?

How do I manage my poorly performing employee, who has ADHD?

This is a complex issue but one you will be able to navigate with expert advice and compassion, writes Dr Kirstin Ferguson.

  • by Kirstin Ferguson
‘People kept disappearing’: Should you take a redundancy?

‘People kept disappearing’: Should you take a redundancy?

Redundancies are on the rise post-COVID, and while it can be a refreshing change for some, it can also prove challenging.

  • by Emily Chantiri
My employer keeps ‘losing’ my private documents. What if I get scammed?

My employer keeps ‘losing’ my private documents. What if I get scammed?

Being concerned about identify theft and fraud is a valid concern, writes Dr Kirstin Ferguson.

  • by Kirstin Ferguson
WA job losses: 330 more nickel jobs go, this time at Ravensthorpe

WA job losses: 330 more nickel jobs go, this time at Ravensthorpe

The torrent of cheap nickel from Indonesia has claimed more Australian jobs with Canadian miner First Quantum to put its WA mine into care and maintenance.

  • by Peter Milne
Posh makeovers for city premises as work and play come together

Posh makeovers for city premises as work and play come together

Older office and hotel buildings in Sydney and Melbourne are being turned into upmarket ‘club meets office meets hotel’ projects, sparking new life in strata markets.

  • by Carolyn Cummins and Nicole Lindsay
After six years, I still love my job. But people keep telling me it’s time to move on

After six years, I still love my job. But people keep telling me it’s time to move on

If you stay in the one place, there’s always a chance you’ll look back and wonder what might have been.

  • by Kirstin Ferguson
Will the right to disconnect disrupt the way we work?

Will the right to disconnect disrupt the way we work?

Employees who want to get ahead likely won’t invoke the right, and those who do may find that managers gravitate towards workers who are more available.

  • by Amanda Lyras
Feel like what you do at work goes unrecognised? You’re not alone

Feel like what you do at work goes unrecognised? You’re not alone

Not being recognised for the work we do is prompting many of us to look for greener pastures.

  • by Nina Hendy
Help, my boss asked me to lie to get a colleague fired

Help, my boss asked me to lie to get a colleague fired

There are serious legal implications if someone is dismissed based on false information, writes Dr Kirstin Ferguson.

  • by Kirstin Ferguson