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OP wants to force birth, but doesn't want custody.

THIS SUBREDDIT IS FOR A PODCAST CALLED Reddit On Wiki, THAT READS REDDIT STORIES. People cross-post stories for a chance that our podcast hosts (Sean, John and Josh) will read the story on the show. Before the podcast started reading reddit stories, the hosts would choose a topic and research it using Wikipedia.

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OP wants to force birth, but doesn't want custody.
r/redditonwiki - OP wants to force birth, but doesn't want custody.

Is it just me, or does the fandom have a problem with non men cast members

A subreddit dedicated to Dimension 20, Dropout's TTRPG show!

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Is it just me, or does the fandom have a problem with non men cast members

The amount of sheer vitriol and hostility directed towards Ally, Emily, and Aabria alone is staggering

Whether it's hating Ally for not being as serious in a comedy show, or giving Emily flack for how Saccharina is presented in ACoC, or even just being incredibly hostile at the mere mention of Aabria

I have to ask, cause I've never seen any male cast member hated to the same extent, even in cases such as when Brennan railroads the cast (something which fans despise Aabria for)

Another contender appeared!!! Omg they need to talk about this!!

/r/h3h3productions is the home of the H3 Podcast on reddit! This subreddit is for fans of the show to discuss recent episodes, share memes, suggest segments or interesting topics, and whatever else related to the show! This being a sub for fans of the show, I'm warning you with peace and love that weirdo hate watchers will be tossed! Reasonable criticism is encouraged but if you despise Ethan Klein or think the show sucks you're going be tossed! Thank you thank you with peace and love✌️&❤️

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Another contender appeared!!! Omg they need to talk about this!!

New Yorkers are trolled by the Irish through the newly installed "Mystical Portal" an installment that lives streams video from Dublin Ireland to New York.

A portal to discuss Joe Rogan, JRE, comedy, cars, MMA, music, food, psychedelics, science, mind-expanding revelations, conspiracies, insights, and fitness & health...and all other cool shit.

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New Yorkers are trolled by the Irish through the newly installed "Mystical Portal" an installment that lives streams video from Dublin Ireland to New York.

Why are people so hostile towards Aabria?

A subreddit dedicated to Dimension 20, Dropout's TTRPG show!

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Why are people so hostile towards Aabria?

What the title says. Personally, I really like her style and the games she runs, even if Brennan is my personal favorite dm. I recently saw some posts that were just...not even criticisms of her play style, but straight-up attacks on her and her character. Saying she was an abuser, a toxic person, etc etc because of the way she acted at the table. I don't know much about critical role, but apparently she didn't do well dm-ing one of those campaigns, and people are holding it against her. Thankfully all the blatantly racist comments were getting downvoted, but it's still alarming to see the amount of frothing-at-the-mouth hate that some people in the dnd community have for her. Isn't dnd inherently about communal storytelling? If the people at the table were having fun, does it really matter what the fans think? Don't quote me on that, though.

Maybe it's fan entitlement. People who like Brennan or Matt Mercer best (for understandable reasons) upset that he's been "downgraded" (not my thoughts) to player. Maybe it's people not liking her play style, though I think it's really cool and unique. Maybe it's the fact that she's a more adversarial dm than Brennan is, holding the players accountable for their actions/the things they say. Or maybe people just want to be mean on the internet. Anyway, what do you think?

Roger Corman, Pioneering Independent Producer and King of B Movies, Dies at 98

For fans of the Blank Check Podcast, with Griffin Newman, David Sims, and Ben Hosley. Is Ben "Professor Crispy"? Will Griffin and David ever get the premise of the show down to 30 seconds or under? Let's listen together and find out! #thetwofriends

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George Janko opens up about being sexually harassed by Bobby Lee and being silenced by Impaulsive

/r/h3h3productions is the home of the H3 Podcast on reddit! This subreddit is for fans of the show to discuss recent episodes, share memes, suggest segments or interesting topics, and whatever else related to the show! This being a sub for fans of the show, I'm warning you with peace and love that weirdo hate watchers will be tossed! Reasonable criticism is encouraged but if you despise Ethan Klein or think the show sucks you're going be tossed! Thank you thank you with peace and love✌️&❤️

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George Janko opens up about being sexually harassed by Bobby Lee and being silenced by Impaulsive

Ethan catching strays in the Carti sub

/r/h3h3productions is the home of the H3 Podcast on reddit! This subreddit is for fans of the show to discuss recent episodes, share memes, suggest segments or interesting topics, and whatever else related to the show! This being a sub for fans of the show, I'm warning you with peace and love that weirdo hate watchers will be tossed! Reasonable criticism is encouraged but if you despise Ethan Klein or think the show sucks you're going be tossed! Thank you thank you with peace and love✌️&❤️

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Ethan catching strays in the Carti sub
r/h3h3productions - Ethan catching strays in the Carti sub

Update [AITA for not asking my In-laws to give money to my sister]

Subreddit for listeners of the Two Hot Takes Podcast! Here you can post your own write ins, thoughts on the stories shared on the pod, or any ideas for future episodes, etc. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Things posted on this page are subject for use on Two Hot Takes podcast and social media accounts.

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Update [AITA for not asking my In-laws to give money to my sister]

Didnt expect to need to make an update but here I am. Some details have been changed in minor ways for anonymity due to police investigation.

So more context: I have 2 sisters. The one this is mainly about and my other sister who is 17. My 17 year old sister, lets call her Snake, hasn’t ever had a good relationship with our parents and our other sister. Snake is transgender-mtf. I was the first one she came out to because I am bisexual and have been out since I was 14. When she came out to my family, they denied her gender and have yet to refer to her as her preferred name. If she brings a friend home, they deadname her in front of them, even if they don’t know her deadname. She quit bringing friends home after this happened a few times. We’ve been planning on her moving in with us once she turned 18 due to this.

That being said, she came over a few days ago to housesit my cats overnight and to start planning out how her room will look once she moves in. My husband and I had to take our kids out of town for a work event.

I have cameras in my house. I didn’t plan on checking them because I trusted my sister. But while we were out for food, I had this gut feeling I needed to check my cameras. When I did, I saw my sisters and my mom literally raiding my house. They were checking jars, boxes, doors, everything. I suspect it was to find our safe, but that is my speculation. I didn’t bother calling anyone, I just started saving the footage.

They ended up finding my husbands and my vacation fund jar, something we started after watching a tiktoker who saves all her tips from waitressing for a vacation. They broke the jar on camera and started counting the money and literally split it up. It wasn’t much, maybe $70. They then tossed the pieces and just left.

I immediately called the cops and ended up calling my husbands lawyer to see what steps we should take.

We ended up leaving right after this and called the cops when we were about 15 minutes away from my moms house. We got there about the same time as the police did.

My mom came out and started immediately screaming at me and telling my sister to come out (Snake was still at my house). They started claiming they werent ever at my house. Pulled out my phone and showed the footage.

So now I am forced to take my sister Snake in and my other sister’s son on top of my two kids because neither had anywhere else to stay and they are both minors. (Edit- I was heated when I typed this, I wasn’t exactly forced. I could have sent Snake in to jail with my family but since she is 17 and transgender, I didnt want to risk her being out into a cell with men. The boy on the other hand I did have to take in. My sisters bd is not in the picture and never will be because he forced her to get pregnant)

So thats my life now I guess. I just dont even know what to say or how to react. I feel like I am living in a sitcom or something and Im waiting for the jokes to start. Snake and I aren’t talking, and she is restricted to her bedroom until she can give me a good explanation for why she allowed that to happen. I still allow her to eat with us for meals and allow her to use the bathroom and go to school, but beyond that she is essentially grounded, if you can call it that. She hasn’t spoken to any of us since our mom and sister were arrested. My sisters son stays in our bedroom on a futon.

Thats the update though. I tried giving the credit but fuck that. Im done. Once they pick up my sister and nephew it’s full no contact now. (I am not paying their bail)

Would love to see Ethan react to this

/r/h3h3productions is the home of the H3 Podcast on reddit! This subreddit is for fans of the show to discuss recent episodes, share memes, suggest segments or interesting topics, and whatever else related to the show! This being a sub for fans of the show, I'm warning you with peace and love that weirdo hate watchers will be tossed! Reasonable criticism is encouraged but if you despise Ethan Klein or think the show sucks you're going be tossed! Thank you thank you with peace and love✌️&❤️

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Would love to see Ethan react to this

Whatever happened with these? Did they ever say?

/r/h3h3productions is the home of the H3 Podcast on reddit! This subreddit is for fans of the show to discuss recent episodes, share memes, suggest segments or interesting topics, and whatever else related to the show! This being a sub for fans of the show, I'm warning you with peace and love that weirdo hate watchers will be tossed! Reasonable criticism is encouraged but if you despise Ethan Klein or think the show sucks you're going be tossed! Thank you thank you with peace and love✌️&❤️

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Whatever happened with these? Did they ever say?
r/h3h3productions - Whatever happened with these? Did they ever say?

Aabria is my favorite DM, fight me

A subreddit dedicated to Dimension 20, Dropout's TTRPG show!

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Aabria is my favorite DM, fight me

I just finished Burrow’s End and holy shit. She’s an amazing storyteller, perfect combination of humor/drama/sadness. The way she guided Tula’s story and just gave the perfect space for Brennan to hit exactly what it is to live with suicidal ideation had me fully weeping. Also the combats on this season were just incredible, no words. And even though it’s an actual show, not a home game, it never felt foreign, it was like watching friends having fun on a Saturday night.

Final point: Lukas is my favorite NPC of any campaign and I would die for that little loyal motherfucker.

I rest my case.

I fell asleep in my roommate’s bed because I was sick and my girlfriend broke up with me

Subreddit for listeners of the Two Hot Takes Podcast! Here you can post your own write ins, thoughts on the stories shared on the pod, or any ideas for future episodes, etc. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Things posted on this page are subject for use on Two Hot Takes podcast and social media accounts.

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I fell asleep in my roommate’s bed because I was sick and my girlfriend broke up with me

My girlfriend Celine (20F) and I (21M) have been dating for about 7 months now, but I had feelings for her for like 3 years beforehand. I have also been sharing a flat with 2 other girls and one other guy. One of the girl’s is Kaya, and we’re pretty good friends.

As it just so happens, Celine’s ex cheated on her with Kaya… Kaya hadn’t known they were together at the time. So when I first brought Celine over to my place earlier into our relationship, she told me about what’d happened.

I realized then that things would be messy and I asked Celine if this was a dealbreaker for her, but she said she wasn’t sure as she was aware that Kaya didn’t realise she was facilitating cheating.

The next day, Celine said she thought it over and that she held no resentment towards Kaya but was insecure about herself and felt uneasy that we lived in the same house. We both agreed to continue with the relationship and set our boundaries.

One of them was that Kaya and I won’t sleep over in each other’s rooms anymore. We used to have movie nights on Fridays - Kaya’s room was the only room with a TV in my flat - and I’d sometimes fall asleep in her room during movie nights. Everything was platonic and I told Celine about this.

Let’s move to the present time where our relationship is like a fairytale. Being with Celine is pretty awesome. But my exams are coming up soon, and because I’m horribly underprepared, I needed to lock in. So I told Celine I would have to be a bit selfish and wouldn’t be able to spend time with her or have much communication till they’re done.

For the past 3 weeks, my life has been: wake up, spend the entire day/night at the library, then come home to sleep for like 5-6 hours, then go study again. It’s a horrible routine and I feel like a Zombie, but I have too much content to catch up on and not enough time. I must also admit that I’ve not been in contact with Celine all that often. We only talked twice on FaceTime and texted very little (she tried initiating but I had my phone shut off while studying and only replied when I left the library.)

On our second call she said she felt neglected and it was really starting to get to her and she wanted to spend some time together. I apologized, told her I missed her too and that she could come over to spend the night. But she came about an hour later than she was supposed to and I fell asleep by then. She still stayed the night, but the next morning I felt that she was upset I fell asleep.

Then I got really sick 3 days ago. I threw up at the library and asked Kaya to come pick me up. My other roommates are out of town, and Celine would’ve taken too long to get there.

When I got into bed, I threw up all over my sheets. At this point, my memory of what happens is foggy. I was very drowsy and not thinking straight. Rather than cleaning up and setting new sheets, I texted Celine I was very sick and had vomitted over my bed and asked if I could sleep over at hers.

I got no reply, so I went downstairs and slept on the couch. When I woke up the next morning, I was asleep on Kaya’s bed shirtless. I had NO CLUE how I got here. But Celine came to check up on me, and walked in on me like this. This was when I woke up, and Celine was very upset. She yelled “how could you” and before I had chance to say anything, she left.

Kaya told me that when she saw me asleep on the couch, she offered to let me sleep on her bed instead (I have no recollection of this). I probably took my shirt off because I felt hot at some point during the night. She also said she slept on the couch and we didn’t share the bed.

I’ve been trying to reach out to Celine but she blocked my number, WhatsApp, insta. We have two mutual friends but they both haven’t replied to any of my texts. My fever died down yesterday night, so I went to Celine’s to clarify the situation but her roommates said she wasn’t going to talk and made me leave.

This whole situation just feels so horrible. I love the relationship that I have/had with Celine and the fact that it’s probably over makes me feel so distraught. I also reflected over how I’ve been recently and I realized that a lot of blame goes on me. My exams aren’t a reason to just completely shut myself out of my relationship and I need to work on being able to juggle life and studies at the same time. Other than her finding me asleep on Kaya’s bed, she probably had a lot of animosity and upset amalgamating over the last 3 weeks of me not being in contact. It’s painful knowing I made a very unnecessary decision and had I put in more effort, it wouldn’t have cost me a great person out of my life.

Wanna hear this story! Lena true crime??!

/r/h3h3productions is the home of the H3 Podcast on reddit! This subreddit is for fans of the show to discuss recent episodes, share memes, suggest segments or interesting topics, and whatever else related to the show! This being a sub for fans of the show, I'm warning you with peace and love that weirdo hate watchers will be tossed! Reasonable criticism is encouraged but if you despise Ethan Klein or think the show sucks you're going be tossed! Thank you thank you with peace and love✌️&❤️

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Wanna hear this story! Lena true crime??!
r/h3h3productions - Wanna hear this story! Lena true crime??!

deep thoughts dan

/r/h3h3productions is the home of the H3 Podcast on reddit! This subreddit is for fans of the show to discuss recent episodes, share memes, suggest segments or interesting topics, and whatever else related to the show! This being a sub for fans of the show, I'm warning you with peace and love that weirdo hate watchers will be tossed! Reasonable criticism is encouraged but if you despise Ethan Klein or think the show sucks you're going be tossed! Thank you thank you with peace and love✌️&❤️

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deep thoughts dan

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  • THIS SUBREDDIT IS FOR A PODCAST CALLED Reddit On Wiki, THAT READS REDDIT STORIES. People cross-post stories for a chance that our podcast hosts (Sean, John and Josh) will read the story on the show. Before the podcast started reading reddit stories, the hosts would choose a topic and research it using Wikipedia. members
  • /r/h3h3productions is the home of the H3 Podcast on reddit! This subreddit is for fans of the show to discuss recent episodes, share memes, suggest segments or interesting topics, and whatever else related to the show! This being a sub for fans of the show, I'm warning you with peace and love that weirdo hate watchers will be tossed! Reasonable criticism is encouraged but if you despise Ethan Klein or think the show sucks you're going be tossed! Thank you thank you with peace and love✌️&❤️ members
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